Estudo da influência do cloreto de sódio na remoção de matéria orgânica, na determinação da DQO e na microbiota em um sistema de tratamento aeróbio por lodos ativados
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Existem muitos tipos de substâncias orgânicas e inorgânicas que podem apresentar efeito tóxico ou inibidor aos organismos dos sistemas aeróbios de tratamento de efluentes, e entre essas substâncias está o cloreto. Nos efluentes, os cloretos se apresentam na forma de algum tipo de sal, e o mais comum é o cloreto de sódio. O cloreto de sódio pode ser encontrado em vários tipos de efluentes como, por exemplo, efluentes de indústrias alimentícias, petrolíferas, de processamento de couro e no lixiviado de aterros sanitários. Os cloretos podem além de prejudicar a microbiota, interferir no método de determinação da Demanda Química de Oxigênio - DQO e da Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio - DBO, que são parâmetros comumente utilizados para controle operacional de estações de tratamento. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência da adição de cloretos em um sistema de tratamento aeróbio por lodos ativados de bancada, que foi avaliado com base na remoção de matéria orgânica e no desenvolvimento e interação da microbiota envolvida. Foi avaliado o efeito tóxico da adição de concentrações de cloreto variando de 0 a 16 g\'CL POT. -\'/L. Os resultados confirmaram que há uma perda significativa de eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica, principalmente quando a concentração de cloretos é superior a 4 g\'CL POT. -\'/L. Observou-se também que determinadas concentrações de cloretos são tóxicas aos organismos e prejudicam a estrutura dos flocos biológicos. Além disso, concluiu-se que a determinação da DQO pelo método 5220D do Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater sofre, em alguns casos, a interferência do cloreto e portanto pode não ser o melhor parâmetro para avaliação de eficiência dos sistemas de tratamento que operam sob essa condição.
There are many types of organic and inorganic substances that may have toxic effect on microorganisms of aerobic systems for wastewater treatment, and among these substances is the chloride. In the effluents, the chlorides are in the form of some type of salt, and most common is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride can be found in various types of effluents, for example, effluents from food industries, oil, leather processing and leachate from landfills. The chlorides can also affect the microbiota, interfering with the method of determining the Chemical Oxygen Demand - COD and the Biochemical Oxygen Demand - BOD, which are commonly used parameters for operational control of treatment plants. This work aimed to study the influence of the addition of chlorides in a system of aerobic activated sludge bench, which was evaluated based on the removal of organic matter and the development and interaction of microorganisms involved. We evaluated the toxic effect of adding chloride concentrations ranging 0-16 g\'CL POT. -\' /L. The results confirmed that there is a significant loss of removal efficiency of organic matter, especially when the chloride concentration is more than 4 g\'CL POT. -\'/L. It was also noted that certain concentrations of chloride are toxic to microorganisms and affect the structure of biological flocs. Furthemore, it was concluded that the determination of COD by 5220D method of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater suffers, in some cases, interference of chloride and maybe not the better parameter for evaluating efficiency of treatment systems that operate under this condition.
There are many types of organic and inorganic substances that may have toxic effect on microorganisms of aerobic systems for wastewater treatment, and among these substances is the chloride. In the effluents, the chlorides are in the form of some type of salt, and most common is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride can be found in various types of effluents, for example, effluents from food industries, oil, leather processing and leachate from landfills. The chlorides can also affect the microbiota, interfering with the method of determining the Chemical Oxygen Demand - COD and the Biochemical Oxygen Demand - BOD, which are commonly used parameters for operational control of treatment plants. This work aimed to study the influence of the addition of chlorides in a system of aerobic activated sludge bench, which was evaluated based on the removal of organic matter and the development and interaction of microorganisms involved. We evaluated the toxic effect of adding chloride concentrations ranging 0-16 g\'CL POT. -\' /L. The results confirmed that there is a significant loss of removal efficiency of organic matter, especially when the chloride concentration is more than 4 g\'CL POT. -\'/L. It was also noted that certain concentrations of chloride are toxic to microorganisms and affect the structure of biological flocs. Furthemore, it was concluded that the determination of COD by 5220D method of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater suffers, in some cases, interference of chloride and maybe not the better parameter for evaluating efficiency of treatment systems that operate under this condition.
Cloreto de sódio ('NA''CL'), DQO, Lodos ativados, Microfauna, Activated sludge, COD, Microbiota, Sodium choride ('NA''CL')