Análise dinâmica da interação entre ponte rodoviária e veículos pesados
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O problema da interação dinâmica entre ponte rodoviária e veículo pesado tem sido, há pouco mais de uma década, tema de muitos estudos. O objetivo é considerar as ações dinâmicas de forma mais realista e definir novos critérios de projeto. Este trabalho contribui com um estudo teórico, por elementos finitos, sobre as respostas dinâmicas de pontes considerando a interação com as respostas do veículo. A interação entre ambos é tratada por meio do acoplamento das suas matrizes, e as respostas no tempo do sistema ponte/veículo acoplado são calculadas pelo método de Newmark. A estrutura é representada por elementos de placa de 9 nós e o veículo por modelo tridimensional com 7 e 11 graus de liberdade para veículos com 2 e 3 eixos, respectivamente. Os modelos são elaborados com dimensões e características de estruturas reais. A travessia do veículo é representada pela mudança de posição dos pneus de nó em nó do modelo da estrutura. Para cada posição do veículo são obtidas as matrizes de massa, amortecimento e rigidez do sistema acoplado, desde a entrada do 1° eixo até a saída do último. As respostas são calculadas para diversas condições de operação simuladas pela combinação de diferentes peso e velocidade do veículo com diferentes rugosidades da pista. Os resultados numéricos se mostraram coerentes com os resultados de análises dinâmicas realizadas experimentalmente, obtidos na literatura, e possibilitaram visualizar alguns dos problemas observados em pontes reais.
Since the past decade, the problem of interaction between vehicle and structure responses has been object of many studies. The objectives are to consider the dynamic loads in a more realistic way and to define new design criteria aiming safety and economy. In this thesis, a theoretical investigation on the dynamic response of highway bridge submitted to heavy vehicle, using the finite elements method, is presented. This analysis considers the interaction between vehicle response and structure response through the coupling matrices of both. The detailed models are idealized with magnitude and characteristics of real structures. The bridge is idealized with plate elements of 9 nodes, and the vehicle, with a three-dimensional model. The traffic is considered by changing tires\' position node by node on bridge model, hence the mass, stiffness and damping matrices are updated in agreement with the position of the vehicle. It allows the evaluation of the behavior of the structure from the first axle entrance to last axle exit. The applied forces to the structure are related, besides to the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle, to its speed and the surface irregularities. The time-dependent responses are calculated by Newmark\'s method. The numeric results have allowed the visualization some of the observed problems in real bridges.
Since the past decade, the problem of interaction between vehicle and structure responses has been object of many studies. The objectives are to consider the dynamic loads in a more realistic way and to define new design criteria aiming safety and economy. In this thesis, a theoretical investigation on the dynamic response of highway bridge submitted to heavy vehicle, using the finite elements method, is presented. This analysis considers the interaction between vehicle response and structure response through the coupling matrices of both. The detailed models are idealized with magnitude and characteristics of real structures. The bridge is idealized with plate elements of 9 nodes, and the vehicle, with a three-dimensional model. The traffic is considered by changing tires\' position node by node on bridge model, hence the mass, stiffness and damping matrices are updated in agreement with the position of the vehicle. It allows the evaluation of the behavior of the structure from the first axle entrance to last axle exit. The applied forces to the structure are related, besides to the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle, to its speed and the surface irregularities. The time-dependent responses are calculated by Newmark\'s method. The numeric results have allowed the visualization some of the observed problems in real bridges.
Veículo pesado, Ponte rodoviária, Placa, Interação dinâmica, Elementos finitos, Highway bridge, Heavy vehicle, Finite elements, Plate, Dynamic interaction