Pós-tratamento de efluente de reator anaeróbio em sistema seqüencial constituído de ozonização em processo biológico aeróbio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O pós-tratamento apresenta-se como uma forma de adequar o efluente de reatores anaeróbios aos requisitos da legislação ambiental e propiciar a proteção dos corpos receptores. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de avaliar a viabilidade técnica da utilização do processo de ozonização quando aplicado a um sistema combinado composto por reator UASB seguido por biofiltro aerado submerso. No sistema foi avaliada a operação de quatro biofiltros, dois com carvão ativado e dois com anéis de polietileno. Para verificar a influência da oxidação com ozônio na biodegrabilidade somente um dos biofiltros preenchidos por cada material suporte recebeu efluente ozonizado. Os menores valores de concentração de DQO foram encontrados nos filtros preenchidos com carvão ativado granular, com valores de até 14,00 mg/L, para os dois tipos de afluentes, ozonizado e não-ozonizado. Contudo, considerando eficiência de remoção de DQO para todo período de operação os biofiltros preenchidos com anéis de polietileno se mostraram mais eficazes, com eficiência de até 80%. Os resultados evidenciaram a ocorrência de nitrificação em todos os sistemas, uma vez que houve consumo de NTK e de alcalinidade, com queda de pH; produção de nitrato.
The post-treatment is presented as an alternative to adjust the effluent of anaerobic reactors to the requirements of the brazilian environmental legislation. The work was developed with the purpose to evaluate the viability of the use of the ozonization process when applied to a system composed by a reactor UASB followed by submerged aerated biofilter. In the system the operation of four biofilters was evaluated, two fillet with granular activated carbon (GAC) and two with polyethylene rings. To check the influence of the oxidation with ozone in biodegradability, only one of the biofilter with each support material received ozonized effluent. The lowest values of DQO concentration had been found in the filters with GAC, with values of up to 14,00 mg/L, for the two types, ozonized and not-ozonized. However, considering the DQO removal efficiency for all operation periods the biofilters with polyethylene rings were more efficient, with efficiency of up to 80%. The results had evidenced the occurrence of nitrification in all the systems, a time that had NTK and alkalinity consumption, with fall of pH and nitrate production.
The post-treatment is presented as an alternative to adjust the effluent of anaerobic reactors to the requirements of the brazilian environmental legislation. The work was developed with the purpose to evaluate the viability of the use of the ozonization process when applied to a system composed by a reactor UASB followed by submerged aerated biofilter. In the system the operation of four biofilters was evaluated, two fillet with granular activated carbon (GAC) and two with polyethylene rings. To check the influence of the oxidation with ozone in biodegradability, only one of the biofilter with each support material received ozonized effluent. The lowest values of DQO concentration had been found in the filters with GAC, with values of up to 14,00 mg/L, for the two types, ozonized and not-ozonized. However, considering the DQO removal efficiency for all operation periods the biofilters with polyethylene rings were more efficient, with efficiency of up to 80%. The results had evidenced the occurrence of nitrification in all the systems, a time that had NTK and alkalinity consumption, with fall of pH and nitrate production.
Biofiltro aerado submerso, Esgoto sanitário, Ozonização, Pós-tratamento, Domestic wastewater, Oxidation, Post-treatment, Submerged aerated biofilter