Estudo do comportamento mecânico monotônico, cíclico e da evolução microestrutural em alta temperatura do aço ASTM A297 HP modificado com nióbio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Componentes estruturais de fornos de pirólise utilizados para craqueamento de petróleo são fabricados a partir de aços inox fundidos utilizados para aplicações em alta temperatura, sendo necessária a adição de elementos químicos para a formação de fases que melhoram as propriedades mecânicas do material neste tipo de ambiente. O presente trabalho estuda os efeitos da adição de nióbio nas propriedades mecânicas e no comportamento elastoplástico/viscoelástico aos 927°C do aço inox fundido ASTM A297 grau HP na condição bruto de fusão, condição esta similar a de trabalho do forno.Para analisar as variação de propriedades mecânicas do material, foram realizados ensaios de tração em distintas temperaturas, calorimetria exploratória de varredura (DSC), ensaios de relaxação, fadiga de ciclos contínuos sob o formato de onda triangular e fadiga com formato de onda trapezoidal do tipo \"dwell\" com tempos de permanência de 120 e 300 segundos conforme especifica a norma E2714-13 e ensaios de torção a quente. O intuito da realização deste trabalho reside no fato de que equipamentos como os fornos de pirólise não mantém os parâmetros operacionais constantes, podendo variar temperatura, cargas de trabalho e também gerar cargas cíclicas com tempos de permanência em ciclos de partida, operação e parada de equipamento, sendo importante o conhecimento da resposta fenomenológica que o material oferece sob estes tipos de solicitações. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos e estudos da evolução microestrutural, bem como de suas posteriores análises forneceram dados, não somente sob a forma de \"data sheet\'s\" para aplicação dos valores obtidos em projetos, mas concomitantemente após a comparação de propriedade e microestrutura, aprofundar na fenomenologia do comportamento mecânico de tensão versus deformação monotônico e cíclicos, mecanismos de deformação em alta temperatura, recuperação dinâmica, do tipo de microestrutura resultante após a realização dos ensaios e também dos mecanismos de fratura associados aos tipos de solicitações mecânicas impostas ao material, obtidos por meio dos ensaios mecânicos mencionados anteriormente.
Structural components pyrolysis furnaces used for oil cracking are made from cast stainless steel used for applications at high temperature, requiring the addition of chemicals to the formation of phases which improves the mechanical properties of the material in such an environment. This work studies the effects of adding niobium in the mechanical properties and elastoplastic/viscoelastic behavior to 927°C cast stainless steel ASTM A297 grade HP in as cast condition, at condition similar to the work of furnace. For study of the variation of mechanical properties, tensile tests were conducted at different temperatures, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), relaxation tests, fatigue continuous cycles under triangular waveform and fatigue with trapezoid type waveform format \"dwell\" with residence times of 120 and 300 seconds as reflected by the E2714-13 standard and hot torsion tests. The purpose of this work lies in the fact that equipment such as pyrolysis furnaces do not maintain the constant operating parameters, varying temperature, workloads and also generate cyclic loading with residence times in starting cycles, operation and equipment stop It is important the knowledge of the phenomenological response that the material offers under these types of requests. The results of mechanical tests and micorestrutural evolution studies, as well as its further analysis provided data, not only in the form of \"data sheet\'s\" for application of the values obtained in projects, but co-after comparison of property and microstructure, deepen the phenomenology of the mechanical behavior of tension versus monotonic and cyclic deformation, deformation mechanisms at high temperature, dynamic recovery, the type of resulting microstructure after the tests and also the fracture mechanisms related to types of mechanical stresses imposed on the material, obtained by through the mechanical tests mentioned above.
Structural components pyrolysis furnaces used for oil cracking are made from cast stainless steel used for applications at high temperature, requiring the addition of chemicals to the formation of phases which improves the mechanical properties of the material in such an environment. This work studies the effects of adding niobium in the mechanical properties and elastoplastic/viscoelastic behavior to 927°C cast stainless steel ASTM A297 grade HP in as cast condition, at condition similar to the work of furnace. For study of the variation of mechanical properties, tensile tests were conducted at different temperatures, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), relaxation tests, fatigue continuous cycles under triangular waveform and fatigue with trapezoid type waveform format \"dwell\" with residence times of 120 and 300 seconds as reflected by the E2714-13 standard and hot torsion tests. The purpose of this work lies in the fact that equipment such as pyrolysis furnaces do not maintain the constant operating parameters, varying temperature, workloads and also generate cyclic loading with residence times in starting cycles, operation and equipment stop It is important the knowledge of the phenomenological response that the material offers under these types of requests. The results of mechanical tests and micorestrutural evolution studies, as well as its further analysis provided data, not only in the form of \"data sheet\'s\" for application of the values obtained in projects, but co-after comparison of property and microstructure, deepen the phenomenology of the mechanical behavior of tension versus monotonic and cyclic deformation, deformation mechanisms at high temperature, dynamic recovery, the type of resulting microstructure after the tests and also the fracture mechanisms related to types of mechanical stresses imposed on the material, obtained by through the mechanical tests mentioned above.
Alta temperatura, Fadiga, Recuperação dinânica, Relaxação, Dynamic Recovery, Fatigue, High temperature, Relaxation