Modelo e ferramenta para avaliação da agilidade no gerenciamento de projetos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As pesquisas com o objetivo de relacionar o uso de práticas do gerenciamento ágil, desempenho e sucesso do projeto apresentam limitações como baixa qualidade semântica de construtos, dados e instrumentos de coleta com escalas subjetivas e pouco confiáveis, impedindo a verificação da eficácia dessas práticas. Outro problema é a tentativa de relacioná-las diretamente com o desempenho ou sucesso do projeto. Neste trabalho discute-se a hipótese de que a adoção de práticas dessa teoria e o desempenho do projeto não possuem relacionamento direto. Propõe-se a tese de que há um elemento intermediário, denominado neste trabalho de construto agilidade, que pode ser designado como um desempenho. As práticas provenientes da teoria de gerenciamento ágil (ditas ágeis), em conjunto com outros fatores ambientais, contribuiriam para o desempenho em agilidade, e este, por sua vez contribuiria para o desempenho e sucesso do projeto. Considerando esta hipótese, são três os objetivos desta pesquisa: 1) definir agilidade em gerenciamento de projetos; 2) propor um modelo conceitual capaz de explicar a relação entre práticas de gestão de projetos, fatores críticos organizacionais e o desempenho em agilidade, verificando-o; e 3) propor uma ferramenta de diagnóstico da agilidade em gerenciamento de projetos para profissionais, fundamentada no conhecimento contido no modelo conceitual proposto. O modelo conceitual foi concebido a partir de uma definição de agilidade para gerenciamento de projetos, construída com base em revisões sistemáticas e o uso da técnica de semântica de frames. Em seguida, foi realizada uma primeira verificação em campo do modelo por meio de um levantamento (survey) em 171 projetos inovadores, selecionados a partir de grupos de profissionais da rede social LinkedIn, além de um estudo de caso considerando 4 projetos de uma empresa usuária do gerenciamento ágil. Os resultados demonstraram que o modelo conceitual de agilidade proposto é coerente, pois reproduziu a relação entre práticas, fatores ambientais e o conceito agilidade. Foram identificados os fatores ambientais mais relevantes para o desempenho em agilidade, por exemplo: disponibilidade do cliente para participar ativamente do projeto e dedicação e autonomia dos membros do time de projeto. O conhecimento adquirido na construção e teste do modelo conceitual foi utilizado no desenvolvimento de uma proposta inicial de uma ferramenta de diagnóstico da agilidade. Seu objetivo é auxiliar os profissionais na medição do nível de agilidade e a situação dos projetos, e assim, orientá-los quanto ao uso de práticas gerenciais de maneira mais objetiva e específica, de acordo com o ambiente do projeto. Um teste preliminar desta ferramenta foi conduzido em uma empresa de consultoria em T.I., por meio de levantamento em 12 projetos. Os resultados deste teste preliminar indicaram o potencial da ferramenta para identificar projetos com discrepâncias em relação ao uso de práticas gerenciais, o ambiente organizacional e o desempenho em agilidade. Esta pesquisa tem ao menos três contribuições originais com potenciais implicações para teoria e prática. São elas: 1) a proposição e verificação preliminar de um modelo conceitual, contendo a definição do conceito agilidade e as 5 dimensões; 2) a proposição de variáveis e instrumentos sobre como medir a agilidade no gerenciamento de projetos; e 3) a proposta de uma ferramenta de diagnóstico do nível de desempenho em agilidade em gerenciamento de projetos voltada para profissionais.
A group of researchers has attempted to investigate the correlation between the practices from the agile project management (APM) theory to project performance and success. This body of researches has presented limitations such as the lack of robust constructs and poor data analysis to identify precisely the effectiveness of such practices. In addition, there is a misunderstanding regarding the existence of a straightforward and causal link between APM practices and the level of success in projects and performance. In this study, we have proposed an alternative, more robust view to deal with this assumption. Our hypothesis considers the existence and the influence of a third element, an intermediate construct, called agility concept. The APM theory (so-called agile practices) along with some critical factors could be the contributor of an agility performance. Therefore, a better agility performance might affect the overall performance of the project, as well as its success. Given this new assumption, this thesis has three main goals: 1) to define agility in project management; 2) to propose and verify a theoretical framework aimed to explain the relationship between project management practices, organizational critical factors and the agility performance; and 3) to propose a self-assessment tool for professionals and companies based on the knowledge and experience acquired on this research, designed specially to measure the agility performance level of the project management. Based on systematic review and frame semantic analysis, this thesis proposes a theoretical framework containing a rigorous definition of the agility concept applied to the project management theory. The framework was empirically tested through a survey containing 171 innovative projects, selected from practice communities in the LinkedIn® social network, as well as 4 projects on an in-depth case study, carried out in a company that applies agile project management practices. The results showed that the theoretical framework is coherent and was considered useful to explain the relationship between agile practices, the agility critical factors and the variables from the agility construct. Moreover, the framework helped to identify the most relevant factors for the agility performance, e.g. customer availability (to be involved in the project development), as well autonomy and commitment of the project team members. As a result of these findings, the acquired experience and knowledge were both applied in the design of a self-assessment tool to measure the level of the agility performance in project management. This tool was submitted to a preliminary empirical test in an IT consulting firm, throughout a survey of 12 projects. This research has at least three original contributions along with potential theoretical and practical implications: 1) it provides a precise and robust definition for the agility concept in project management theory; 2) it proposes a theoretical framework along with its 5 dimensions, variables and tools describing how to measure the agility in the project management field; and 3) from the practitioners perspective it provides a practical tool for the agility measurement in project management.
A group of researchers has attempted to investigate the correlation between the practices from the agile project management (APM) theory to project performance and success. This body of researches has presented limitations such as the lack of robust constructs and poor data analysis to identify precisely the effectiveness of such practices. In addition, there is a misunderstanding regarding the existence of a straightforward and causal link between APM practices and the level of success in projects and performance. In this study, we have proposed an alternative, more robust view to deal with this assumption. Our hypothesis considers the existence and the influence of a third element, an intermediate construct, called agility concept. The APM theory (so-called agile practices) along with some critical factors could be the contributor of an agility performance. Therefore, a better agility performance might affect the overall performance of the project, as well as its success. Given this new assumption, this thesis has three main goals: 1) to define agility in project management; 2) to propose and verify a theoretical framework aimed to explain the relationship between project management practices, organizational critical factors and the agility performance; and 3) to propose a self-assessment tool for professionals and companies based on the knowledge and experience acquired on this research, designed specially to measure the agility performance level of the project management. Based on systematic review and frame semantic analysis, this thesis proposes a theoretical framework containing a rigorous definition of the agility concept applied to the project management theory. The framework was empirically tested through a survey containing 171 innovative projects, selected from practice communities in the LinkedIn® social network, as well as 4 projects on an in-depth case study, carried out in a company that applies agile project management practices. The results showed that the theoretical framework is coherent and was considered useful to explain the relationship between agile practices, the agility critical factors and the variables from the agility construct. Moreover, the framework helped to identify the most relevant factors for the agility performance, e.g. customer availability (to be involved in the project development), as well autonomy and commitment of the project team members. As a result of these findings, the acquired experience and knowledge were both applied in the design of a self-assessment tool to measure the level of the agility performance in project management. This tool was submitted to a preliminary empirical test in an IT consulting firm, throughout a survey of 12 projects. This research has at least three original contributions along with potential theoretical and practical implications: 1) it provides a precise and robust definition for the agility concept in project management theory; 2) it proposes a theoretical framework along with its 5 dimensions, variables and tools describing how to measure the agility in the project management field; and 3) from the practitioners perspective it provides a practical tool for the agility measurement in project management.
Desempenho em agilidade, Modelo conceitual de agilidade, Gerenciamento de projetos, Gerenciamento ágil de projetos, Conceito agilidade, Agile project management, Agility theoretical framework, Agility performance, Agility concept, Project management