Desenvolvimento de programa computacional para dimensionamento de paredes portantes pré-moldadas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os sistemas construtivos vêm surgindo e evoluindo de acordo com a necessidade e a demanda de obras. Recentemente, a utilização de paredes portantes pré-moldadas vem sendo explorada como alternativa para construir edifícios com rapidez e eficácia. Outra tecnologia mais recente é o Concreto Ultraleve® Estrutural, ou concreto leve com EPS (CLE), em que o agregado graúdo e parte do miúdo são substituídos por pérolas de poliestireno expandido (EPS), contribuindo para reduzir o peso total do edifício, consequentemente diminuindo os esforços na estrutura e promovendo a redução nos custos com transporte e montagem dos elementos pré-moldados. Este trabalho apresenta como deve ser feito o dimensionamento de paredes portantes pré-moldadas, utilizando normas nacionais e internacionais. O principal objetivo do trabalho é apresentar um programa computacional desenvolvido para facilitar a análise e o dimensionamento de edifícios com paredes de concreto pré-moldado. Além disso, mostra-se o uso do programa para comparar o comportamento de edifício constituído por concreto com EPS e por concreto armado comum, e para avaliar a influência das juntas verticais na rigidez global. Portanto, além da importância acadêmica, este trabalho poderá ser de grande utilidade para o projeto de edifícios com paredes portantes pré-moldadas.
The construction systems have emerged and improved according to need and demand of works. Recently, the use of precast concrete walls has been explored as an alternative to construct buildings quickly and effectively. Another more recent technology is the lightweight concrete with polystyrene, wherein polystyrene beads replace the coarse aggregate and a part of the fine ones, contributing to reduce the weight of the building, thus decreasing the efforts in the structure and promoting a reduction in the cost of transport and erection of precast elements. This work shows how should be done the design of precast concrete walls using national and international standards. The main objective of the work is to present a computer program developed to facilitate the analysis and design of buildings with precast concrete walls. Moreover, the use of the program is shown to compare the behavior of building made with EPS concrete and ordinary concrete, and to evaluate the influence of vertical joints in the global stiffness. Therefore, besides the academic importance, this work can be useful for the design of buildings with precast loadbearing walls.
The construction systems have emerged and improved according to need and demand of works. Recently, the use of precast concrete walls has been explored as an alternative to construct buildings quickly and effectively. Another more recent technology is the lightweight concrete with polystyrene, wherein polystyrene beads replace the coarse aggregate and a part of the fine ones, contributing to reduce the weight of the building, thus decreasing the efforts in the structure and promoting a reduction in the cost of transport and erection of precast elements. This work shows how should be done the design of precast concrete walls using national and international standards. The main objective of the work is to present a computer program developed to facilitate the analysis and design of buildings with precast concrete walls. Moreover, the use of the program is shown to compare the behavior of building made with EPS concrete and ordinary concrete, and to evaluate the influence of vertical joints in the global stiffness. Therefore, besides the academic importance, this work can be useful for the design of buildings with precast loadbearing walls.
Programa computacional, Concreto com EPS, Concreto pré-moldado, Edifícios, Paredes portantes, Precast concrete, Loadbearing walls, EPS concrete, Computer program, Buildings