Estudo integrado das características geológico-geotécnicas com vista à avaliação de recarga de aquífero: região de São Carlos-SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esta tese apresenta um estudo da integração das características geológico geotécnicas da região de São Carlos que condicionam o processo de recarga do aquífero constituído pelos arenitos da Formação Botucatu. Dentre as características avaliadas, destacam-se os parâmetros de condutividade hidráulica, de retenção de poluentes e de distribuição de poros, além das informações sobre a distribuição e ocorrência dos materiais geológicos, profundidade do nível de água, uso do solo e superfícies de difração hídrica. Tais informações foram obtidas a partir de trabalhos integrados de escritório, campo e laboratório, sendo os resultados gerados na forma de mapas considerados fundamentais para a elaboração de modelos destinados à avaliação de recarga. Foi também realizado na região monitoramento pluviográfico das chuvas, bem como dos níveis de água e de umidade da zona não saturada através de poços e tensiômetros, respectivamente. As informações integradas e os dados de monitoramento foram utilizados em simulações no programa Mike-She, que considerou os diferentes aspectos geológico-geotécnicos no estudo de avaliação das taxas de recarga. O estudo demonstrou a importância da variabilidade dos materiais geológicos, das características geológico-geotécnicas e da dinâmica das águas para a adequada avaliação das taxas de recarga de aqüífero e de fluxo dos poluentes.
This thesis presents an integrated study of the geological and geotechnical characteristics of São Carlos region which influence the recharge process of the aquifer composed of sandstones of the Botucatu Formation. Among the assessed characteristics, it can be distinguished the parameters of ydraulic conductivity, retention of pollutants and pore distribution, also information about the distribution and occurrence of the geologic materials, groundwater depth, land use and water diffraction surfaces. Such data were obtained from desk study, field and laboratory integrated works, with the results being generated in the form of maps considered fundamental to the development of models for recharge assessment. In the region, it was also conducted monitoring of rainfall, groundwater levels and water content of the unsaturated zone through pluviograph, monitoring wells and tensiometers, respectively. The integrated information and monitoring data were used in the Mike-She software simulations, which considered the different geological and geotechnical aspects in the study for assessment of the recharge rates. The study demonstrated the importance of variability of geological materials, geological and geotechnical characteristics and dynamics of water for the adequate assessment of the aquifer recharge and transport of pollutants.
This thesis presents an integrated study of the geological and geotechnical characteristics of São Carlos region which influence the recharge process of the aquifer composed of sandstones of the Botucatu Formation. Among the assessed characteristics, it can be distinguished the parameters of ydraulic conductivity, retention of pollutants and pore distribution, also information about the distribution and occurrence of the geologic materials, groundwater depth, land use and water diffraction surfaces. Such data were obtained from desk study, field and laboratory integrated works, with the results being generated in the form of maps considered fundamental to the development of models for recharge assessment. In the region, it was also conducted monitoring of rainfall, groundwater levels and water content of the unsaturated zone through pluviograph, monitoring wells and tensiometers, respectively. The integrated information and monitoring data were used in the Mike-She software simulations, which considered the different geological and geotechnical aspects in the study for assessment of the recharge rates. The study demonstrated the importance of variability of geological materials, geological and geotechnical characteristics and dynamics of water for the adequate assessment of the aquifer recharge and transport of pollutants.
Características geológico-geotécnicas, Formação Botucatu, Recarga de aquíferos, São Carlos, Aquifer recharge, Botucatu formation, Geological and geotechnical characteristics, São Carlos