Formulações do método dos elementos de contorno aplicadas à análise elástica e à fratura coesiva de estruturas compostas planas
Cordeiro, Sérgio Gustavo Ferreira
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de formulações numéricas para avaliar o comportamento mecânico de estruturas compostas planas, no contexto de elasticidade linear e mecânica da fratura não linear. As formulações propostas são baseadas no Método dos Elementos de Contorno (MEC), por meio das representações integrais singular e hiper singular dos problemas elastostáticos. A técnica de multi-regiões é considerada para acoplar a interface de sólidos multifásicos. O MEC é uma técnica numérica robusta e precisa para analisar o fenômeno da fratura em sólidos. Esse método numérico apresenta uma natural redução na dimensionalidade do problema, tornando mais simples a modelagem das superfícies de fratura. Além disso, essa redução de dimensionalidade faz também com que o tratamento de interfaces materiais em estruturas compostas seja uma tarefa menos árdua. Com o uso da solução fundamental de Kelvin nas representações integrais, materiais isotrópicos podem ser considerados para constituir as estruturas compostas. Por outro lado, utilizando a solução fundamental de Cruse & Swedlow, também é possível lidar, de maneira geral, com materiais anisotrópicos em estruturas compostas. Nessas estruturas, as fraturas são assumidas como ocorrendo ao longo das interfaces e o comportamento não linear é introduzido pelo modelo coesivo de fratura, o qual é aplicável a materiais quase frágeis. Nessas análises, o sistema não linear de equações pode ser solucionado utilizando dois distintos algoritmos de resolução iterativa. O primeiro sempre leva em consideração a rigidez elástica da estrutura e é, portanto denominado Operador Constante (OC). Já o segundo é denominado Operador Tangente (OT), pois considera uma rigidez tangente à resposta estrutural não linear, o que resulta em melhores taxas de convergência em comparação ao OC. Como aplicações das formulações, estruturas compostas teóricas foram analisadas em regime elástico. Além disso, testes experimentais de fratura em espécimes de concreto e madeira também foram simulados. A comparação dos resultados com as referências demonstrou que, as formulações foram efetivas e precisas para avaliar respostas mecânicas de estruturas, seja em regime elástico linear ou nos testes de fratura quase frágil.
The present work deals the development of numerical formulations to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of plane composed structures, in the context of linear elasticity and nonlinear fracture mechanics. The proposed formulations are based on the Boundary Element Method (BEM), through its classical singular and hyper singular integral equations. The multi-region technique is adopted to couple the interfaces of non-homogeneous multiphase bodies. The BEM is a robust and accurate numerical technique to analyse fracture phenomena in solids. This numerical method presents a mesh dimensionality reduction, which makes easier the modelling of cracks surfaces. Besides, this dimensionality reduction also makes the treatment of interfaces in composed structures a less complex task. Considering the use of Kelvin fundamental solutions at the integrals equations, isotropic materials can be represent as parts of the composed structures. On the other hand, using Cruse & Swedlow fundamental solution it is also possible to deal with general anisotropic materials. At the composed structures, cracks can propagate along the materials interfaces and the cohesive crack model is responsible for the nonlinear structural behaviour of the quasi-brittle failures. The nonlinear system of equations at the fracture analyses is solved using two different algorithms for iterative resolution. The first always takes into account the structure elastic strength and, hence it is called Constant Operator (CO). On the other hand, the second is denominated Tangent Operator (TO) due to the fact that it considers strengths at the tangent directions of the nonlinear structural response. Therefore, convergence rates are faster when compared with the CO. As applications, composed structures were analysed with the developed formulations in linear elastic range. In addition, experimental fracture testes performed in concrete and wood specimens were also analysed. The confront of obtained results with the reference ones show that, the formulation was effective and accurate to evaluate the mechanical responses of composed structures in linear elastic range, and also to perform nonlinear quasi-brittle fracture tests.
The present work deals the development of numerical formulations to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of plane composed structures, in the context of linear elasticity and nonlinear fracture mechanics. The proposed formulations are based on the Boundary Element Method (BEM), through its classical singular and hyper singular integral equations. The multi-region technique is adopted to couple the interfaces of non-homogeneous multiphase bodies. The BEM is a robust and accurate numerical technique to analyse fracture phenomena in solids. This numerical method presents a mesh dimensionality reduction, which makes easier the modelling of cracks surfaces. Besides, this dimensionality reduction also makes the treatment of interfaces in composed structures a less complex task. Considering the use of Kelvin fundamental solutions at the integrals equations, isotropic materials can be represent as parts of the composed structures. On the other hand, using Cruse & Swedlow fundamental solution it is also possible to deal with general anisotropic materials. At the composed structures, cracks can propagate along the materials interfaces and the cohesive crack model is responsible for the nonlinear structural behaviour of the quasi-brittle failures. The nonlinear system of equations at the fracture analyses is solved using two different algorithms for iterative resolution. The first always takes into account the structure elastic strength and, hence it is called Constant Operator (CO). On the other hand, the second is denominated Tangent Operator (TO) due to the fact that it considers strengths at the tangent directions of the nonlinear structural response. Therefore, convergence rates are faster when compared with the CO. As applications, composed structures were analysed with the developed formulations in linear elastic range. In addition, experimental fracture testes performed in concrete and wood specimens were also analysed. The confront of obtained results with the reference ones show that, the formulation was effective and accurate to evaluate the mechanical responses of composed structures in linear elastic range, and also to perform nonlinear quasi-brittle fracture tests.
Técnica de multi-regiões, Operador tangente, Modelo coesivo de fratura, Método dos elementos de contorno, Meios anisotrópicos, Estruturas compostas, Composed structures, Cohesive fracture model, Multi-region technique, Boundary element method, Tangent operator, Anisotropic medias