Painel de vedação vertical de tubos de papelão: estudo, proposta e análise de desempenho
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A extração cada vez maior de recursos da natureza e o grande volume de lixo descartado nos aterros sanitários alertam para a necessidade de se promover a reciclagem e a reutilização de resíduos para se gerarem novos materiais, inclusive, no setor da construção civil. Com base nisso e a partir de um estudo sobre as obras arquitetônicas em que Shigeru Ban construiu painéis de vedação com tubos de papelão, este trabalho desenvolveu uma proposta de painéis de vedação vertical de tubos de papelão e fez uma avaliação do seu desempenho estrutural visando a sua utilização no Brasil. Foram realizados ensaios técnicos para avaliar o painel de vedação vertical de tubos de papelão proposto, no que se refere à sua resistência mecânica e ao seu comportamento quando submetido às principais ações sofridas por um painel de vedação vertical. Também foi construída uma célula-teste para avaliar o desempenho técnico e estrutural do painel de vedação vertical de tubos de papelão proposto quando submetido a situações reais de exposição. Os dados obtidos em ambas as avaliações foram levados em consideração para verificar o desempenho geral do painel que se propôs, possibilitando concluir se este é apto ao seu emprego na construção civil no Brasil, e sugerir alguns usos e aplicações para o mesmo.
The increasing extraction of nature resources and the large volume of waste discarded in landfills call for the need to promote recycling and reuse of waste to create new materials, inclusive in the construction industry. Considering this aspect and from a study of the architectural masterpieces where Shigeru Ban built sealing cardboard tubes panels, this study developed a proposal for vertical sealing cardboard tubes panels and assessed their structural performance having in mind their use in Brazil. Technical tests were conducted to evaluate the proposed vertical sealing cardboard tubes panel regarding its mechanical resistance and behavior when submitted to the main actions suffered by a vertical sealing panel. A test cell was also built to evaluate the structural and technical performance of the proposed vertical sealing cardboard tubes panel when submitted to real exposure situations. Data obtained in both evaluations were taken into consideration to verify the general performance of the proposed panel, allowing to conclude whether this is suitable for being used in civil construction in Brazil, and to suggest some usage and applications for it.
The increasing extraction of nature resources and the large volume of waste discarded in landfills call for the need to promote recycling and reuse of waste to create new materials, inclusive in the construction industry. Considering this aspect and from a study of the architectural masterpieces where Shigeru Ban built sealing cardboard tubes panels, this study developed a proposal for vertical sealing cardboard tubes panels and assessed their structural performance having in mind their use in Brazil. Technical tests were conducted to evaluate the proposed vertical sealing cardboard tubes panel regarding its mechanical resistance and behavior when submitted to the main actions suffered by a vertical sealing panel. A test cell was also built to evaluate the structural and technical performance of the proposed vertical sealing cardboard tubes panel when submitted to real exposure situations. Data obtained in both evaluations were taken into consideration to verify the general performance of the proposed panel, allowing to conclude whether this is suitable for being used in civil construction in Brazil, and to suggest some usage and applications for it.
Materiais de construção alternativos, Materiais de construção sustentáveis, Painel de vedação vertical, Tubos de papelão, Alternative building materials, Cardboard tubes, Sustainable building materials, Vertical sealing panel