Análise paramétrica e dimensionamento de poços de infiltração para fins de drenagem urbana
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A combinação entre a falta de planejamento urbano e o crescimento indiscriminado de áreas impermeáveis é responsável pela ocorrência de enchentes em centros urbanos. O emprego de dispositivos de controle do escoamento superficial na fonte geradora, como poços e trincheiras de infiltração, pavimentos permeáveis e jardins de infiltração (rain gardens), é uma alternativa que permite restabelecer o processo de infiltração em áreas urbanas densamente impermeabilizadas. Neste contexto, efetuou-se uma análise paramétrica acerca da influência das funções condutividade hidráulica e das curvas de retenção dos solos no processo de infiltração de água em poços cilíndricos instalados em solos inicialmente não saturados. Para a realização das análises paramétricas, foi empregado o programa SEEP/W do pacote GeoStudio 2004, que utiliza a técnica dos elementos finitos na solução numérica da equação de Richards que rege o fluxo de água em meio não saturado. As análises paramétricas mostraram que o coeficiente de condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo é o parâmetro que apresenta maior relevância no processo de infiltração de água em poços. Com isto, desenvolveu-se uma técnica de dimensionamento de poços de infiltração que permite determinar o volume de água infiltrada em um dado poço em função do tempo de precipitação, do coeficiente de condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo e da área total do poço. Por fim, comparou-se o volume estimado de água infiltrada obtido através da técnica de dimensionamento com o volume medido em um ensaio de infiltração realizado por Lima (2009) em uma trincheira de pequenas dimensões e pôde-se constatar que o a técnica de dimensionamento desenvolvida é consistente com o ensaio de infiltração realizado em campo.
The chief consequence of unplanned urban sprawl is the turning to impervious large tracts of land. Impervious developed areas are prone to floods during heavy rains. Flooding may be mitigated by installation of devices that can control runoff at the source. Examples of control devices are infiltration wells, infiltration trenches, permeable pavement, and rain gardens. By facilitating infiltration, such devices serve to return to the soil below the waterproofed area the waters that would otherwise be lost as runoff, which overloads urban drainage. A study of infiltration wells was conducted through parametric analyses of hydraulic conductivity function and soil-water characteristics curve of unsaturated soils in the process of infiltration. This research used the computer program SEEP/W by GeoStudio 2004 to carry out the parametric analysis. SEEP/W uses the finite element method for the numerical solution of Richards equation, which describes water flow in the unsaturated zone. The parametric analysis showed that the saturated hydraulics conductivity of the soil is the parameter that has greater relevance in the process of infiltration of water into the soil surrounding the wells. Based on the results obtained, a technical procedure was developed to assist the consulting professional to size the infiltration wells. The variables employed in the proposed design procedure consist of time of precipitation, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and total surface area of well. Further, it was compared the estimated volume of infiltrated water obtained through this procedure to the measured volume obtained by Lima (2009) in a small trench. It was observed that the scaling procedure proposed by this work yields results consistent with infiltration field experiments such as that conducted by Lima (2009).
The chief consequence of unplanned urban sprawl is the turning to impervious large tracts of land. Impervious developed areas are prone to floods during heavy rains. Flooding may be mitigated by installation of devices that can control runoff at the source. Examples of control devices are infiltration wells, infiltration trenches, permeable pavement, and rain gardens. By facilitating infiltration, such devices serve to return to the soil below the waterproofed area the waters that would otherwise be lost as runoff, which overloads urban drainage. A study of infiltration wells was conducted through parametric analyses of hydraulic conductivity function and soil-water characteristics curve of unsaturated soils in the process of infiltration. This research used the computer program SEEP/W by GeoStudio 2004 to carry out the parametric analysis. SEEP/W uses the finite element method for the numerical solution of Richards equation, which describes water flow in the unsaturated zone. The parametric analysis showed that the saturated hydraulics conductivity of the soil is the parameter that has greater relevance in the process of infiltration of water into the soil surrounding the wells. Based on the results obtained, a technical procedure was developed to assist the consulting professional to size the infiltration wells. The variables employed in the proposed design procedure consist of time of precipitation, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and total surface area of well. Further, it was compared the estimated volume of infiltrated water obtained through this procedure to the measured volume obtained by Lima (2009) in a small trench. It was observed that the scaling procedure proposed by this work yields results consistent with infiltration field experiments such as that conducted by Lima (2009).
Análises paramétricas, Drenagem urbana, Poços de infiltração, Solo não saturado, Infiltration wells, Parametric analysis, Unsaturated soil, Urban drainage