Ladrilhos e revestimentos hidráulicos de alto desempenho
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os ladrilhos hidráulicos são revestimentos produzidos utilizando aglomerante hidráulico, cuja tecnologia de produção não acompanhou a grande evolução tecnológica dos concretos, as disponibilidades de novos materiais e técnicas de utilização ocorrentes nos últimos anos, sendo assim esses revestimentos perderam espaço e competitividade no mercado pela característica artesanal de sua produção. O trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma argamassa para produção de ladrilhos hidráulicos utilizando a tecnologia utilizada na produção de concretos de alto desempenho. Os agregados foram selecionados e compostos utilizando diferentes técnicas de empacotamento de partículas, essas técnicas foram implementadas experimentalmente e seus resultados foram analisados e comparados através da medida de massa unitária no estado compactado seco. Os aglomerantes foram selecionados de forma a atender a utilização de pigmentos claros e escuros necessários para a produção de ladrilhos hidráulicos decorativos, assim foram elaboradas duas diferentes composições de aglomerantes, a primeira com cimento Portland branco estrutural e metacaulinita branca, e a segunda com cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial resistente a sulfatos e sílica ativa de ferro-silício. Diferentes aditivos superplastificantes foram testados, sendo a medida de compatibilidade com os aglomerantes e a determinação dos teores ideais a serem utilizados com cada tipo de aglomerantes realizadas através da medida de consistência em mesa cadente. A avaliação das argamassas desenvolvidas para produção dos ladrilhos hidráulicos foi realizada através dos ensaios de compressão axial simples, tração na compressão diametral, e determinação do módulo de elasticidade. Os ladrilhos hidráulicos foram produzidos em fôrmas previamente elaboradas e moldados com auxílio de vibração, após desmoldagem e cura foram avaliados através dos ensaios de módulo de flexão, desgaste por abrasão, absorção de água, retração por secagem, ação química, e determinação das variações de dimensões em diferentes tempos de cura. Após elaboração, produção e avaliação dos ladrilhos hidráulicos, também foram realizados alguns testes práticos, e avaliados os custos dos materiais para produção desses revestimentos, como parte de um estudo para implementação da produção desses elementos em escala industrial. Os ladrilhos hidráulicos desenvolvidos apresentaram alto desempenho nas características avaliadas, com resistência à compressão axial simples de até 143 MPa e absorção de água próxima a 1%, também apresentando viabilidade de produção.
The hydraulic tiles are coverings produced by using hydraulic binders, whose production technology has not follow the great technological evolution of the concretes, the availabilities of new materials and the usual techniques in recent years, thus they have lost space and competition in the market due to their handicraft characteristic of production. This work had the objective to develop a mortar for production of hydraulic tiles using high performance concrete production technology. The aggregates were selected and proportioned using different techniques of particle packing, these techniques were implemented experimentally and their results were analyzed and compared through the measurement of the unit weight by rodding. The binders were selected to be used with clear and dark pigment necessity for production of decorative hydraulic tiles, thus two different mixture proportions of binders were elaborated, the first with structural white Portland cement and white metakaulin, and the second with high initial strength Portland cement resistant to sulphate and ferrosilicon silica fume. Different superplasticizer additives were tested, being the measure of compatibility with the binders and the determination of ideal proportions to be used with each type of binders measured in flow table consistency test. The evaluation of mortars developed for hydraulic tiles production was carried out by simple axial compression test, cylinder splitting test, and elastic modulus determination test. The hydraulic tiles were produced in a previously elaborated mould and molded by vibration, after dismoulding and cure were evaluated by flexural modulus test, wear by abrasion test, water absorption test, drying shrinkage test, chemical action test, and determination of the dimensions variations in different times of cure. After hydraulic tiles elaboration, production and evaluation, also were made some practical tests, and evaluated the material costs for production of these coverings, as part of an implementation study for production of these elements in industrial scale. The developed hydraulic tiles showed high performance in the evaluated characteristics, with simple axial compression strength until 143 MPa and water absorption about 1%, also showed production viability.
The hydraulic tiles are coverings produced by using hydraulic binders, whose production technology has not follow the great technological evolution of the concretes, the availabilities of new materials and the usual techniques in recent years, thus they have lost space and competition in the market due to their handicraft characteristic of production. This work had the objective to develop a mortar for production of hydraulic tiles using high performance concrete production technology. The aggregates were selected and proportioned using different techniques of particle packing, these techniques were implemented experimentally and their results were analyzed and compared through the measurement of the unit weight by rodding. The binders were selected to be used with clear and dark pigment necessity for production of decorative hydraulic tiles, thus two different mixture proportions of binders were elaborated, the first with structural white Portland cement and white metakaulin, and the second with high initial strength Portland cement resistant to sulphate and ferrosilicon silica fume. Different superplasticizer additives were tested, being the measure of compatibility with the binders and the determination of ideal proportions to be used with each type of binders measured in flow table consistency test. The evaluation of mortars developed for hydraulic tiles production was carried out by simple axial compression test, cylinder splitting test, and elastic modulus determination test. The hydraulic tiles were produced in a previously elaborated mould and molded by vibration, after dismoulding and cure were evaluated by flexural modulus test, wear by abrasion test, water absorption test, drying shrinkage test, chemical action test, and determination of the dimensions variations in different times of cure. After hydraulic tiles elaboration, production and evaluation, also were made some practical tests, and evaluated the material costs for production of these coverings, as part of an implementation study for production of these elements in industrial scale. The developed hydraulic tiles showed high performance in the evaluated characteristics, with simple axial compression strength until 143 MPa and water absorption about 1%, also showed production viability.
Argamassa, Ladrilho hidráulico, Revestimento, Durabilidade, CAD, Durability, Covering, Hydraulic tile, Mortar, HPC