Avaliação dos impactos da visitação pública no rio Formoso, Bonito, MS, Brasil: subsídios à gestão ambiental do turismo em áreas naturais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Visando compreender os impactos da visitação pública sobre ecossistemas aquáticos continentais, desenvolveu-se o presente estudo no rio Formoso, Planalto da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Através de um estudo de caso, buscou-se caracterizar os impactos provocados pelas diferentes modalidades de uso público no rio Formoso, considerando o emprego de variáveis físicas e biológicas como indicadoras do impacto da visitação pública em um período de alta temporada, carnaval de 2006. Complementarmente, para melhor compreender a relação entre os impactos impressos no ambiente e o uso predominante na região, foram caracterizados aspectos da relação dos empreendimentos turísticos com os ecossistemas aquáticos no Planalto da Bodoquena, a estrutura dos empreendimentos turísticos abertos ao uso público ao longo do rio Formoso e o perfil e aspectos da percepção ambiental dos visitantes desses empreendimentos. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de pesquisa documental, aplicação de questionários aos visitantes do rio Formoso e coleta em campo de dados relativos às variáveis físicas e biológicas descritoras dos diferentes compartimentos do ecossistema aquático. Os seguintes resultados ficaram evidenciados: 1. Os ambientes aquáticos são os atrativos naturais mais demandados pelos empreendimentos de turismo e visitantes; 2. os balneários exibem os maiores níveis de impacto em todos os compartimentos do ecossistema aquático analisado; 3. a movimentação da água e o pisoteio do fundo são as interferências da visitação pública mais pronunciadas sobre o rio Formoso; 4. as áreas mais impactadas são aquelas que recebem os visitantes com menos exigência ambiental; 5. as variáveis transparência da água, folhedo, riqueza e diversidade taxonômica de macroinvertebrados bentônicos e o índice de alteração da estrutura física de ecossistemas foram selecionadas como os indicadores mais aplicáveis à avaliação e ao monitoramento dos impactos da visitação pública no rio Formoso.
With the aim of understanding the impacts of visits by the public on inland aquatic ecosystems, the present study was developed at the Formoso river, Bodoquena plateau, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Through a case study, it was attempted to characterize the impacts provoked by different modes of public use of the Formoso river, considering the use of physical and chemical variables as indicators of public visitation impacts during the high season, Carnaval of 2006. In conjunction, to better understand the relationships between the impacts on the environment and the predominant use of the region, aspects of the relationship between tourist undertakings and the aquatic ecosystems of the Bodoquena plateau, the structure of the tourist undertakings open to the public along the river, and the profile and aspects of environmental perception of the visitors to these tourist undertakings were characterized. The data were obtained from research of documents, use of questionnaires filled-out by visitors to the river, and collection in the field of physical and biological variables describing different compartments of the aquatic ecosystem. The following results were obtained: 1. The aquatic environments are the most sought-after by the tourist undertakings and visitors; 2. the bathing areas exhibit the highest levels of impact of all the compartments analyzed of the aquatic ecosystem; 3. water movement and trampling of the bottom substrate are the most pronounced interferences of public visitation in the river; 4. the most impacted areas receive the least environmentally demanding visitors; 5. the variables water transparency, leaf litter, richness and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates, and the index of ecosystem physical structure alteration were selected as the most applicable indicators of environmental evaluation and monitoring of public visitation impacts on the Formoso river.
With the aim of understanding the impacts of visits by the public on inland aquatic ecosystems, the present study was developed at the Formoso river, Bodoquena plateau, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Through a case study, it was attempted to characterize the impacts provoked by different modes of public use of the Formoso river, considering the use of physical and chemical variables as indicators of public visitation impacts during the high season, Carnaval of 2006. In conjunction, to better understand the relationships between the impacts on the environment and the predominant use of the region, aspects of the relationship between tourist undertakings and the aquatic ecosystems of the Bodoquena plateau, the structure of the tourist undertakings open to the public along the river, and the profile and aspects of environmental perception of the visitors to these tourist undertakings were characterized. The data were obtained from research of documents, use of questionnaires filled-out by visitors to the river, and collection in the field of physical and biological variables describing different compartments of the aquatic ecosystem. The following results were obtained: 1. The aquatic environments are the most sought-after by the tourist undertakings and visitors; 2. the bathing areas exhibit the highest levels of impact of all the compartments analyzed of the aquatic ecosystem; 3. water movement and trampling of the bottom substrate are the most pronounced interferences of public visitation in the river; 4. the most impacted areas receive the least environmentally demanding visitors; 5. the variables water transparency, leaf litter, richness and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates, and the index of ecosystem physical structure alteration were selected as the most applicable indicators of environmental evaluation and monitoring of public visitation impacts on the Formoso river.
Planalto da Bodoquena, Indicadores ambientais, Impactos ambientais, Ecoturismo, Ecossistemas aquáticos, Avaliação ambiental, Ecotourism, Environmental impacts, Environmental indicators, Bodoquena plateau, Aquatic ecosystems