Impacto da expansão da palma de óleo sobre o escoamento superficial e produção de sedimentos nas sub-bacias hidrográficas não monitoradas dos rios Bujaru e Mariquita no nordeste do estado do Pará, Amazônia Oriental
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Atualmente, uma atividade que se tornou estratégica a nível nacional é o cultivo de espécies oleaginosas para o mercado alimentício e energético, em especial o plantio da palma de óleo (dendê) na região nordeste do estado do Pará, na Amazônia oriental. Esta cultura, assim como tem apresentado benefícios, como fixação do homem no campo, recuperação de áreas degradadas e redução da perda de solo, também tem apresentado riscos de ordem social e ambiental, como possíveis expropriações de terras e aumento do desmatamento e empobrecimento da diversidade ecológica. Mas se conhece pouco ainda dos impactos da expansão dessa cultura sobre o balanço hídrico e processos erosivos. Por isso, este trabalho estimou os impactos da expansão da cultura da palma de óleo na dinâmica de mudança de uso e cobertura da terra, bem como no escoamento superficial e na produção de sedimentos. Para isto, aplicou-se o modelo hidrossedimentológico Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) e o modelo de dinâmica espacial Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small region extent (CLUES) sobre as sub-bacias não monitoradas dos rios Bujaru (SBRB) e Mariquita (SBRM), com calibração do SWAT realizada a partir da técnica de regionalização de vazão por regressão não linear e medições em campo com o molinete hidrométrico. A princípio, as equações de regressão se apresentaram eficientes nas estimativas de dados de vazão para as sub-bacias, fundamentadas no bom resultado da calibração e validação sobre as estações reais. Nas áreas de palma de óleo, o modelo foi capaz de estimar com bom grau de eficiência a evapotranspiração nestas Unidades de Resposta Hidrológica da SBRB (1089,2 mm) e da SBRM (1093,1 mm), em relação a literatura e medidas em torre de monitoramento micrometeorológico. O modelo CLUE-S foi capaz de integralizar as variáveis explanatórias com as demandas agregadas e as características de elasticidade com o objetivo de gerar cenários futuros de uso e cobertura da terra, bem como modelar a palma de óleo nas sub-bacias, identificando as variáveis biofísicas como as principais forçantes de mudança de uso e cobertura da terra. As estimativas de escoamento superficial e produção de sedimentos apontaram para uma redução na SBRB e um aumento na SBRM entre os cenários de 2008, 2013 e o cenário projetado com o CLUE-S para 2023 em especial por razão da grande variação das áreas de vegetação secundária. As áreas de Palma de Óleo tiveram menor escoamento superficial e produção de sedimentos médio mensal do período mais chuvoso em ambas sub-bacias e em todos os cenários em relação as áreas de Agricultura Geral e Pastagem. Os resultados também mostraram a boa capacidade do uso integrado dos modelos SWAT e CLUE-S na geração de dados que contribuem para a análise do impacto ambiental da expansão da palma de óleo na região nordeste do estado do Pará, sendo também importante para o planejamento e gestão ambiental rural em bacias hidrográficas não monitoradas na Amazônia Oriental, pois demonstra a eficiência do método em proporcionar o aumento dos conhecimentos do comportamento hidrológico destas bacias em relação a dinâmica espacial de uso e cobertura do solo.
Nowadays, oilseed production for food and energy has become a strategic activity at national level in Brazil, particularly oil palm crops located in the Northeast of Pará State, Eastern Amazon. Oil palm crops have shown benefits such as keeping farmers on the land, recovering degraded areas and reducing soil loss. Conversely, it may also increase social and environmental risks linked to land tenure instability and land expropriation, deforestation and biodiversity losses. In such context, there is still a lack of knowledge concerning the impacts of such crop on the local water balance and erosion processes. Thus, this research estimated the impacts of increasing oil palm crops on land use and land cover change dynamics, as well as on runoff and soil erosion processes. To do so, it was applied the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and the spatial explicit framework Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small region extent (CLUE-S) over two ungauged sub-basins of Bujaru (SBRB) and Mariquita (SBRM) rivers. SWAT calibration was done by the regionalization streamflow method that adopts nonlinear regression and field measurements using a current meter. Initially, regression equations were effective in streamflow data estimation for the subbasins, this was based on effective calibration and validation results upon real stations. In the oil palm crop areas, the SWAT modeling was able to successfully estimate evapotranspiration on both hydrologic response unit of SBRB (1089,2 mm) and SBRM (1093,1mm) when compared to the literature and measures in micrometeorological monitoring tower. When applying CLUE-S model it was capable to integrate explanatory variables to scenario demands and elasticity parameters determining land use/cover change. Such integration allowed modelling oil palm spatial-temporal dynamics in current and future scenario demands within the two sub-basins SBRB and SBRM, as well as the identification of biophysical variables as the core drivers of land use/cover change. Runoff and sediment yield pointed out towards a decline in SBRB and an increase in SBRM in the current scenario between 2008 and 2013, as well as in the future scenario modelled using CLUE-S land use/cover change maps for 2023, particularly because of a large variation in the dynamics of secondary vegetation between the two sub-basins. Oil palm areas had smaller monthly average runoff and sediment yield in the rainiest period in both sub-basins and in current and future scenarios regarding agriculture and pasture areas. The results also show a suitable capability of integration between SWAT and CLUE-S models when generating data that contribute to the analysis of environmental impact of oil palm expansion in the Northeast of Para State. Such contribution is also relevant to the rural environmental planning and management in ungauged river-basins in Eastern Amazon, since the results found here demonstrate the efficiency of the method in providing an improved knowledge of the hydrological behavior of these basins concerning land use and land cover changes dynamics.
Nowadays, oilseed production for food and energy has become a strategic activity at national level in Brazil, particularly oil palm crops located in the Northeast of Pará State, Eastern Amazon. Oil palm crops have shown benefits such as keeping farmers on the land, recovering degraded areas and reducing soil loss. Conversely, it may also increase social and environmental risks linked to land tenure instability and land expropriation, deforestation and biodiversity losses. In such context, there is still a lack of knowledge concerning the impacts of such crop on the local water balance and erosion processes. Thus, this research estimated the impacts of increasing oil palm crops on land use and land cover change dynamics, as well as on runoff and soil erosion processes. To do so, it was applied the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and the spatial explicit framework Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small region extent (CLUE-S) over two ungauged sub-basins of Bujaru (SBRB) and Mariquita (SBRM) rivers. SWAT calibration was done by the regionalization streamflow method that adopts nonlinear regression and field measurements using a current meter. Initially, regression equations were effective in streamflow data estimation for the subbasins, this was based on effective calibration and validation results upon real stations. In the oil palm crop areas, the SWAT modeling was able to successfully estimate evapotranspiration on both hydrologic response unit of SBRB (1089,2 mm) and SBRM (1093,1mm) when compared to the literature and measures in micrometeorological monitoring tower. When applying CLUE-S model it was capable to integrate explanatory variables to scenario demands and elasticity parameters determining land use/cover change. Such integration allowed modelling oil palm spatial-temporal dynamics in current and future scenario demands within the two sub-basins SBRB and SBRM, as well as the identification of biophysical variables as the core drivers of land use/cover change. Runoff and sediment yield pointed out towards a decline in SBRB and an increase in SBRM in the current scenario between 2008 and 2013, as well as in the future scenario modelled using CLUE-S land use/cover change maps for 2023, particularly because of a large variation in the dynamics of secondary vegetation between the two sub-basins. Oil palm areas had smaller monthly average runoff and sediment yield in the rainiest period in both sub-basins and in current and future scenarios regarding agriculture and pasture areas. The results also show a suitable capability of integration between SWAT and CLUE-S models when generating data that contribute to the analysis of environmental impact of oil palm expansion in the Northeast of Para State. Such contribution is also relevant to the rural environmental planning and management in ungauged river-basins in Eastern Amazon, since the results found here demonstrate the efficiency of the method in providing an improved knowledge of the hydrological behavior of these basins concerning land use and land cover changes dynamics.
Amazônia Oriental, Palma de óleo, Modelagem hidrossedimentológica, Modelagem dinâmica de mudança de uso e cobertura da terra, Bacias hidrográficas não monitoras, Land use and cover change modeling, Hydrossedimentological modeling, Eastern Amazon, Oil palm, Ungauged watersheds