Modelagem de placas laminadas com materiais piezoelétricos conectados a circuitos shunt resistivo-indutivo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta uma modelagem de placas laminadas com sensores/atuadores piezoelétricos integrados e conectados a circuitos tipo shunt resistivo-indutivo (RL). O modelo faz uso de duas teorias de placa, FSDT (First-order Shear Deformatíon Theory) e TSDT (Third-order Shear Deformatíon Theory), e considera a possibilidade de inserção de pastilhas piezoelétricas trabalhando nos modos de extensão e cisalhamento. Um modelo de elementos finitos para placas laminadas piezoelétricas, em camada equivalente (Equivalent Single Layer), foi desenvolvido usando como graus de liberdade os deslocamentos mecânicos generalizados e a carga elétrica gerada nos circuitos acoplados. Após, uma implementação computacional foi realizada e validada através de comparações com resultados encontrados na literatura. Então, foram realizados estudos para configurações de placa laminada com diferentes quantidades de pastilhas piezoelétricas através de uma análise paramétrica para obtenção das posições de maior acoplamento entre pastilhas e estrutura para os primeiros modos de vibração da placa. Estes resultados possibilitaram a otimização da eficiência do acoplamento eletromecânico através da distribuição das pastilhas piezoelétricas para uma placa com maior quantidade de pastilhas bem como a comparação dos resultados obtidos entre as duas teorias utilizadas.
This work presents the modeling of laminate plates with embedded piezoelectric sensors and actuators connected to resistive-inductive (RL) shunt circuits. The model considers two plate theories, FSDT (First-order Shear Deformation Theory) and TSDT (Third-order Shear Deformation Theory) and allows embedded piezoelectric patches in extension and thickness-shear modes. A finite element model for piezoelectric laminate plates, using equivalent single layer (ESL), was developed considering the generalized mechanical displacements and the electric charges induced in the coupled electric circuits as degrees of freedom. Then, the model was implemented and validated by means of comparisons with results found in the literature. Thereafter, some laminate plate configurations with different numbers of piezoelectric patches were studied through a parametric analysis to obtain the positions that maximize the electromechanical coupling between patches and structure for the first vibration modes. These results allowed the optimization of the electromechanical coupling efficiency through piezoelectric patches distribution for a plate with a larger number of patches and the comparison between the results obtained with the two plate theories considered.
This work presents the modeling of laminate plates with embedded piezoelectric sensors and actuators connected to resistive-inductive (RL) shunt circuits. The model considers two plate theories, FSDT (First-order Shear Deformation Theory) and TSDT (Third-order Shear Deformation Theory) and allows embedded piezoelectric patches in extension and thickness-shear modes. A finite element model for piezoelectric laminate plates, using equivalent single layer (ESL), was developed considering the generalized mechanical displacements and the electric charges induced in the coupled electric circuits as degrees of freedom. Then, the model was implemented and validated by means of comparisons with results found in the literature. Thereafter, some laminate plate configurations with different numbers of piezoelectric patches were studied through a parametric analysis to obtain the positions that maximize the electromechanical coupling between patches and structure for the first vibration modes. These results allowed the optimization of the electromechanical coupling efficiency through piezoelectric patches distribution for a plate with a larger number of patches and the comparison between the results obtained with the two plate theories considered.
Circuitos shunt, Placas laminadas, Teorias de cisalhamento, Método dos elementos finitos, Materiais piezoelétricos, Laminate plates, Finite element method, Shear deformation theories, Shunt circuits, Piezoelectric materials