Caracterização limnológica e estudo do processo de sedimentação e liberação de fósforo da Lagoa do Taquaral - Campinas (SP)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A lagoa do Taquaral localiza-se no interior do Parque Portugal, no bairro do Taquaral-Campinas (SP). Foi construída em 1968, por meio do represamento do Córrego Guanabara, principalmente para fins recreativos. Apesar de ter recebido a influência direta de descargas de esgotos durante muitos anos e ainda hoje existirem despejos clandestinos, tem sido pouco estudada. Com a finalidade de conhecer a limnologia e o processo de eutrofização desenvolvido na mesma, foi realizado um estudo incluindo: morfometria da lagoa, determinação da taxa de sedimentação com o uso de armadilhas de sedimentação, determinação da taxa de liberação de fósforo do sedimento, caracterização física, química e biológica da coluna da água e caracterização do sedimento. As amostragens foram realizadas em 2000, considerando, (1) o final do período chuvoso (março), (2) o início do período de estiagem (maio) e (3) o final do período de estiagem (agosto). Com base na morfometria da lagoa, foram escolhidos dois pontos de coleta, sendo um localizado na saída da água, (próximo ao vertedouro, com uma profundidade de 5,70 metros) e outro na região central da lagoa (com uma profundidade de 3,50 metros). Experimentos \"in situ\" com armadilhas foram realizados para: 1) determinar as taxas de sedimentação de sólidos totais, matéria orgânica, inorgânica, clorofila a e fósforo, 2) determinar a liberação de fósforo do sedimento para a coluna da água. As armadilhas que mediram a liberação de fósforo e a sedimentação,permaneceram por um período de incubação de 48 horas. Paralelamente à incubação das armadilhas, foram efetuadas as medidas de temperatura, pH, condutividade, oxigênio dissolvido, penetração de luz, material em suspensão, clorofila \'a\' e feofitina, nutrientes totais e dissolvidos bem como análises das comunidades zooplanctônica e fitoplanctônica. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram valores mais elevados de deposição de material em suspensão no ) período chuvoso (taxa de sedimentação de 24.400 mg/m2.dia e 22.575 mg/m2.dia, nas estações 1 e 2, respectivamente). A maior contribuição do material em suspensão correspondeu à fração orgânica (entre 50 e 60%). A deposição de fósforo total e clorofila apresentaram um comportamento semelhante ao do material em suspensão, com valores máximos no período chuvoso. Para as outras variáveis consideradas, também verificaram-se diferenças temporais. Os dados obtidos para as taxas de sedimentação de material em suspensão e nutrientes, em comparação a outros sistemas, são considerados elevados, demonstrando o acelerado processo de eutrofização. Os resultados do ensaio de liberação de fósforo do sedimento para a coluna da água demonstraram uma liberação de 5 mg P/m2.dia. Entre a comunidade zooplanctônica, os rotíferos e os copépodos foram mais abundantes que os cladóceros. No fitoplâncton, o grupo mais abundante foi o das cianofíceas, seguido pelas clorofíceas. Os fatores externos (precipitação e vento) foram determinantes dos processos físicos, químicos e biológicos na lagoa.
Taquaral lagoon is situated in Portugal Park in Taquaral district in the Campinas city (SP). It was made on 1968 by damming the Guanabara Brook, for entertaining purposes. In spite of the results due to the sewer discharge during many years, which still exist nowadays (illegal discharges), that lagoon has been few studied. In order to know better the limnology and the eutrophication process in development in the lagoon an study was done including: morphology of the lagoon, determination of the sedimentation rates by using sedimentation traps, determination of phosphorus liberation rates from the sediment, physical, chemical and biological characterization of water column and the sediment characterization too. The samples were colleted during three period of the 2000: 1) at the end of rainy weather (March); 2) at the begin of the dry weather (may); 3) at the end of the dry weather (August). Based on the lagoon morphology, two places of collection were selected: one at the near center of the lagoon 3,50 meter deep and the other near the outlet of the water 5,70 meter deep. Experiments in situ, with traps were done in order to: 1) measure sedimentation rates of total solids, organic and inorganic material, chlorophyll a and phosphorous; 2) measure the phosphorus release from the sediment for the water column. The traps used for measuring the phosphorus release and the sedimentation remained for a long time in incubation (48 hours). At the same time of traps incubationthey were done the measurements of temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, light penetration, suspended material, chlorophyll a and feopigments, total and dissolved nutrients as well as analysisof zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic communities. The resulting data showed higher values of suspended material deposition during the rainy weather (sedimentation rate about 24.400 mg/m2.d and 22.575 mg/m2.d, in the places 1 and 2, respectively). The higher contribution of suspended material is corresponding to the organic fraction (between 50 and 60%). The total phosphorus deposition and the chlorophyll, presented a conduct like the suspended material, with maximum values in the rainy weather. In respect to the other analyzed parameters, it was found a temporal difference. The resulting data for sedimentation rate of suspended material and nutrients, in comparison with other systems are considered high, which shows the high eutrophycation process. The results of the test of phosphorus release from the sediment to the water column demonstrated a release about 5 mg P/m2.d. In the zooplanktonic community, the rotifers and copepods were more abundant than the cladocerans. In the phytoplankton the group more abundant was that of cianoficeas, followed by cloroficeas. Outside influences, like wind and rain were determinatives for the physical, chemical and biological processes in the lagoon.
Taquaral lagoon is situated in Portugal Park in Taquaral district in the Campinas city (SP). It was made on 1968 by damming the Guanabara Brook, for entertaining purposes. In spite of the results due to the sewer discharge during many years, which still exist nowadays (illegal discharges), that lagoon has been few studied. In order to know better the limnology and the eutrophication process in development in the lagoon an study was done including: morphology of the lagoon, determination of the sedimentation rates by using sedimentation traps, determination of phosphorus liberation rates from the sediment, physical, chemical and biological characterization of water column and the sediment characterization too. The samples were colleted during three period of the 2000: 1) at the end of rainy weather (March); 2) at the begin of the dry weather (may); 3) at the end of the dry weather (August). Based on the lagoon morphology, two places of collection were selected: one at the near center of the lagoon 3,50 meter deep and the other near the outlet of the water 5,70 meter deep. Experiments in situ, with traps were done in order to: 1) measure sedimentation rates of total solids, organic and inorganic material, chlorophyll a and phosphorous; 2) measure the phosphorus release from the sediment for the water column. The traps used for measuring the phosphorus release and the sedimentation remained for a long time in incubation (48 hours). At the same time of traps incubationthey were done the measurements of temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, light penetration, suspended material, chlorophyll a and feopigments, total and dissolved nutrients as well as analysisof zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic communities. The resulting data showed higher values of suspended material deposition during the rainy weather (sedimentation rate about 24.400 mg/m2.d and 22.575 mg/m2.d, in the places 1 and 2, respectively). The higher contribution of suspended material is corresponding to the organic fraction (between 50 and 60%). The total phosphorus deposition and the chlorophyll, presented a conduct like the suspended material, with maximum values in the rainy weather. In respect to the other analyzed parameters, it was found a temporal difference. The resulting data for sedimentation rate of suspended material and nutrients, in comparison with other systems are considered high, which shows the high eutrophycation process. The results of the test of phosphorus release from the sediment to the water column demonstrated a release about 5 mg P/m2.d. In the zooplanktonic community, the rotifers and copepods were more abundant than the cladocerans. In the phytoplankton the group more abundant was that of cianoficeas, followed by cloroficeas. Outside influences, like wind and rain were determinatives for the physical, chemical and biological processes in the lagoon.
Comunidade planctônica, Eutrofização, Lagoa do Taquaral, Liberação de fósforo, Taxa de sedimentação, Eutrophication, Phosphorus release, Sedimentation rate, Taquaral lagoon