Avaliação da interação solo-fitas metálicas e poliméricas para soluções em terra armada em solos não convencionais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Grande percentagem do território brasileiro é coberta por solos finos (% passando peneira # 200 > 50%), geralmente de origem tropical, que poderiam ser classificados como solos de baixa capacidade de drenagem. Estes solos não atendem às recomendações técnicas para solos de aterro de estruturas reforçadas, conforme exigido pela AASHTO e BS 8006. Neste trabalho foi avaliado experimentalmente um dos parâmetros mais importantes de projeto de Terra Armada, que condiciona o mecanismo de transferência de carga, o coeficiente de atrito aparente solo-fita metálica (f*). Foi avaliada a influência das características dos solos para as classes de solos estabelecidas pela NBR 9286/86 para o caso de fitas metálicas, e, dos critérios que sustentam o uso de fitas poliméricas, sob diversas tensões verticais atuantes nas fitas, simulando o efeito da profundidade. As informações foram obtidas através de ensaios de arrancamento de fitas metálicas e poliméricas realizados em laboratório e depois comparadas aos resultados teóricos da norma e àqueles preconizados para o uso de fitas poliméricas. Os ensaios realizados com as fitas em solo não convencional 1 e em areia mal graduada, mostraram que para profundidades equivalentes a tensões verticais até 50 kPa, os dois tipos de inclusões possuem valores de coeficiente de interação com o solo maiores que a unidade, isso tornaria razoável o seu uso sob o ponto de vista deste parâmetro e nas condições da realização dos ensaios, quando comparado com a norma, e com os critérios que sustentam o uso das fitas poliméricas em técnica de solo armado. No entanto, para maiores profundidades, a interação apresenta uma tendência de diminuição. O solo não convencional 2 valores da interação muito baixos. Foram instalados strain gages ao longo do comprimento das fitas para monitoramento dos esforços no maciço. Nota-se que esforços elevados ocorreram nas regiões mais próximas do ponto de aplicação da força de arrancamento.
A large percentage of Brazil\'s territory is covered with fine tropical soil (50% passing #200) which can be classified as soils with low drainage capacity. These soils do not meet the technical recommendations for backfill of reinforced soil structures by AASHTO and BS 8006. This paper presents the result of an experimental evaluation of one of the most important design parameters of mechanically stabilized earth with concrete wall facing. The apparent friction coefficient of soil-steel strips and soil-polymeric strips is the project parameter. Also was evaluated the influence of soil characteristics for soil types listed by the NBR 9286/86 for metal strips and for the criteria that support the use of polymeric strips. The evaluation included the application of different vertical stresses on the strips simulating the effect of depth. The information obtained from pullout tests performed in laboratory was compared to the standard theoretical values and design values for polymeric strips. Tests performed on strips in nonconventional soil (1) and poorly graded sand showed that at depths equivalent to vertical stresses up to 50 kPa the two types of inclusions have coefficients of interaction greater than unity, which appears reasonable. Therefore, such soils can be used as backfill soils in the conditions tested and at equal or lesser stress levels. Nonconventional soil (2) showed low value of the friction coefficient. The strain gages installed along the length of the strips recorded the distribution of tensile stress in pull-out tests. Higher tensile stress was recorded by the gages nearest the point of application of the pull-out force.
A large percentage of Brazil\'s territory is covered with fine tropical soil (50% passing #200) which can be classified as soils with low drainage capacity. These soils do not meet the technical recommendations for backfill of reinforced soil structures by AASHTO and BS 8006. This paper presents the result of an experimental evaluation of one of the most important design parameters of mechanically stabilized earth with concrete wall facing. The apparent friction coefficient of soil-steel strips and soil-polymeric strips is the project parameter. Also was evaluated the influence of soil characteristics for soil types listed by the NBR 9286/86 for metal strips and for the criteria that support the use of polymeric strips. The evaluation included the application of different vertical stresses on the strips simulating the effect of depth. The information obtained from pullout tests performed in laboratory was compared to the standard theoretical values and design values for polymeric strips. Tests performed on strips in nonconventional soil (1) and poorly graded sand showed that at depths equivalent to vertical stresses up to 50 kPa the two types of inclusions have coefficients of interaction greater than unity, which appears reasonable. Therefore, such soils can be used as backfill soils in the conditions tested and at equal or lesser stress levels. Nonconventional soil (2) showed low value of the friction coefficient. The strain gages installed along the length of the strips recorded the distribution of tensile stress in pull-out tests. Higher tensile stress was recorded by the gages nearest the point of application of the pull-out force.
Ensaios de arrancamento, Interação solo-reforço, Resistência de interface, Terra armada, Mechanically stabilized earth with concrete wall facing, Pullout tests, Soil-reinforcement interaction