Efeito da configuração das hélices na capacidade de carga à tração de estacas metálicas helicoidais em solo tropical
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As estacas helicoidais têm sido empregadas em diversos tipos de obras no Brasil e no mundo, principalmente em casos em que a fundação é submetida a carregamentos simultâneos de tração e de compressão ou que necessitam de rápida e facilitada instalação. O maior uso nacional é em fundações de torres de linhas de transmissão de energia, no entanto, são escassos os estudos do comportamento deste tipo de estaca em solos tropicais brasileiros. Considerando-se o crescimento do uso de estacas helicoidais no Brasil, e a necessidade de um melhor entendimento do comportamento deste tipo de fundação em nossos solos, o presente trabalho foi realizado para verificar a influência do arranjo das hélices, tanto do diâmetro quanto da quantidade, na capacidade de carga à tração das estacas helicoidais multi-hélices, instaladas em solo tropical da região de São Carlos, na cidade de Itirapina próxima a lagoa do Broa. A campanha de investigações geotécnicas foi composta por sondagens de simples reconhecimento (SPT) e ensaios de cone (CPT). Foram ensaiadas nove estacas, com diferentes configurações de diâmetro e de número de hélices, instaladas com a ponta em mesma profundidade, mesmo espaçamento entre hélices (igual a três vezes o maior diâmetro) e mesmo diâmetro de haste. Nesta investigação foram medidos os torques de instalação, e realizadas provas de cargas à tração do tipo estática com carregamento rápido. Como conclusões, o atrito lateral obtido com o ensaio CPT foi útil para verificar o efeito de perda de resistência do solo com a instalação da estaca; o método de capacidades de carga individuais obteve estimativas mais próximas as medidas em prova de carga; o efeito da configuração (cônicas ou cilíndricas) influencia no torque de instalação, mas não na capacidade de carga das estacas; o acréscimo de diâmetro médio das estacas é interessante para acréscimos na capacidade de carga, no entanto o acréscimo do número de hélices, a hélice superior sempre absorve menores cargas do que a hélice da ponta da estaca.
The helical piles have been used in different types of constructions, especially in cases where the foundation is subjected to tension and compression loads. In Brazil, this type of pile is normally used as the foundation of towers of power transmission lines, as guyed masts and self-supporting towers. However, there are few studies about the behavior of helical piles in Brazilian tropical soils. Considering the growing use of helical piles in Brazil, and the need of a better understanding of the behavior of this type of foundation in our soils, this study was conducted to evaluate the influence of the arrangement of the helices on the uplift capacity of helical piles installed in the tropical soil of São Carlos zone of São Paulo State. For this study, geotechnical investigations were carried out: standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone tests (CPT). Nine piles with different configurations (diameter and number of blades) were tested after being installed with the tip at the same final depth into the ground, and the same relative helix spacing (S/D>3). For this investigation, the torque necessary to install the piles were recorded, and subsequently static tensile loads tests were performed on all piles. As results: the lateral friction obtained with the CPT test was useful to check the effect of losing soil strength with the installation of the screw pile, the individual bearing method obtained estimates closer measurements in load test then cylindrical shear method; the effect of configuration (conical or cylindrical) influences on the torque installation, but not the uplift capacity of the screw piles, increases in the size of average diameter of helix in screw piles make increases in uplift capacity, however the increase in the number of helix did not appear as good as increases in the average diameter of the helix.
The helical piles have been used in different types of constructions, especially in cases where the foundation is subjected to tension and compression loads. In Brazil, this type of pile is normally used as the foundation of towers of power transmission lines, as guyed masts and self-supporting towers. However, there are few studies about the behavior of helical piles in Brazilian tropical soils. Considering the growing use of helical piles in Brazil, and the need of a better understanding of the behavior of this type of foundation in our soils, this study was conducted to evaluate the influence of the arrangement of the helices on the uplift capacity of helical piles installed in the tropical soil of São Carlos zone of São Paulo State. For this study, geotechnical investigations were carried out: standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone tests (CPT). Nine piles with different configurations (diameter and number of blades) were tested after being installed with the tip at the same final depth into the ground, and the same relative helix spacing (S/D>3). For this investigation, the torque necessary to install the piles were recorded, and subsequently static tensile loads tests were performed on all piles. As results: the lateral friction obtained with the CPT test was useful to check the effect of losing soil strength with the installation of the screw pile, the individual bearing method obtained estimates closer measurements in load test then cylindrical shear method; the effect of configuration (conical or cylindrical) influences on the torque installation, but not the uplift capacity of the screw piles, increases in the size of average diameter of helix in screw piles make increases in uplift capacity, however the increase in the number of helix did not appear as good as increases in the average diameter of the helix.
Capacidade de carga à tração, Estacas helicoidais, Solos tropicais, Helical piles, Tropical soils, Uplift capacity