Análise de dados de instrumentação de túneis do metrô de São Paulo: uma abordagem por redes neurais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Atualmente, a escavação de túneis rasos em regiões densamente ocupadas requer medidas severas para reduzir riscos e possíveis influências em estruturas próximas. Um importante passo é a previsão dos efeitos da escavação, principalmente no que concerne à geração de recalques. As redes neurais artificiais (RNAs) aparecem como uma nova ferramenta para auxiliar o entendimento desses fenômenos. Isso porque a rede neural possui a capacidade de realizar generalizações, isto é, após a rede aprender características de uma categoria geral de dados baseada em uma série de exemplos daquela categoria, a rede pode apresentar respostas idênticas ou similares às respostas treinadas para entradas não treinadas. Nesse trabalho, realiza-se a aplicação de redes neurais artificiais para os dados das linhas 1 e 2 do metrô de São Paulo, onde se observa a influência de alguns parâmetros e a melhoria significativa de previsão da rede neural devido à utilização de algumas técnicas no tratamento e manuseio dos dados. Dentre as técnicas de tratamento de dados utilizadas destaca-se a adimensionalização dos dados por parâmetros da própria obra garantindo melhor estabilidade à rede e melhor capacidade de previsão. Análises de sensibilidade também são realizadas para contemplar o tipo de influência que cada parâmetro exerceu nos recalques obtidos.
Excavating shallow tunnels in densely occupied areas currently requires strict precautions to reduce risks and possible effects on nearby structures. Being able to predict excavation effects and particularly settlement - related effects is an important step forward in this respect. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have emerged as a new tool for analyzing geotechnical problem. Longstanding problems have been solved and conventional solutions enhanced as the ability to generate more information grows and the understanding of obscure points is deepened. Neural networks have the ability to make generalizations: once a network has learned the characteristics of a general category of objects based on a series of examples from this category, it can provide identical or similar responses to trained responses for non-trained inputs. This study uses artificial neural networks to analyze data from São Paulo subway line 1 and 2 to observe the effects of certain parameters and notes significantly enhanced neural network predictive ability due to the use of certain data processing techniques. The study also sets out to show that the use of dimensionless data in training may upgrade the predictive ability of the model. Knowledge acquired was applied to further develop use of this technique for tunnel instrumentation.
Excavating shallow tunnels in densely occupied areas currently requires strict precautions to reduce risks and possible effects on nearby structures. Being able to predict excavation effects and particularly settlement - related effects is an important step forward in this respect. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have emerged as a new tool for analyzing geotechnical problem. Longstanding problems have been solved and conventional solutions enhanced as the ability to generate more information grows and the understanding of obscure points is deepened. Neural networks have the ability to make generalizations: once a network has learned the characteristics of a general category of objects based on a series of examples from this category, it can provide identical or similar responses to trained responses for non-trained inputs. This study uses artificial neural networks to analyze data from São Paulo subway line 1 and 2 to observe the effects of certain parameters and notes significantly enhanced neural network predictive ability due to the use of certain data processing techniques. The study also sets out to show that the use of dimensionless data in training may upgrade the predictive ability of the model. Knowledge acquired was applied to further develop use of this technique for tunnel instrumentation.
escavações subterrâneas, túneis, redes neurais, recalques, metrô, instrumentação, neural network, instrumentation, settlements, subway, tunnels, underground excavation