Timing para uma perspectiva mais estratégica da prática de avaliação ambiental estratégica
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O fornecimento de informações relevantes em momentos que sejam oportunos para influenciar decisões estratégicas de desenvolvimento tem representado, há muito tempo, um grande e árduo desafio para a prática de Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE). O entendimento apropriado das questões que respondem pelas causas reais de problemas decisórios sugere uma oportunidade para alcançar o papel estratégico potencial da AAE e influenciar as decisões tomadas para a formação de uma ação estratégica. Este trabalho procura entender e discutir como se operacionaliza uma perspectiva mais estratégica de AAE, questionando o papel de procedimentos e mecanismos que observam o timing dos problemas de decisões estratégicos. Para alcançar este objetivo foram analisados processos de AAE, considerando a influencia do problema de decisão que motiva a formulação de ações estratégicas. Como estudo de caso foram selecionados nove relatórios de AAE realizados para ações associadas ao planejamento estratégico de transporte do Brasil e do Reino Unido. Entre os principais resultados foi observado que, ao contrário do Reino Unido, nenhum dos relatórios de AAE brasileiros definiu objetos de avaliação que fossem relevantes para o timing das decisões estratégicas de transporte analisadas. Os resultados encontrados sugerem a existência de três questões principais que influenciam diretamente a prática de AAE brasileira e estão associadas à necessidade de capacitação por parte dos praticantes deste contexto: a falta de entendimento sobre as diferenças que definem o que é uma ação estratégica e o que é um projeto; a falta de entendimento sobre qual é o objeto de uma AAE; e a falta de entendimento sobre quais são as questões que auxiliam a definir o objeto de uma AAE relevante para as tomadas de decisões estratégicas de desenvolvimento.
Relevant options at opportune timing to influence the strategic decision making have been a great and arduous challenge to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) practice. The proper understanding of issues that account for the real causes of decision problems suggests an opportunity to reach all the strategic role potential of SEA and influence decisions made for formation of a strategic action. This work seeks to understand and discuss how to operationalize a more strategic perspective of SEA, examining the role of procedures and mechanisms that comply with the timing of strategic decisions problems. To achieve this goal were analyzed AAE development processes, considering the influence of the decision problem that motivates strategic actions formulation. As case studies were selected nine SEA reports prepared for actions associated with transport strategic planning in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Among the key findings was observed that, unlike the UK, none of the Brazilian SEA reports has defined objects of assessment that were relevant to the timing of transport strategic decisions analyzed. Among the key findings was observed that, unlike the UK, none of the Brazilian SEA reports has defined relevant objects of assessment to the timing of transport strategic decisions analyzed. The results suggest three main issues that directly influence Brazilian SEA practice and are linked with the need for building capacity of practitioners: the lack of understanding of the differences that defines what is a strategic action and what a project; the lack of understanding of what is the object of an SEA; and the lack of understanding of what are issues that help define the relevant object of an SEA to development strategic decision-making.
Relevant options at opportune timing to influence the strategic decision making have been a great and arduous challenge to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) practice. The proper understanding of issues that account for the real causes of decision problems suggests an opportunity to reach all the strategic role potential of SEA and influence decisions made for formation of a strategic action. This work seeks to understand and discuss how to operationalize a more strategic perspective of SEA, examining the role of procedures and mechanisms that comply with the timing of strategic decisions problems. To achieve this goal were analyzed AAE development processes, considering the influence of the decision problem that motivates strategic actions formulation. As case studies were selected nine SEA reports prepared for actions associated with transport strategic planning in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Among the key findings was observed that, unlike the UK, none of the Brazilian SEA reports has defined objects of assessment that were relevant to the timing of transport strategic decisions analyzed. Among the key findings was observed that, unlike the UK, none of the Brazilian SEA reports has defined relevant objects of assessment to the timing of transport strategic decisions analyzed. The results suggest three main issues that directly influence Brazilian SEA practice and are linked with the need for building capacity of practitioners: the lack of understanding of the differences that defines what is a strategic action and what a project; the lack of understanding of what is the object of an SEA; and the lack of understanding of what are issues that help define the relevant object of an SEA to development strategic decision-making.
Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica, tomada de decisão estratégica, sustentabilidade, transporte, Política Ambiental, Strategic Environmental Assessment, strategic decision making, Environmental Policy, transport, sustainability