Roteirização de ônibus urbano: escolha de um método para as grandes cidades brasileiras
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O ônibus é o principal modo de transporte público de passageiros das grandes cidades brasileiras. Ultimamente as redes de transporte público vêm sofrendo modificações estruturais importantes, visando sua melhoria. Esta Dissertação descreve a pesquisa de mestrado que teve como objetivo o estudo de métodos racionais de Roteirização de Ônibus Urbano para a escolha de um método adequado à aplicação nas grandes cidades brasileiras. A revisão bibliográfica dá mais ênfase aos métodos que atendem a esse objetivo e que possibilitam sua aplicação imediata com ou sem modificação. Para se conhecer as diferenças locais em termos de planejamento dos itinerários nas maiores capitais brasileiras, apresenta-se um levantamento feito junto a 11 (onze) órgãos gestores. Comparam-se os procedimentos adotados no Brasil com os adotados nos Estados Unidos e Canadá e escolhe-se o melhor método com base em critérios existentes na literatura. O objetivo principal foi alcançado: o método indicado pode ser aplicado, com algumas modificações concernentes principalmente à coleta de dados. Espera-se que esta pesquisa contribua para a divulgação das técnicas de roteirização baseadas em modelos matemáticos de modo a auxiliar o especialista: (a) na alteração e/ou concepção das rotas (b) na completa reformulação de complexos sistemas de transporte público.
Bus transit is the main urban public transportation mode available in large-size Brazilian cities. Brazilian transit networks have held important structural modifications lately, seeking their improvement. This dissertation describes a master s research that had as the main objective the study of rational bus transit routing methods. The goal is to choose the best of these methods for application in large-size Brazilian cities. The literature review focused on methods which are addressed to this objective, and that could be used with or without changes for this purpose. A total of 11 (eleven) transit agencies answered a national survey made to identify local differences in the planning techniques used in the largest Brazilian capitals. Procedures adopted in Brazil were compared with the ones applied in the United States and in Canada and one method was then chosen, taken into account evaluation criteria found in the literature. The main objective of this research was reached: the method selected can be applied with some minor modifications concerning mainly the data collection procedure. This research shall contribute for the popularization of mathematical models as routing techniques that could help planners: (a) to design a new bus route and/or to redesign an existing one (b) to completely redesign complex transit systems.
Bus transit is the main urban public transportation mode available in large-size Brazilian cities. Brazilian transit networks have held important structural modifications lately, seeking their improvement. This dissertation describes a master s research that had as the main objective the study of rational bus transit routing methods. The goal is to choose the best of these methods for application in large-size Brazilian cities. The literature review focused on methods which are addressed to this objective, and that could be used with or without changes for this purpose. A total of 11 (eleven) transit agencies answered a national survey made to identify local differences in the planning techniques used in the largest Brazilian capitals. Procedures adopted in Brazil were compared with the ones applied in the United States and in Canada and one method was then chosen, taken into account evaluation criteria found in the literature. The main objective of this research was reached: the method selected can be applied with some minor modifications concerning mainly the data collection procedure. This research shall contribute for the popularization of mathematical models as routing techniques that could help planners: (a) to design a new bus route and/or to redesign an existing one (b) to completely redesign complex transit systems.
planejamento de transportes, redes, roteirização ônibus, transporte público urbano, networks, public transportation transit, routing-bus, transportation planning urban