Estudo do declínio do fluxo transmembrana via microfiltração tangencial de misturas bifásicas de óleos vegetais e água
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O fluido multifásico complexo (suco de açaí) tem uma forte interação com membranas poliméricas ou cerâmicas de microfiltração e a formação de incrustação depende da composição e das condições de dinâmica de fluidos. Neste estudo experimental foi investigada a influência dos dois principais ácidos graxos presentes no açaí, ácido oleico e ácido palmítico, em misturas com água e no processo de microfiltração tangencial com membranas cerâmicas de alumina com um tamanho de poro nominal de 0,2 \'mü\'m. Mediu-se o fluxo de permeado em função do tempo, nas pressões transmembranas de 300 kPa, 400 kPa e 500 kPa. Para o fluxo da corrente de alimentação foram encontrados valores de Reynolds numa faixa de 9500 a 31000. Cada amostra de misturas de água/ácido oleico, água/ácido palmítico e água/ácidos oleico e palmítico, foi estudada em três séries de ensaios realizados durante 180 minutos e 72 minutos para a mistura água/ácido palmítico, a temperatura em 25 ºC. Analisou-se as incrustações resultantes e as fortes interações fluido/membrana utilizando o modelo de resistência em série e imagens tomadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os melhores resultados de permeado encontrados para a mistura de água/ácido oleico foram para Re = 33000, no entanto, resultados satisfatórios foram encontrados para Re = 20000. Agora para a água/ácido palmítico foram encontrados para Re = 20000. Os melhores resultados de permeado para a mistura água/ácidos oleico e palmítico foram para Re = 31000. De acordo com os resultados das resistências, a mistura água/ácido causa um bloqueio dos poros da membrana, resultando em uma maior diminuição do fluxo transmembrana. A limpeza foi eficiente para reduzir a resistência associada com a polarização.
The complex fluid multiphase (açaí juice) has a strong interaction with polymeric or ceramic membranes for microfiltration fouling and its formation depends on the fluid composition and fluid dynamics conditions. In this experimental study was investigated the influence of two major fatty acids present in açaí, oleic acid and palmitic acid in mixtures with water and in the process of crossflow microfiltration with ceramic membranes. In the separation process is used alumina ceramic membrane with a nominal pore size of 0.2 micrometers. The permeate flux was measured in function of time using the 300 kPa, 400 kPa and 500 kPa for the transmembrane pressure. The flow of feed stream and its respective value of Reynolds were in range of: 8900-3300. For each sample of mixtures oleic acid/water and palmitic acid/water and palmitic acid, oleic acid/ water, three series of experiments were conducted for 180 minutes and 72 minutes for mixture palmitic acid/water at temperature in 25 Celcius. For analyze of fouling resulting from strong interactions fluid/membrane was used the model of resistance in series and images taken via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The best results for mixing oleic acid/water were to Re = 33000, however, satisfactory results were found for Re = 20000. Now for the palmitic acid/water were found to Re = 20000. For mixture palmitic acid, oleic acid/ water were found to Re = 31000. According to the results of the resistances, the mixture oleic acid/water cause a blockage of the pores of the membrane resulting in a greater decrease of the transmembrane flow. The cleaning is efficient for reducing the resistance associated with the polarization.
The complex fluid multiphase (açaí juice) has a strong interaction with polymeric or ceramic membranes for microfiltration fouling and its formation depends on the fluid composition and fluid dynamics conditions. In this experimental study was investigated the influence of two major fatty acids present in açaí, oleic acid and palmitic acid in mixtures with water and in the process of crossflow microfiltration with ceramic membranes. In the separation process is used alumina ceramic membrane with a nominal pore size of 0.2 micrometers. The permeate flux was measured in function of time using the 300 kPa, 400 kPa and 500 kPa for the transmembrane pressure. The flow of feed stream and its respective value of Reynolds were in range of: 8900-3300. For each sample of mixtures oleic acid/water and palmitic acid/water and palmitic acid, oleic acid/ water, three series of experiments were conducted for 180 minutes and 72 minutes for mixture palmitic acid/water at temperature in 25 Celcius. For analyze of fouling resulting from strong interactions fluid/membrane was used the model of resistance in series and images taken via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The best results for mixing oleic acid/water were to Re = 33000, however, satisfactory results were found for Re = 20000. Now for the palmitic acid/water were found to Re = 20000. For mixture palmitic acid, oleic acid/ water were found to Re = 31000. According to the results of the resistances, the mixture oleic acid/water cause a blockage of the pores of the membrane resulting in a greater decrease of the transmembrane flow. The cleaning is efficient for reducing the resistance associated with the polarization.
Ácido oleico, Microfiltração, Membrana cerâmica, Fluxo transmembrana, Ácido palmítico, Ceramic membrane, Microfiltration, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, Transmembrane flux