Estudo de pontes de madeira com tabuleiro multicelular protendido
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As pontes de madeira com tabuleiro multicelular protendido são uma das mais recentes tecnologias usadas na construção das modernas pontes de madeira. Nesta tese é realizado o estudo teórico e experimental do comportamento estrutural destas pontes. Os principais métodos de cálculo são apresentados e discutidos. A investigação experimental foi realizada em dois modelos reduzidos em escala 1:3 com as mesmas dimensões externas mas diferente quantidade de nervuras. Os modelos foram ensaiados com diferentes posições de carregamento enquanto os deslocamentos, deformações e forças nas barras, eram monitorados. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os modelos de Placa Ortotrópica Equivalente e Elementos Finitos podem ser empregados para o dimensionamento das pontes de madeira com tabuleiro multicelular protendido. O método de Viga Equivalente pode ser empregado desde que utilizado o correto Fator de Distribuição de Carga. Os estudos realizados neste trabalho, indicam a viabilidade da utilização deste sistema estrutural para pontes com vãos de 12 a 25 m
Timber bridges with multicellular prestressed decks is one of the most recent technology for modern timber bridges construction. In this thesis the theoretical and experimental study of the structural behavior of these bridges is accomplished. The main calculation methods are introduced and discussed. Two reduced models on scale 1:3, with the same external dimensions but different number of webs, were used for the experimental investigation. The models were tested with different load positions meanwhile displacements, strains and bar forces were measured. The obtained results have show that either model of Equivalent Orthotropic Plate or Finite Elements can be used for the design of this type of bridge. The Equivalent Beam model can also be employed as long as the correct Load Distribution Factor is chosen. The accomplished studies demostrate that this structural system is viable for bridges with span from 12 to 25 m
Timber bridges with multicellular prestressed decks is one of the most recent technology for modern timber bridges construction. In this thesis the theoretical and experimental study of the structural behavior of these bridges is accomplished. The main calculation methods are introduced and discussed. Two reduced models on scale 1:3, with the same external dimensions but different number of webs, were used for the experimental investigation. The models were tested with different load positions meanwhile displacements, strains and bar forces were measured. The obtained results have show that either model of Equivalent Orthotropic Plate or Finite Elements can be used for the design of this type of bridge. The Equivalent Beam model can also be employed as long as the correct Load Distribution Factor is chosen. The accomplished studies demostrate that this structural system is viable for bridges with span from 12 to 25 m
modelos de dimensionamento, pontes de madeira, tabuleiro multicelular, design models, multicellular decks, timber bridges