Desenvolvimento de protótipo de gaseificador de resíduos combustíveis em leito horizontal
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As vantagens de um sistema gaseificador como solução energética na gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos incentivaram o desenvolvimento de um sistema de gaseificação que opere na horizontal, ou parcialmente inclinado, e que utilize vários tipos de resíduos, principalmente os classificados como biomassa para a geração de gás combustível ou de síntese. O gaseificador tem sido fortemente recomendado como uma tecnologia promissora para o tratamento térmico dos resíduos sólidos, nesse trabalho experimentou-se algumas biomassas como matéria-prima para o protótipo, e atualmente tem sido testado o bagaço da cana-de-açúcar como biomassa a testar na co-gaseificação com os resíduos sólidos municipais, devido a sua abundância na região, além da sua capacidade térmica. Com isso, desafios como a destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, eliminação dos lixões atendendo às responsabilidades estabelecidas na Lei Federal do Saneamento Básico (Lei nº 11.445/2007) e na Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos PNRS (Lei nº 12.305/2010) e melhorar as fontes de energia complementares à energia das usinas hidroelétricas, base da matriz da energia elétrica brasileira, buscando uma alternativa ambientalmente segura e economicamente viável, podem ser superados. O gaseificador, ainda não demonstra resultados relevantes quanto aos seus produtos gerados, contudo, a pesquisa é inovadora e sugere mais investimentos para seu avanço, tendo como resultados parciais a detecção, pelo cromatógrafo, dos gases: hidrogênio, nitrogênio, metano e dióxido de carbono, tanto com o reator aberto quanto fechado.
The advantages of a gasifier system as energy solution in the management of municipal solid wastes encouraged the development of a gasification system that operates horizontally, tilted or partially, and uses various types of waste, especially those classified as selective collection of waste as material to generate fuel gas or synthesis. The gasifier has been strongly recommended as a promising technology for the thermal treatment of solid waste, in this study experienced are some biomass as feedstock for the prototype, and currently it has been tested bagasse from sugar cane as biomass testing in co-gasification with municipal solid waste, due to its abundance in the region beyond its thermal capacity. Thus, challenges such as the disposal of municipal solid waste, elimination of landfills, that meet the responsibilities set out in the Federal Law of Sanitation (Law No. 11.445/2007) and the National Policy on Solid Waste - PNRS (Law No. 12.305/2010) and improve additional sources of energy from hydroelectric energy, base matrix of Brazilian electricity, seeking an alternative environmentally safe and economically viable. The gasifier, yet shows results relevant to their products as generated, however, this research is innovative and suggests more investment to its advancement, having as partial results the detection of gases, by the chromatograph: hydrogen, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide, with the reactor open and the closed mode.
The advantages of a gasifier system as energy solution in the management of municipal solid wastes encouraged the development of a gasification system that operates horizontally, tilted or partially, and uses various types of waste, especially those classified as selective collection of waste as material to generate fuel gas or synthesis. The gasifier has been strongly recommended as a promising technology for the thermal treatment of solid waste, in this study experienced are some biomass as feedstock for the prototype, and currently it has been tested bagasse from sugar cane as biomass testing in co-gasification with municipal solid waste, due to its abundance in the region beyond its thermal capacity. Thus, challenges such as the disposal of municipal solid waste, elimination of landfills, that meet the responsibilities set out in the Federal Law of Sanitation (Law No. 11.445/2007) and the National Policy on Solid Waste - PNRS (Law No. 12.305/2010) and improve additional sources of energy from hydroelectric energy, base matrix of Brazilian electricity, seeking an alternative environmentally safe and economically viable. The gasifier, yet shows results relevant to their products as generated, however, this research is innovative and suggests more investment to its advancement, having as partial results the detection of gases, by the chromatograph: hydrogen, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide, with the reactor open and the closed mode.
Bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, Energia, Tratamento térmico, Energy, Heat treatment, Sugar cane bagasse