Avaliação da locomoção do paraplégico sob estimulação elétrica neuromuscular
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresentará um projeto cujo propósito foi definir um protocolo de avaliação para pacientes paraplégicos sob terapia, através do uso de estimulação elétrica neuromuscular, no ambulatório de ortopedia do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de Campinas. A análise proposta servirá tanto para o acompanhamento da evolução dos pacientes, quanto, principalmente, para avaliação dos sistemas de reabilitação desenvolvidos pelo laboratório de biocibernética e engenharia de reabilitação na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos. Neste trabalho o protocolo foi aplicado especificamente para descrever a locomoção do paraplégico usando a estimulação padrão de 4 canais, que realiza a ativação dos quadríceps para extensão das pernas, necessária para o suporte do corpo, e a ativação do reflexo de retirada através da estimulação do nervo fibular para a flexão necessária para a fase de balanço. A análise usou como referência o conhecimento relacionado à descrição das fases e estratégias usadas pela locomoção do ser humano intacto. O protocolo de avaliação usou recursos do laboratório de biomecânica e reabilitação do aparelho locomotor, situado no hospital citado acima, que permitiram a descrição da cinemática dos membros superiores e inferiores, da atividade muscular realizada pelos membros superiores, e das forças de reação do solo.
This work present a case study on the use of the motion analysis laboratory resources (three-dimensional motion capture system, EMG, and force plate) with the purpose of improve the use of surface electrical stimulation to enable the locomotion in paraplegic subjects. Five trials for each of the five patients (thoracic complete spinal cord lesion) using a four channel electrical stimulator was done for synchronously acquisition of: 3D coordinates of 30 markers distributed on the whole body (to evaluate the stride\'s characteristics and three-dimensional measurements of angles of whole-body); EMG signal, on both sides, of triceps brachii long head, pectoralis major, middle deltoideus, extensor carpi radialis; and the vertical component of the ground reaction force. All data were normalized on the right gait cycle. The analysis was done braking the cycle in 11 events related with the swing phase in both sides, because it was focused firstly in the actions related with the swing limb and upper body advance, that represents a critical factor in locomotion aided by electrical stimulation. These events divided the gait cycle in 10 phases, which was used for associate the data evaluated with specifics tasks. The results showed temporal parameters similar to that reported by other authors, specific characteristics of the patient, the mechanism used by the patient for advance the body, and the periods of high activity of the muscles on the cycle.
This work present a case study on the use of the motion analysis laboratory resources (three-dimensional motion capture system, EMG, and force plate) with the purpose of improve the use of surface electrical stimulation to enable the locomotion in paraplegic subjects. Five trials for each of the five patients (thoracic complete spinal cord lesion) using a four channel electrical stimulator was done for synchronously acquisition of: 3D coordinates of 30 markers distributed on the whole body (to evaluate the stride\'s characteristics and three-dimensional measurements of angles of whole-body); EMG signal, on both sides, of triceps brachii long head, pectoralis major, middle deltoideus, extensor carpi radialis; and the vertical component of the ground reaction force. All data were normalized on the right gait cycle. The analysis was done braking the cycle in 11 events related with the swing phase in both sides, because it was focused firstly in the actions related with the swing limb and upper body advance, that represents a critical factor in locomotion aided by electrical stimulation. These events divided the gait cycle in 10 phases, which was used for associate the data evaluated with specifics tasks. The results showed temporal parameters similar to that reported by other authors, specific characteristics of the patient, the mechanism used by the patient for advance the body, and the periods of high activity of the muscles on the cycle.
Biomecânica, Paraplegia, Locomoção, FES, EENM, FES, Locomotion, NMES, Biomechanics, SCI