Indicadores para Benchmarking na prestação dos serviços de água e esgoto em áreas com populações vulneráveis da Baixada Santista
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A carência na prestação dos serviços de abastecimento de água e de esgotamento sanitário se apresenta em maior grau nas populações com condições de baixa renda e graus significativos de exposição ao risco ambiental pela localização geográfica. A situação de vulnerabilidade socioambiental é resultado do crescimento sem controle da população, que posteriormente ocasiona um mercado de habitações insuficiente, com qualidade e localização inadequadas e com ausência de políticas públicas. Estas áreas denominadas irregulares, assentamentos precários, favelas, entre outros, são onde as empresas operadoras não conseguem atender a demanda de serviços pelo impedimento de legislação e condições impróprias para implantação de redes dos serviços. As empresas operadoras que possuem uma função técnica dependem do andamento dos programas de regularização fundiária à prestação dos serviços nestas áreas, assim que têm que atuar frente a esta problemática, porque no final sua gestão se vê comprometida também nas áreas de prestação regulares. Os modelos empresariais até agora adotados focalizam-se no desenvolvimento e no monitoramento na gestão para todas as áreas de prestação e omitem esse tratamento diferenciado. Uma ferramenta útil que ajuda a melhorar o desempenho das empresas operadoras é a utilização do processo de Benchmarking. Este processo é útil por ser um instrumento eficiente na prestação de serviços, mas este recurso tem sido pouco aproveitado na prestação de serviços públicos nas áreas irregulares. Por conseguinte, este projeto de pesquisa propor indicadores chave para Benchmarking voltados à prestação de serviços de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário nas áreas com populações em situação de vulnerabilidade socioambiental no contexto de uma operadora que atua na Baixada Santista. A metodologia utilizada foi numa primeira parte de caráter exploratório, focada na revisão bibliográfica sobre a prestação dos serviços de água e esgoto nestas áreas, a contextualização de vulnerabilidade para estes serviços e os sistemas de indicadores existentes. E numa segunda, de caráter experimental, foram trazidas duas comunidades da Baixada como estudo de caso para entender a gestão da operadora nestas áreas; nas duas etapas se abordaram aspectos chave da pesquisa participativa. Por meio da aplicação de critérios de avaliação e as experiências na coleta de evidências definiram-se filtros de escolha para assegurar que os indicadores finais trataram mais de perto a problemática levantada. Este trabalho encontrou 10 indicadores, entre novos e modificados dos existentes, que potencialmente descrevem a prestação de serviços de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário das populações em situação de vulnerabilidade, os quais permitem ser usados na tomada de decisão das empresas à universalização dos serviços de água e esgoto. Na aplicação do processo de Benchmarking encontraram-se apenas dois indicadores para comparar desempenho. Devido a que, as informações que a empresa tem para estas áreas é bastante limitada. Estes conjuntos de indicadores são inovação para o setor, pois estas medidas auxiliam a prestação das empresas nestas áreas. No entanto, as empresas precisam produzir informações para as áreas de vulnerabilidade, sendo que ainda não prestem os serviços; necessitam institucionalizar sistemas de indicadores específicos, que permitam conhecer e se planejar frente à gestão destas áreas e, finalmente possuir registros sob boas práticas de áreas já universalizadas.
The lack in the provision of water and sanitation services is given in a greater degree in populations with conditions of low-income and significant degrees of exposure to environmental risk by geographic location. The status of social and environmental vulnerability is a result of uncontrolled population growth, which subsequently causes an insufficient housing market, with unsuitable quality and location and lack of public policies. These areas called irregular, slum, among others, are where the Water Supply and Sanitation Services (WSS) cannot meet the demand for services caused by the impediment of law and improper conditions for network deployment services. WSS that have a technical function, depend on the progress of regularization programs for the provision of services in these areas, so they have to deal with this problem, consequently their models management is compromised also in the areas of regular provision. Actually, the business models adopted focus on the development and monitoring management for all service areas and omit this differential treatment. A useful tool used to help the WSS improvement and performance is to use the Benchmarking process. This process is useful for being an effective tool in providing services, but this resource has been taken a little advantage in supplying public services in irregular areas. Therefore, this research project proposes key-indicators for Benchmarking, focused on the provision services in areas with populations in situations of social and environmental vulnerability, in the context of a WSS operating in the Baixada Santista. The methodology used was in a first part, of exploratory character, the literature review was focused on the provision of water and sewerage services in these areas, the context of vulnerability to these services and systems of existing indicators. In a second part, two communities of Baixada were brought, an experimental basis, as a case study to understand the operator management in these areas; in the two steps are addressed key aspects of participative-research. Through the application of evaluation criteria and experiences in evidence collecting, filters were defined to ensure the final indicators treated more closely to the issues raised. This study found 10 indicators, including new and modified ones, which potentially describe the provision of water supply and sanitation service for vulnerable population; these indicators allow to be used in decision making of WSS universalization. The implementation of the Benchmarking process finds only two indicators to compare performance, because the information that the company has for these areas is very limited. These sets of indicators are innovation for the sector, because these measures help to provide services in these areas. However, WSS need to produce information for vulnerability areas, but they do not provide the services yet; they need to institutionalize specific indicators systems to provide them knowledge to manage these areas and, they must possess registers taken, under good practices, from already universalized areas.
The lack in the provision of water and sanitation services is given in a greater degree in populations with conditions of low-income and significant degrees of exposure to environmental risk by geographic location. The status of social and environmental vulnerability is a result of uncontrolled population growth, which subsequently causes an insufficient housing market, with unsuitable quality and location and lack of public policies. These areas called irregular, slum, among others, are where the Water Supply and Sanitation Services (WSS) cannot meet the demand for services caused by the impediment of law and improper conditions for network deployment services. WSS that have a technical function, depend on the progress of regularization programs for the provision of services in these areas, so they have to deal with this problem, consequently their models management is compromised also in the areas of regular provision. Actually, the business models adopted focus on the development and monitoring management for all service areas and omit this differential treatment. A useful tool used to help the WSS improvement and performance is to use the Benchmarking process. This process is useful for being an effective tool in providing services, but this resource has been taken a little advantage in supplying public services in irregular areas. Therefore, this research project proposes key-indicators for Benchmarking, focused on the provision services in areas with populations in situations of social and environmental vulnerability, in the context of a WSS operating in the Baixada Santista. The methodology used was in a first part, of exploratory character, the literature review was focused on the provision of water and sewerage services in these areas, the context of vulnerability to these services and systems of existing indicators. In a second part, two communities of Baixada were brought, an experimental basis, as a case study to understand the operator management in these areas; in the two steps are addressed key aspects of participative-research. Through the application of evaluation criteria and experiences in evidence collecting, filters were defined to ensure the final indicators treated more closely to the issues raised. This study found 10 indicators, including new and modified ones, which potentially describe the provision of water supply and sanitation service for vulnerable population; these indicators allow to be used in decision making of WSS universalization. The implementation of the Benchmarking process finds only two indicators to compare performance, because the information that the company has for these areas is very limited. These sets of indicators are innovation for the sector, because these measures help to provide services in these areas. However, WSS need to produce information for vulnerability areas, but they do not provide the services yet; they need to institutionalize specific indicators systems to provide them knowledge to manage these areas and, they must possess registers taken, under good practices, from already universalized areas.
Benchmarking, Indicador, Operadora de serviços de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário, Vulnerabilidade, Benchmarking, Indicators, Vulnerability, Water supply and sanitation services