Introdução de espécies, estrutura dos habitats e padrões de diversidade da ictiofauna em ecótonos do reservatório do Broa, SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A influência da estrutura ambiental sobre os padrões de diversidade da ictiofauna de ecótonos são analisados para o reservatório do Broa, bacia do rio Tietê (22º10\'S; 47º54\'W). Paralelamente, são avaliadas as alterações na composição dessa comunidade entre 1985 e 2000. Constituída por 24 espécies (sete ordens e 12 famílias de peixes) e com um alto nível de diversidade (1,99 bits./ind.), a ictiofauna estudada não apresentou variação espacial ou temporal na abundância de suas espécies. Os padrões de baixa captura e freqüência das quatro espécies introduzidas, parecem não evidenciar risco potencial de impacto negativo aos estoques hospedeiros. Determinadas principalmente pelo fluxo d\'água e estado trófico, as variáveis ambientais evidenciaram as alterações estruturais a que ecótonos estudados vêm sendo submetidos. Apesar da ausência de variação significativa entre a estrutura da ictiofauna de zonas de transição e bancos de macrófitas, perante a sazonalidade, essas taxocenoses apresentaram distintos padrões de composição, estabilidade e variação estrutural. Bancos de macrófitas tornam a área alagada mais heterogênea, constituindo comunidades com maior riqueza e diversidade de espécies, sendo drasticamente afetadas pela sazonalidade. Entre as espécies constantes, 90% estiveram ordenadas junto aos bancos de macrófitas, onde variações na disponibilidade de recursos críticos (p.e. alimentação e abrigo) segregam nas sazonalmente, enquanto fluxo d\'água e estado trófico são os gradientes determinantes dos habitats de abundância predominante das espécies.
The influence of environmental aspects on diversity patterns for the ichthyofauna of ecotones were analyzed for the Broa reservoir, Tiete river basin (22º10\'S; 47º54\'W). Alterations in the ichthyofauna composition have also been analyzed considering the period from 1985 and 2000. This fauna constituted by 24 species (seven orders and 12 families) and a high diversity (1,99 bits/ind.), showed no spacial or temporal variations in species abundance. The pattern of low capture and frequency of four species introduced in inchangeable, not pointing out to the risk of a potential negative impact over the native species. Determined mainly by the inflow and trophic condition, the environmental variables show clearly the structural alterations that these ecotones studied have been undergoing. Although there was no significant seasonal variation between the ictiofauna structure of the transitional zones and macrophytes banks, these taxocenoses presented a distinct composition pattern, stability and structural variation. Macrophytes banks increase the environmental heterogeneity of wetland areas, resulting communities with high species diversity, being drastically affected by seasonality. Between the constant species 90% ordained along macrophytes banks, variations on the availability of critical resources (f.e. food and shelter) cause for the seasonal segregation of these species, inflow and trophic condition were the determinant gradients on the principal habitats occupied by the species.
The influence of environmental aspects on diversity patterns for the ichthyofauna of ecotones were analyzed for the Broa reservoir, Tiete river basin (22º10\'S; 47º54\'W). Alterations in the ichthyofauna composition have also been analyzed considering the period from 1985 and 2000. This fauna constituted by 24 species (seven orders and 12 families) and a high diversity (1,99 bits/ind.), showed no spacial or temporal variations in species abundance. The pattern of low capture and frequency of four species introduced in inchangeable, not pointing out to the risk of a potential negative impact over the native species. Determined mainly by the inflow and trophic condition, the environmental variables show clearly the structural alterations that these ecotones studied have been undergoing. Although there was no significant seasonal variation between the ictiofauna structure of the transitional zones and macrophytes banks, these taxocenoses presented a distinct composition pattern, stability and structural variation. Macrophytes banks increase the environmental heterogeneity of wetland areas, resulting communities with high species diversity, being drastically affected by seasonality. Between the constant species 90% ordained along macrophytes banks, variations on the availability of critical resources (f.e. food and shelter) cause for the seasonal segregation of these species, inflow and trophic condition were the determinant gradients on the principal habitats occupied by the species.
Diversidade, Reservatório, Ictiofauna, Habitats, Ecótonos, Habitats, Ichthyofauna, Ecotones, Diversity, Reservoir