Metodologia para estudo da caracterização estrutural de painéis de madeira laminada colada cruzada
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) ou MLCC (Madeira Laminada Colada Cruzada) é um painel compósito estrutural formado por lamelas de madeira unidas com adesivos próprios para uso estrutural, com as camadas montadas de maneira perpendicular à camada anterior. É utilizado como elemento estrutural principal em edificações térreas e multipavimentos por ter características estruturais semelhantes ao concreto armado. Os objetivos gerais deste trabalho foram desenvolver uma metodologia de ensaios para a caracterização estrutural de painéis de MLCC visando a contribuição para a normatização do produto no Brasil e o estudo da rigidez de um painel modelo. Foi fabricado um painel com dimensões estruturais utilizando madeira de Pinus elliotti e adesivo estrutural à base de melamina-ureia formaldeído. Os ensaios mecânicos realizados foram adequados para caracterização estrutural de painéis de MLCC e podem compor uma futura normatização. Os valores de rigidez para o painel avaliado apresentaram módulo de elasticidade abaixo dos especificados pela norma americana ANSI/APA PGR 320 e pela especificação técnica europeia ETA06/0138, porém os módulos de rigidez do rolling shear e de compressão obtiveram valores similares aos recomendados.
The CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) is a structural composite panel formed by wooden slats together with own stickers for structural use, with the layers mounted perpendicular to the previous layer. It is used as the main structural element in single-story buildings with one or more floors for having structural features similar to reinforced concrete. The aims of this study were to develop a test methodology for structural characterization of MLCC panels aimed at contributing to the standardization of the product in Brazil and the study of rigidity of a panel model. A panel with structural dimensions using wood of Pinus elliotti and structural adhesive melamine urea formaldehyde base was manufactured. The mechanical tests were suitable for structural characterization of MLCC panels and can compose a future standardization. The stiffness values reported for the modulus of elasticity panel presented below specified by the US standard ANSI/APA PGR 320 and the European Technical Specification ETA06/0138, but the stiffness of the rolling shear and compression modules obtained similar to recommended values.
The CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) is a structural composite panel formed by wooden slats together with own stickers for structural use, with the layers mounted perpendicular to the previous layer. It is used as the main structural element in single-story buildings with one or more floors for having structural features similar to reinforced concrete. The aims of this study were to develop a test methodology for structural characterization of MLCC panels aimed at contributing to the standardization of the product in Brazil and the study of rigidity of a panel model. A panel with structural dimensions using wood of Pinus elliotti and structural adhesive melamine urea formaldehyde base was manufactured. The mechanical tests were suitable for structural characterization of MLCC panels and can compose a future standardization. The stiffness values reported for the modulus of elasticity panel presented below specified by the US standard ANSI/APA PGR 320 and the European Technical Specification ETA06/0138, but the stiffness of the rolling shear and compression modules obtained similar to recommended values.
Caracterização, Cross laminated timber, Métodos de ensaio, MLCC, Characterization, Cross laminated timber, Test methods