Produção de hidrogênio em reator anaeróbio de leito fixo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O hidrogênio é estudado como alternativa ao uso de combustíveis fósseis para geração de energia, uma vez que é um combustível renovável, apresenta alta concentração de energia por unidade de massa e não gera gases causadores do efeito estufa. Entre os processos de produção de hidrogênio destaca-se o processo fermentativo, pois é um processo de baixo custo quando comparado com outros processos e possibilita unir tratamento de efluente e geração de energia. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como proposta estudar parâmetros envolvidos no processo de produção fermentativo do \'H IND.2\'. O trabalho envolveu três etapas. Na primeira etapa, foi estudada a produção de hidrogênio a partir de sacarose empregando reatores anaeróbios de leito fixo de fluxo ascendente. Na primeira fase, comparou-se o desempenho de diferentes matérias suportes (argila, carvão vegetal e polietileno) e tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) (0,5 e 2h). Na segunda fase, testaram-se diferentes porosidades (50, 75 e 91%) do leito de polietileno TDH de 0,5 h. Os resultados mostraram que TDHs menores e maiores porosidades promovem maiores e contínuas produções de \'H IND.2\'. Na segunda fase, avaliou-se a produção de \'H IND.2\' a partir de quatro inóculos: metanogênico tratamento termicamente e três provenientes de biomassa aderidas aos materiais suportes empregados na primeira etapa. Todos inóculos produziram \'H IND.2\'. Na terceira etapa, avaliou-se a viabilidade de produzir \'H IND.2\' a partir de diferentes águas residuárias (sacarose, esgoto sanitário, vinhaça e glicerina). Houve conversão de hidrogênio a partir de todas as águas residuárias e a vinhaça mostrou ser o efluente mais promissor para esta finalidade. As análises biológicas mostraram baixa diversidade de fungos e bactérias, porém todos associados com o processo de formação de \'H IND.2\'. A varredura dos parâmetros estudados neste trabalho proporcionou o entendimento do processo, assim como, o mapeamento das variáveis adequadas para o projeto e viabilidade da aplicação de reatores desenvolvidos para geração de hidrogênio.
The hydrogen obtained by fermentative production is studied as an alternative process to provide energy instead of fossil fuel application. Moreover, hydrogen is a renewable fuel, has high energy content per unit weight (122 kJ/g), generates clean energy without pollution and produces no greenhouse gases. The fermentative process has low cost when it is compared with traditional process and photosynthetic process, because hydrogen can be produced from wastewater by anaerobic treatment process. For that reason, the aim of this research was to study some parameters involved in the hydrogen production by fermentative process. Three steps were developed. In the first step, it was studied the hydrogen production from sucrose using up-flow anaerobic packed-bed reactor, this step was divide in two phases. In the first phase three support materials (clay beads, vegetal coal and polyethylene) and two hydraulic retention times (0.5 and 2 h) were tested. In the second phase three porosities (50, 75 and 91%) of polyethylene bed were tested. The results demonstrated that the low HRT and high porosities provided high hydrogen production, although, the support materials did not show significant difference in the hydrogen production and in the biomass developed. In the second phase, four inocula were used in order to produce hydrogen: thermal pre-treated methanogenic sludge; and the others three came from the reactors used in the first phase. All inocula were able to produce hydrogen. In the third step hydrogen production was obtained from three wastewaters (domestic wastewater, vinasse and glycerol) and a control (sucrose) in batch reactors. The wastewaters and control produced hydrogen and the vinasse showed the highest production. This research makes available the comprehension on the influence of the different parameters in processes projected for hydrogen production and it makes viable to apply in full-scale.
The hydrogen obtained by fermentative production is studied as an alternative process to provide energy instead of fossil fuel application. Moreover, hydrogen is a renewable fuel, has high energy content per unit weight (122 kJ/g), generates clean energy without pollution and produces no greenhouse gases. The fermentative process has low cost when it is compared with traditional process and photosynthetic process, because hydrogen can be produced from wastewater by anaerobic treatment process. For that reason, the aim of this research was to study some parameters involved in the hydrogen production by fermentative process. Three steps were developed. In the first step, it was studied the hydrogen production from sucrose using up-flow anaerobic packed-bed reactor, this step was divide in two phases. In the first phase three support materials (clay beads, vegetal coal and polyethylene) and two hydraulic retention times (0.5 and 2 h) were tested. In the second phase three porosities (50, 75 and 91%) of polyethylene bed were tested. The results demonstrated that the low HRT and high porosities provided high hydrogen production, although, the support materials did not show significant difference in the hydrogen production and in the biomass developed. In the second phase, four inocula were used in order to produce hydrogen: thermal pre-treated methanogenic sludge; and the others three came from the reactors used in the first phase. All inocula were able to produce hydrogen. In the third step hydrogen production was obtained from three wastewaters (domestic wastewater, vinasse and glycerol) and a control (sucrose) in batch reactors. The wastewaters and control produced hydrogen and the vinasse showed the highest production. This research makes available the comprehension on the influence of the different parameters in processes projected for hydrogen production and it makes viable to apply in full-scale.
Águas residuárias, Reator anaeróbio, Material suporte, Inóculos, Hidrogênio, Inoculum, Hydrogen, Support material, Up-flow anaerobic packed bed reactor, Wastewater