Redes complexas e ações para compartilhamento de conhecimento: uma análise de redes sociais em um ambiente web para apoio à aprendizagem
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A Gestão do Conhecimento pode ser definida como um conjunto de processos para coletar, armazenar, compartilhar e utilizar o conhecimento. No contexto deste trabalho, o processo de compartilhamento do conhecimento é aceito como um elemento fundamental para a realização da Gestão do Conhecimento, pois representa a interação entre os indivíduos que compõem uma rede de relacionamentos da qual o conhecimento emerge. A Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS) apresenta métricas que permitem identicar os relacionamentos da rede e analisálos, porém ainda existem necessidades de identificar ações que possam refletir em uma estrutura de rede que permita maiores possibilidades de compartilhamento do conhecimento. Neste trabalho, as técnicas da ARS foram aplicadas para analisar as características da estrutura de uma rede de estudantes formada a partir de um ambiente web representado pelo uso do Facebook©. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em um estudo qualiquantitativo, classificado como uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória. Foram analisados dezoito períodos semanais de comportamento da rede. As análises permitiram entender melhor a representatividade das métricas da ARS no contexto do compartilhamento do conhecimento e uma nova métrica foi proposta (degree-weight). Também foram propostas ações relacionadas às métricas. Um conjunto diferente de ações foi aplicado em duas outras redes. Os resultados indicaram diferentes comportamentos da rede para cada um dos conjuntos de ações. Foi possível ainda identificar maiores possibilidades de compartilhamento de conhecimento para uma das estruturas de rede.
Knowledge Management can be defined as a set of processes to capture, store, share and use knowledge. In the context of this work, the knowledge sharing process is accepted as a basic element to Knowledge Management because it represents the interaction among the individuals that compound a network of relationships from where knowledge emerges. The Social Network Analysis (SNA) offers metrics that make possible identify the network relationships and analyze them, but there still needs to identify actions that may reflect on a network structure that allows opportunities for knowledge sharing. The SNA techiniques were applied to anlyze the characteristics of a network compounded by students and created in a web environment which was represented by Facebook© . The methodology applied was based on a quantitative and qualitative study which was classified as a descriptive and exploratory research. Eigthteen periods of network behavior were analysed. The analyses allow us to understand better the representativeness of SNA metrics in the environment of knowledge sharing. A new metric called degree-weight was proposed. Also it was proposed a set of actions related to SNA metrics. A different set of actions was applied to two distinct networks. The results show us different network behaviors for each one of the set of actions. Also it was possible identify better conditions to the knowledge sharing process for one of the network structures.
Knowledge Management can be defined as a set of processes to capture, store, share and use knowledge. In the context of this work, the knowledge sharing process is accepted as a basic element to Knowledge Management because it represents the interaction among the individuals that compound a network of relationships from where knowledge emerges. The Social Network Analysis (SNA) offers metrics that make possible identify the network relationships and analyze them, but there still needs to identify actions that may reflect on a network structure that allows opportunities for knowledge sharing. The SNA techiniques were applied to anlyze the characteristics of a network compounded by students and created in a web environment which was represented by Facebook© . The methodology applied was based on a quantitative and qualitative study which was classified as a descriptive and exploratory research. Eigthteen periods of network behavior were analysed. The analyses allow us to understand better the representativeness of SNA metrics in the environment of knowledge sharing. A new metric called degree-weight was proposed. Also it was proposed a set of actions related to SNA metrics. A different set of actions was applied to two distinct networks. The results show us different network behaviors for each one of the set of actions. Also it was possible identify better conditions to the knowledge sharing process for one of the network structures.
Análise de redes sociais, Compartilhamento do conhecimento, Gestão do conhecimento, Redes complexas, Complex networks, Knowledege management, Knowledge sharing, Social network analysis