Usinas de açúcar: habitação e patrimônio industrial
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Estuda a emergência, características - implantação e arquitetura - e transformações do espaço organizado pela agroindústria do açúcar e do álcool para seus trabalhadores, através de levantamentos de campo em três regiões tradicionais de produção no Brasil: zona da mata de Pernambuco, norte fluminense e interior de São Paulo. Estuda e compara outros assentamentos constituídos em regiões produtoras de açúcar em Cuba e Estados Unidos. Realiza estudos comparativos em diferentes núcleos fabris com o intuito de verificar padrões e características específicas nos assentamentos açucareiros. Busca desvendar a ação do poder privado, no caso as usinas de açúcar, na construção do território. Paralelamente, analisa as origens dessa ação, a difusão da prática e o processo de desmonte e abandono que vem ocorrendo. Aborda, ainda, como conseqüência destas transformações, questões vinculadas ao patrimônio industrial.
This dissertation investigates the origins, development, and spatial organization - plan, architecture and collective spaces - of several sugar mills located in three traditional sugar regions in Brazil: Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo. The study also investigates other sugar settlements located in Cuba and United States. The comparative study in different sugar mills, attempts to discover common models and, on the other hand, distinguishing characteristics specific to each mill. The dissertation interrogates the influence of the sugar industry\'s action on the construction and planning of the territories in which the mills are located. To that end, the study analyzes the origins and development of those actions. Finally, the dissertation considers the more recent history of sugar mills reduction and elimination of residential provision and discusses questions specific to these aspects of industrial heritage.
This dissertation investigates the origins, development, and spatial organization - plan, architecture and collective spaces - of several sugar mills located in three traditional sugar regions in Brazil: Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo. The study also investigates other sugar settlements located in Cuba and United States. The comparative study in different sugar mills, attempts to discover common models and, on the other hand, distinguishing characteristics specific to each mill. The dissertation interrogates the influence of the sugar industry\'s action on the construction and planning of the territories in which the mills are located. To that end, the study analyzes the origins and development of those actions. Finally, the dissertation considers the more recent history of sugar mills reduction and elimination of residential provision and discusses questions specific to these aspects of industrial heritage.
Usinas de açúcar, Arquitetura, Habitação, Patrimônio industrial, Núcleos fabris, Sugar mills, Industrial heritage, Housing, Company towns, Architecture