Avaliação de diferentes coagulantes para remoção de sólidos por flotação e sedimentação de água residuária de uma indústria metal-mecânica
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Uma das abordagens para minimizar o volume de captação de água potável e o descarte de efluentes é o reuso da água dentro da unidade industrial através de técnicas avançadas de tratamento como o sistema de osmose reversa, porém esse sistema exige um afluente com uma baixa quantidade de sólidos, além de outros requisitos. A água residuária utilizada nesse estudo é proveniente de uma empresa do ramo metal-mecânico que utiliza processos de coagulação-floculação-sedimentação como forma de remover os sólidos antes de um sistema de osmose reversa. A proposta deste trabalho foi avaliar três diferentes coagulantes (aluminato de sódio, cloreto férrico e uma mistura de dois coagulantes comerciais, Procytrat 100A e Procytrat 300) em processos de coagulação-floculação e separação de sólidos da fase líquida por sedimentação e flotação por ar dissolvido e também comparar os custos aproximados dos processos envolvidos. Foram realizados ensaios em testes de jarros e flotateste e com os dados obtidos construíram-se diagramas de coagulação-floculação e escolhidas as regiões de maior remoção de sólidos. Através das regiões escolhidas, foram feitas as comparações de eficiência de remoção e custos para cada coagulante estudado. Verificou-se que os diagramas de coagulação-floculação-sedimentação foram os que apresentaram as regiões de maior área com turbidez remanescente menor que 2%, principalmente para os coagulantes cloreto férrico e a mistura Procytrat 100A + Procytrat 300, chegando a alcançar valores próximos a 0,5%. A opção mais econômica foi alcançada com custo de cloreto férrico, na dosagem de 200 mg/L, pH igual a 8,3 e turbidez remanescente igual a 0,6%, de R$0,47/\'M POT.3\' de água tratada. Os diagramas de coagulação-floculação-flotação apresentaram regiões de turbidez remanescente com áreas bem mais reduzidas se comparadas aos diagramas de coagulação-floculação-sedimentação, sendo que não foram atingidos valores de turbidez remanescente menores que 1,5%. Os menores valores de turbidez remanescente para o processo de flotação foram encontrados utilizando-se como coagulante a mistura Procytrat 100A + Procytrat 300, sendo a opção mais econômica alcançada para pH igual a 3,3, dosagem de 60 mg/L e turbidez remanescente igual a 1,6%, com custo de R$0,33/\'M POT.3\' de água tratada. De um modo geral, para todos os coagulantes testados, as regiões escolhidas nos diagramas de coagulação-floculação-flotação, cujos valores de turbidez remanescente foram menores, estavam concentradas em valores de pH baixos (3,2 a 5,5), dosagens de coagulante reduzidas (10 a 80 mg/L) e dosagens de alcalinizante também reduzidas (0 a 60 mg/L de Ca(\'OH)IND.2\'). Esse comportamento foi contrário ao apresentado pelos diagramas coagulação-floculação-sedimentação cujos valores de turbidez remanescente foram menores em valores de pH mais altos (6,5 a 8,5), maiores dosagens de coagulante (40 a 380 mg/L) e altas dosagens de alcalinizante (100 a 400 mg/L de Ca(\'OH)IND.2\').
One approach to minimize the consumption of drinking water and effluent disposal is the reuse of water within the plant through advanced treatment techniques such as reverse osmosis system, however, this system requires an affluent with a low amount of solids and other requirements. The wastewater used in this study comes from a metalworking company that uses coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation process as a way to remove the solids before a reverse osmosis system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate three different coagulants (sodium aluminate, ferric chloride and a mixture of two commercial coagulants, Procytrat 100A and Procytrat 300) in the process of coagulation-flocculation and separation of solids from the liquid phase by sedimentation and dissolved air flotation and also compare the approximate costs of the processes involved. Jar tests and flotatests were performed and the coagulation-flocculation diagrams were built. In the coagulation-flocculation diagrams were selected areas of higher solids removal. Through the chosen regions, comparisons were made of removal efficiency and cost study for each coagulant. It was found that the diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation presented the areas of higher turbidity remaining area with less than 2%, mainly for the coagulants ferric chloride and the mixture Procytrat 100A + Procytrat 300, reaching values close to 0.5 %. The most economical option was achieved at a cost of ferric chloride at a dosage of 200 mg/L, pH 8.3, and the remaining turbidity equal to 0.6%, from R$ 0.47/\'M POT.3\' treated water. The diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-flotation showed regions with turbidity remaining areas much reduced compared to the diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation, and the turbidity remaining values were more than 1.5%. The lower values of turbidity remaining for the flotation process were found using the mixture Procytrat 100A + Procytrat 300, and the most economical option was reached for a pH of 3.3, dosage of 60 mg/L and remaining turbidity equal to e 1.6%, at a cost of R$ 0.33/\'M POT.3\' of treated water. In general, for all coagulants tested, the selected regions in the diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-flotation, whose remaining turbidity values were lower, were concentrated in low pH values (3.2 to 5.5), dosages of coagulant reduced (10 to 80 mg/L) and dosages of alkaline also reduced (0 to 60 mg/L of Ca(\'OH)IND.2\'). This behavior was contrary to the diagrams presented by coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation whose remaining turbidity values were lower in higher pH values (6.5 to 8.5), larger amounts of coagulant (40 to 380 mg/L) and high doses of alkaline (100 to 400 mg/L Ca(\'OH)IND.2\').
One approach to minimize the consumption of drinking water and effluent disposal is the reuse of water within the plant through advanced treatment techniques such as reverse osmosis system, however, this system requires an affluent with a low amount of solids and other requirements. The wastewater used in this study comes from a metalworking company that uses coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation process as a way to remove the solids before a reverse osmosis system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate three different coagulants (sodium aluminate, ferric chloride and a mixture of two commercial coagulants, Procytrat 100A and Procytrat 300) in the process of coagulation-flocculation and separation of solids from the liquid phase by sedimentation and dissolved air flotation and also compare the approximate costs of the processes involved. Jar tests and flotatests were performed and the coagulation-flocculation diagrams were built. In the coagulation-flocculation diagrams were selected areas of higher solids removal. Through the chosen regions, comparisons were made of removal efficiency and cost study for each coagulant. It was found that the diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation presented the areas of higher turbidity remaining area with less than 2%, mainly for the coagulants ferric chloride and the mixture Procytrat 100A + Procytrat 300, reaching values close to 0.5 %. The most economical option was achieved at a cost of ferric chloride at a dosage of 200 mg/L, pH 8.3, and the remaining turbidity equal to 0.6%, from R$ 0.47/\'M POT.3\' treated water. The diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-flotation showed regions with turbidity remaining areas much reduced compared to the diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation, and the turbidity remaining values were more than 1.5%. The lower values of turbidity remaining for the flotation process were found using the mixture Procytrat 100A + Procytrat 300, and the most economical option was reached for a pH of 3.3, dosage of 60 mg/L and remaining turbidity equal to e 1.6%, at a cost of R$ 0.33/\'M POT.3\' of treated water. In general, for all coagulants tested, the selected regions in the diagrams of coagulation-flocculation-flotation, whose remaining turbidity values were lower, were concentrated in low pH values (3.2 to 5.5), dosages of coagulant reduced (10 to 80 mg/L) and dosages of alkaline also reduced (0 to 60 mg/L of Ca(\'OH)IND.2\'). This behavior was contrary to the diagrams presented by coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation whose remaining turbidity values were lower in higher pH values (6.5 to 8.5), larger amounts of coagulant (40 to 380 mg/L) and high doses of alkaline (100 to 400 mg/L Ca(\'OH)IND.2\').
Água residuária industrial, Precipitação, Flotação, Sedimentação, Esgoto industrial, Coagulação, Cloreto férrico, Aluminato de sódio, Policloreto de alumínio, Sedimentation, Precipitation, Polyaluminum choride, Industrial wastewater, Flotation, Ferric chloride, Coagulation, Sodium aluminate