Análise de fatores que influem no uso da bicicleta para fins de planejamento cicloviário
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A meta deste trabalho é propor um procedimento para identificar os fatores que influem no uso de bicicletas e apresentar a forma como estes fatores podem ser usados para avaliar e planejar a implantação de ciclovias e/ou ciclofaixas em uma área urbana. Para tanto, foi elaborado um método que consistiu, inicialmente, de obtenção de dados socioeconômicos e de viagens urbanas de locais dotados de ciclovias e/ou ciclofaixas disponíveis para a população e de contagens volumétricas de ciclistas antes e depois da implantação da infraestrutura cicloviária. Em seguida, foi realizado um experimento que consistiu de caracterização dos dados socioeconômicos, de viagens urbanas e de infraestrutura cicloviária, a partir das quais foi estimado um modelo de escolha discreta que possibilitou a identificação de fatores que influem no uso da bicicleta na RMBS e que serviu para quantificar a demanda cicloviária em pontos preestabelecidos. Através da construção de cenários antes e depois da implantação da infraestrutura cicloviária e da comparação entre contagens volumétricas de ciclistas da RMBS, realizadas em vários pontos da rede viária, e a estimação da demanda cicloviária nestes pontos usando o modelo de escolha discreta, concluiu-se que o modelo permite identificar e quantificar os fatores e a forma como eles interferem na demanda cicloviária e que, portanto, os resultados podem ser usados para avaliar e direcionar as intervenções no sistema de transportes com o intuito de facilitar o uso do modo bicicleta.
The main aim of this work is to propose a procedure to identify and quantify the factors that influence the use of bicycles and to present how these factors can be used to evaluate and plan the deployment of segregated bike lanes and/or cyclelanes in an urban area. For attaining the aims, a method was developed and consisted firstly in to obtain socioeconomic data and urban travel data in places equipped with segregated bike lanes and/or cyclelanes available to the population and with counts of cyclists before and after the implementation of cycling infrastructure. Then, an experiment was conducted which consisted of characterization of the socioeconomic data and urban trips and cycling infrastructure from which a discrete choice model was estimated that allowed the identification of factors that influence the use of bicycles in a RMBS and was used to quantify the cycling demand on predetermined points. By the construction of scenarios before and after the implementation of cycling infrastructure and the comparison between counts of cyclists in a RMBS and the estimation of cycling demand in these points using discrete choice model, the main conclusion of this work is that the model allow us to identify and quantify the factors and how they interfere in a cycling demand. Therefore the results can be used to evaluate and direct interventions in the transport system in order to facilitate use of bicycle mode.
The main aim of this work is to propose a procedure to identify and quantify the factors that influence the use of bicycles and to present how these factors can be used to evaluate and plan the deployment of segregated bike lanes and/or cyclelanes in an urban area. For attaining the aims, a method was developed and consisted firstly in to obtain socioeconomic data and urban travel data in places equipped with segregated bike lanes and/or cyclelanes available to the population and with counts of cyclists before and after the implementation of cycling infrastructure. Then, an experiment was conducted which consisted of characterization of the socioeconomic data and urban trips and cycling infrastructure from which a discrete choice model was estimated that allowed the identification of factors that influence the use of bicycles in a RMBS and was used to quantify the cycling demand on predetermined points. By the construction of scenarios before and after the implementation of cycling infrastructure and the comparison between counts of cyclists in a RMBS and the estimation of cycling demand in these points using discrete choice model, the main conclusion of this work is that the model allow us to identify and quantify the factors and how they interfere in a cycling demand. Therefore the results can be used to evaluate and direct interventions in the transport system in order to facilitate use of bicycle mode.
Uso da bicicleta, Modelos de escolha discreta, Infraestrutura cicloviária, Planejamento cicloviário, Ciclovias, Ciclofaixas, Características socioeconômicas, Use of bicycle, Segregated bike lanes, Socioeconomic characteristics, Infrastructure cycling, Discrete choice models, Cyclelanes, Bicycle facility planning