Fissuras em edifícios residenciais em alvenaria estrutural
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho trata de fissura, uma das principais patologias que podem ocorrer em edifícios residenciais em alvenaria estrutural, visando identificar os locais onde elas aparecem com mais frequência, para assim procurar formas de evitá-las. Inicialmente foram realizadas visitas a vários edifícios em alvenaria estrutural de forma a levantar as principais fissuras encontradas nesse tipo de estrutura. Identificou-se que as fissuras são mais frequentes nos contornos de aberturas, diante disse foi realizado um estudo teórico, com a utilização de um programa computacional, para se determinar algumas das principais causas prováveis dessas patologias através de modelos numéricos adequados. Finalmente, foram analisadas algumas das soluções para as patologias encontradas, tentando sugerir as melhores soluções para cada caso.
This paper deals with fissure, one of major diseases that can occur in a structural masonry residential buildings, in order to identify the locals they usually occur, to seek ways to avoid them. Initially were realized visits a several structural masonry buildings to analise the principals fissures in this type of structure. Was identified that the fissures are more frequently in the contours of openings, given this, was realized a theoretical study using a finite element computer program to identify some of the main possible causes of these pathologies through adequate numerical models. Finally, some possible solutions for the conditions found were analyzed, trying to suggest the best solutions for each case.
This paper deals with fissure, one of major diseases that can occur in a structural masonry residential buildings, in order to identify the locals they usually occur, to seek ways to avoid them. Initially were realized visits a several structural masonry buildings to analise the principals fissures in this type of structure. Was identified that the fissures are more frequently in the contours of openings, given this, was realized a theoretical study using a finite element computer program to identify some of the main possible causes of these pathologies through adequate numerical models. Finally, some possible solutions for the conditions found were analyzed, trying to suggest the best solutions for each case.
Alvenaria estrutural, Elemento finito, Fissura, Finite element, Fissure, Structural masonry