Análise de confiabilidade de estruturas com paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O método construtivo com painéis portantes de concreto é economicamente viável, porém relativamente novo no cenário nacional, sobretudo no caso dos pré-moldados. As incertezas referentes às peculiaridades desse método, bem como a nova norma brasileira de painéis pré-moldados, ainda em elaboração, vem a motivar uma análise probabilística dos critérios de projeto disponíveis. Utilizando-se a técnica da confiabilidade estrutural, é possível propagar as incertezas referentes às variáveis a uma resposta final no índice de confiabilidade, sendo um cálculo totalmente probabilístico. Neste trabalho, emprega-se tal técnica com informações estatísticas referentes a lajes de concreto moldadas in loco para verificar, de maneira mais verossímil, a segurança dos critérios de projeto impostos pelo Precast Concrete Institute Design Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) às fases transitórias (desforma, transporte e içamento) e pela Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Projeto de estruturas de concreto, à fase em uso. Prossegue-se a uma análise crítica dos resultados bem como sugestões para diminuir a variação dos resultados, sobretudo pela calibração de novos coeficientes parciais de segurança, processo para o qual este trabalho pode servir de base.
The shear wall building method is economicaly viable, but relatively new in the brazillian scene, that is specially true for precast members. The uncertainty pertaining this method, and the new brazillian design code for precast shear walls, still in development, serve as motivation for a probabilistic analysis of available project criteria. Using the structural reliability technique, it is possible to forward the variables uncertainties to a final answer in the form of the reliability index, being that this method is entirely probabilistic. In this study, this technique is used with statistical data pertaining cast-in-place concrete slabs to ascertain, with a higher degree of verisimilitude, the safety of the design criteria imposed by the Precast Concrete Institute Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) to the temporary states (stripping, transit and lifting) and by the Brazillian Code ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Concrete structures design, to the working state. The study then proceeds to a critical analysis of the results and to suggestions to reduce their variability, specially through calibration of new partial safety factors, a procedure to which this study might serve as a basis.
The shear wall building method is economicaly viable, but relatively new in the brazillian scene, that is specially true for precast members. The uncertainty pertaining this method, and the new brazillian design code for precast shear walls, still in development, serve as motivation for a probabilistic analysis of available project criteria. Using the structural reliability technique, it is possible to forward the variables uncertainties to a final answer in the form of the reliability index, being that this method is entirely probabilistic. In this study, this technique is used with statistical data pertaining cast-in-place concrete slabs to ascertain, with a higher degree of verisimilitude, the safety of the design criteria imposed by the Precast Concrete Institute Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) to the temporary states (stripping, transit and lifting) and by the Brazillian Code ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Concrete structures design, to the working state. The study then proceeds to a critical analysis of the results and to suggestions to reduce their variability, specially through calibration of new partial safety factors, a procedure to which this study might serve as a basis.
Coeficientes de segurança, Concreto pré-moldado, Confiabilidade estrutural, Paredes portantes, Loadbearing walls, Partial safety factors, Precast concrete, Structural reliability