Uma análise de acessibilidade sob a ótica da eqüidade - o caso da região metropolitana de Belém.
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Belém sofreu processo semelhante a diversas cidades brasileiras, com a expulsão de parte da população para áreas de expansão com carência de infra-estrutura viária e, em geral, prejudicadas em termos de acessibilidade. Considerando que este processo atingiu de forma desigual aos diferentes segmentos da população, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar como se dá a distribuição de acessibilidade ao transporte para indivíduos de diferentes classes de renda e, a partir daí, analisar estratégias para assegurar a eqüidade na sua distribuição na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB). Com este fim, dois índices de acessibilidade foram calculados neste estudo a partir da aplicação de um sistema de informações geográficas para transportes: um do tipo separação espacial média e outro do tipo gravitacional. Os valores de atratividade do índice do tipo gravitacional foram posteriormente alterados de forma a compor dois cenários de localização de pólos de comércio e serviços diferentes do atual. O estudo mostra que os cenários alternativos promoveram uma melhor distribuição da acessibilidade na RMB e que a seleção do melhor deles pode ser feita através de critérios de eqüidade. Além disto, demonstrou-se ainda que, após a seleção do melhor cenário, outros recursos do SIG podem ser utilizados para priorizar, também segundo a ótica da eqüidade, as zonas que ainda carecem de melhorias na acessibilidade aos transportes.
The growth process of Belém, similarly to what happened to other Brazilian cities, was characterized by the location of part of its population in areas with insufficient road infrastructure. As a consequence, these were in general low accessibility areas. Considering that the impacts of the growth process were not evenly distributed to all population groups, the aim of this work is to evaluate the distribution patterns of transportation accessibility to different income groups in the Metropolitan Region of Belém. This is an important step towards the formulation of strategies to reestablish equity in the accessibility distribution. Two indexes have been used to estimate accessibility values in a geographic information system environment: a Mean Separation Index and a Gravity-type Index. The attractiveness values of the Gravity-type Index were subsequently changed to create alternative scenarios in which the location of the retail and service areas was different from the current conditions. The results found in this study showed that: a) the alternative scenarios had a better transportation accessibility distribution than the present one; and b) the selection of the best alternative scenario could be based on equity criteria. Next, once again oriented by an equity criterion, other GIS tools were applied to select the areas in the chosen scenario in which transportation accessibility could be further improved.
The growth process of Belém, similarly to what happened to other Brazilian cities, was characterized by the location of part of its population in areas with insufficient road infrastructure. As a consequence, these were in general low accessibility areas. Considering that the impacts of the growth process were not evenly distributed to all population groups, the aim of this work is to evaluate the distribution patterns of transportation accessibility to different income groups in the Metropolitan Region of Belém. This is an important step towards the formulation of strategies to reestablish equity in the accessibility distribution. Two indexes have been used to estimate accessibility values in a geographic information system environment: a Mean Separation Index and a Gravity-type Index. The attractiveness values of the Gravity-type Index were subsequently changed to create alternative scenarios in which the location of the retail and service areas was different from the current conditions. The results found in this study showed that: a) the alternative scenarios had a better transportation accessibility distribution than the present one; and b) the selection of the best alternative scenario could be based on equity criteria. Next, once again oriented by an equity criterion, other GIS tools were applied to select the areas in the chosen scenario in which transportation accessibility could be further improved.
acessibilidade, eqüidade, sistema de informações geográficas, accessibility, equity, geographic information system