Estudo da avaliação ambiental estratégica no Brasil em perspectiva comparada
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A consideração da variável ambiental nos processos decisórios do planejamento tem sido um desafio para diversos países. Nesse sentido, a Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE), instrumento que tem por objetivo inserir questões ambientais no planejamento de políticas, planos e programas, vem se consolidando no cenário internacional e tem sido cada vez mais praticada, inclusive em países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Nesse contexto, essa dissertação compara a situação atual da AAE no Brasil em relação à situação apresentada em México, Espanha, Inglaterra, África do Sul e Brasil. Para isso, foi utilizado o método comparativo qualitativo, que avaliou cada um desses sistemas com base em categorias descritivas e seus respectivos critérios de análise. As categorias selecionadas para caracterizar os sistemas de AAE foram Formal/legal, Institucional, Acadêmica e Prática. Os resultados demonstraram que os sistemas de AAE estudados apresentaram padrões diferentes de desenvolvimento e evolução ao longo do tempo. África do Sul, México e Brasil apresentaram evidências de experiências práticas e também interesse institucional que têm motivado a implementação formal desse instrumento nesses países. Contudo ainda apresentam lacunas em relação à estruturação formal e institucional desta ferramenta, afetando a qualidade de suas experiências práticas. Por outro lado, apesar de algumas limitações, os sistemas de AAE de Espanha e Inglaterra se apresentaram mais estruturados e desenvolvidos, fornecendo evidências empíricas sobre a relevância das esferas institucionais e acadêmicas para o seu desenvolvimento. De maneira geral, a comparação realizada nesta pesquisa demonstrou que existem diferentes formatos de sistemas de AAE, de acordo com o país ou contexto no qual é aplicada.
The insertion of environmental issues in decision-making has been a challenge in many countries. Therefore, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), an instrument that aims to embed environmental issues in the planning of policies, plans and programs, has now been consolidated and increasingly practiced in the international arena, including developing countries, like Brazil. In this context, this dissertation compares the current status of SEA in Brazil in relation to the situation presented in Mexico, Spain, England and South Africa. A qualitative comparative method, which evaluated each system based on descriptive categories and their criteria was used for the analysis. The categories selected to characterize the SEA systems were formal/legal, administrative/institutional, academic/conceptual and practical/applied. The results have showed that the SEA systems studied present different patterns of development and evolution along time. South Africa, Mexico and Brazil have showed evidence of different practical experiences and also institutional interests, which have motivated the formal reception of this instrument in those countries. However they still present some gaps in relation to formal and institutional structure of SEA, which affect their practical experience. On the other hand, despite some limitations, the SEA systems of Spain and England are more structured and developed, providing empirical evidence of the relevance of institutional and academic spheres to their development. In general, the comparison conducted in this research has showed that there exist different system formats to SEA, depending on the country or context in which it is applied.
The insertion of environmental issues in decision-making has been a challenge in many countries. Therefore, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), an instrument that aims to embed environmental issues in the planning of policies, plans and programs, has now been consolidated and increasingly practiced in the international arena, including developing countries, like Brazil. In this context, this dissertation compares the current status of SEA in Brazil in relation to the situation presented in Mexico, Spain, England and South Africa. A qualitative comparative method, which evaluated each system based on descriptive categories and their criteria was used for the analysis. The categories selected to characterize the SEA systems were formal/legal, administrative/institutional, academic/conceptual and practical/applied. The results have showed that the SEA systems studied present different patterns of development and evolution along time. South Africa, Mexico and Brazil have showed evidence of different practical experiences and also institutional interests, which have motivated the formal reception of this instrument in those countries. However they still present some gaps in relation to formal and institutional structure of SEA, which affect their practical experience. On the other hand, despite some limitations, the SEA systems of Spain and England are more structured and developed, providing empirical evidence of the relevance of institutional and academic spheres to their development. In general, the comparison conducted in this research has showed that there exist different system formats to SEA, depending on the country or context in which it is applied.
Avaliação ambiental estratégica, Método comparativo, Planejamento ambiental, Sistemas, Comparative method, Environmental planning, Strategic environmental assessment, Systems