Desempenhos de desenvolvimento de municípios afetados por usinas hidrelétricas: um estudo de 4 usinas dos rios Pelotas, Canoas e Uruguai
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Além do discurso de desenvolvimento nacional associado à construção de usinas hidrelétricas, tem sido destacado nos planos do setor de energia, nos discursos do governo e nos documentos técnicos relativos ao processo de avaliação de impacto um potencial de indução do desenvolvimento local associado à instalação de usinas hidrelétricas no território. Este suposto desenvolvimento local é favorecido por alguns aspectos relativos à construção das hidrelétricas, como o potencial de dinamização econômica das regiões onde os projetos são instalados e o aumento das receitas dos municípios diretamente afetados, uma vez que estes passam a receber recursos financeiros provenientes diretamente da geração de energia elétrica. Neste sentido, estes fatores têm sido utilizados para justificar uma série de novos projetos, planejados e em implantação expressos nos Planos Decenais de Expansão de Energia. Devido à falta de evidências empíricas que atestem esta relação entre existência de usinas hidrelétricas no território e o desenvolvimento local, o objetivo desta tese é o de verificar se municípios diretamente afetados por hidrelétricas têm desempenho de desenvolvimento melhor do que municípios indiretamente afetados, pertencentes a uma mesma região. Neste sentido, os desempenhos de desenvolvimento de três grupos de municípios, sob influência das hidrelétricas de Machadinho, Itá, Barra Grande e Campos Novos, foram comparados a partir do teste estatístico de Mann-Whitney. Buscou-se avaliar também a correlação entre a quantidade de recursos financeiros recebidos pelos municípios diretamente afetados com o desempenho de desenvolvimento, relativo à variação de um conjunto de indicadores de desenvolvimento local no tempo. Apesar de um dos grupos ter se destacado em relação à dimensão econômica, para a maioria dos indicadores utilizados não foi possível destacar um melhor desempenho por parte dos grupos diretamente afetados. Ressalta-se que um dos grupos de municípios diretamente afetados apresentou pior desempenho em relação à produção industrial e à concentração de renda. Encontrou-se correlação positiva entre a quantidade de recursos recebidos e a produção relativa ao setor de serviços e ao IDH renda. Porém, encontrou-se uma correlação negativa para o indicador alfabetismo. Concluiu-se, para a região estudada para o período de 2000 a 2010 que as UHEs e seus fatores associados, como os recursos financeiros, não têm servido à promoção dos fatores locais de desenvolvimento. Assim, sugere-se uma discussão a partir da formação potencial de um enclave associado a esta atividade.
In addition to the national development discourse associated to the construction of hydroelectric power plants, it has been highlighted the potential of this kind of projects in promoting local development, this has been appearing in the plans for the energy sector, in the speeches of the government and in technical documents related to the environmental impact assessment process. This supposed local development is supported by some aspects concerning the construction of dams, such as the potential for economic dynamism of the regions where the projects are installed and the income increase of the directly affected municipalities, since they start to receive financial resources from the electricity generation. In this sense, these factors have been used to justify a number of new projects, planned and under construction, expressed in the Decennial Plan for Energy Expansion. Due to the lack of empirical evidence attesting this relation between existence of hydropower plants in the territory and its local development, the aim of this thesis is to determine whether municipalities directly affected by hydropower development have e better development performance than those municipalities that are indirectly affected but belong to a same region. In this sense, the development performances of three groups of municipalities, under the influence of Machadinho, Ita, Barra Grande and Campos Novos hydro powers, were compared from the statistical test of Mann-Whitney. Attempt was also made to evaluate the correlation between the amount of funds received by the municipalities directly affected and the variation of a set of indicators of local development. Although one of the groups have been highlighted in relation to the economic dimension, for most of the indicators has not been possible to highlight better performances by neither of the groups. It is noteworthy that one of the groups directly affected showed worse performance in relation to industrial production and the concentration of income. There was a positive correlation between the amount of funds received and the production concerning the service sector and the HDI income. However, it was found a negative correlation for the literacy indicator. It was concluded, to study case for the 2000-2010 periods that the HPPs and associated factors such as financial resources, have not served to the promotion of local development factors. Thus, it is suggest a debate over the potential to enclave\'s establishment due to this sort of activity.
In addition to the national development discourse associated to the construction of hydroelectric power plants, it has been highlighted the potential of this kind of projects in promoting local development, this has been appearing in the plans for the energy sector, in the speeches of the government and in technical documents related to the environmental impact assessment process. This supposed local development is supported by some aspects concerning the construction of dams, such as the potential for economic dynamism of the regions where the projects are installed and the income increase of the directly affected municipalities, since they start to receive financial resources from the electricity generation. In this sense, these factors have been used to justify a number of new projects, planned and under construction, expressed in the Decennial Plan for Energy Expansion. Due to the lack of empirical evidence attesting this relation between existence of hydropower plants in the territory and its local development, the aim of this thesis is to determine whether municipalities directly affected by hydropower development have e better development performance than those municipalities that are indirectly affected but belong to a same region. In this sense, the development performances of three groups of municipalities, under the influence of Machadinho, Ita, Barra Grande and Campos Novos hydro powers, were compared from the statistical test of Mann-Whitney. Attempt was also made to evaluate the correlation between the amount of funds received by the municipalities directly affected and the variation of a set of indicators of local development. Although one of the groups have been highlighted in relation to the economic dimension, for most of the indicators has not been possible to highlight better performances by neither of the groups. It is noteworthy that one of the groups directly affected showed worse performance in relation to industrial production and the concentration of income. There was a positive correlation between the amount of funds received and the production concerning the service sector and the HDI income. However, it was found a negative correlation for the literacy indicator. It was concluded, to study case for the 2000-2010 periods that the HPPs and associated factors such as financial resources, have not served to the promotion of local development factors. Thus, it is suggest a debate over the potential to enclave\'s establishment due to this sort of activity.
Desempenho, Desenvolvimento local, Usinas hidrelétricas, Hydropower plants, Local development, Performance