Análise da influência de características geométricas de rodovias nos custos dos usuários utilizando o programa HDM-4
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A dissertação tem como objetivo verificar e analisar a influência das características geométricas de trechos de rodovia no custo total dos usuários, em termos de custo de operação dos veículos e custo do tempo de viagem, com a utilização do programa computacional HDM-4 (Highway Development and Management). Para esta análise, foi realizado um estudo de caso para o qual foram criados sete trechos representativos das classes de geometria consideradas pelo HDM-4 e dezenove trechos com características geométricas que permitissem uma análise de sensibilidade dos parâmetros relacionados às curvaturas vertical e horizontal das vias. Foram selecionados, ainda, quatro trechos da rodovia Washington Luiz (SP-310), representativos de rodovias com distintas características geométricas. A simulação foi realizada fixando-se um cenário de fatores que compõem o modelo HDM-4: tipo de fluxo de tráfego, classe da rodovia, composição e volume de tráfego, tipo e condição do pavimento, dentre outros. O estudo de caso permitiu a quantificação dos efeitos da geometria sobre todas as parcelas que compõem os custos dos usuários. Foram calculados os custos de terraplenagem e pavimentação para diferentes curvaturas verticais com a finalidade de comparação dos custos de melhorias no projeto de rodovias existentes com os benefícios decorrentes dessas intervenções. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a geometria pode ter grande influência nos custos totais dos usuários e, portanto, seus efeitos devem ser considerados em projetos de construção e de manutenção de rodovias, possibilitando maiores benefícios à sociedade.
The main goal of the master dissertation is to verify and to analyze the influence of geometric characteristics of road sections on highway users costs, in terms of vehicle operation costs and costs associated to travel time, using the software HDM-4 (Highway Development and Management). The study was initiated with the creation of seven sections representing the HDM-4 highway geometric classes, and nineteen sections with geometric characteristics defined to allow a sensitivity analysis of parameters associated to vertical and horizontal alignments. Four sections were selected from Washington Luiz highway (SP-310), representing highways with distinct geometric characteristics. The computer simulations were performed considering a scenario that includes: traffic flow pattern, road class, average daily traffic and traffic composition, pavement type and condition, among others. The study calculated the effects of highway geometry on each component of users costs. The costs of earth work and paving were calculated aiming at the comparison between costs of geometric improvements and benefits associated to that. The results showed that highway geometry may have a great influence on users costs and, therefore, its effects must be considered in highway construction and maintenance projects assuring more benefits to society.
The main goal of the master dissertation is to verify and to analyze the influence of geometric characteristics of road sections on highway users costs, in terms of vehicle operation costs and costs associated to travel time, using the software HDM-4 (Highway Development and Management). The study was initiated with the creation of seven sections representing the HDM-4 highway geometric classes, and nineteen sections with geometric characteristics defined to allow a sensitivity analysis of parameters associated to vertical and horizontal alignments. Four sections were selected from Washington Luiz highway (SP-310), representing highways with distinct geometric characteristics. The computer simulations were performed considering a scenario that includes: traffic flow pattern, road class, average daily traffic and traffic composition, pavement type and condition, among others. The study calculated the effects of highway geometry on each component of users costs. The costs of earth work and paving were calculated aiming at the comparison between costs of geometric improvements and benefits associated to that. The results showed that highway geometry may have a great influence on users costs and, therefore, its effects must be considered in highway construction and maintenance projects assuring more benefits to society.
custos de operação dos veículos, custos dos usuários, HDM-4, projeto geométrico de rodovias, HDM-4, highway geometric design, users costs, vehicle operation costs