Modelo de referência para a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas na área de utilidades domésticas no Brasil
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A inovação é um desafio cada vez mais importante e recorrente no nosso contexto econômico. A formação e operação de redes de inovação entre empresas constituem parte do esforço para enfrentar esse desafio. Esta pesquisa tem como propósito apresentar um modelo de referência para apoiar a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. A metodologia de pesquisa é composta de um estudo bibliográfico para a discussão dos principais constructos sobre redes de inovação e sistemas complexos, e de um estudo de caso múltiplo para a coleta de dados em campo. A análise e discussão do cruzamento entre as evidências teóricas e os dados práticos visa propor um modelo de referência para apoiar a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. O modelo de referência é desenvolvido com a metodologia Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD). O resultado da pesquisa contribui para ampliar a compreensão dos elementos envolvidos no processo de formação e operação de redes autoorganizadas. Espera-se dessa forma estender a aplicação da auto-organização, enquanto constructo teórico de sistemas complexos, para a área de redes de inovação.
Innovation is an increasingly important challenge and recurrent in our economic context. The formation and operation of innovation networks between companies are part of the effort to meet this challenge. This research is intented to provide a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The research methodology consists of a literature study for the discussion of the main constructs of innovation networks and complex systems, and a case study analysis with multiple units to collect field data. Analysis and discussion of the intersection between theoretical evidence and practical data aims to propose a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The reference model will be developed with the Enterprise Knowledge Development methodology (EKD). The search result helps to broaden the understanding of the elements involved in the formation and operation of self-organized networks. It is hoped in this way to extend the application of self-organization, while theoretical construct of complex systems, to the innovation networks area.
Innovation is an increasingly important challenge and recurrent in our economic context. The formation and operation of innovation networks between companies are part of the effort to meet this challenge. This research is intented to provide a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The research methodology consists of a literature study for the discussion of the main constructs of innovation networks and complex systems, and a case study analysis with multiple units to collect field data. Analysis and discussion of the intersection between theoretical evidence and practical data aims to propose a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The reference model will be developed with the Enterprise Knowledge Development methodology (EKD). The search result helps to broaden the understanding of the elements involved in the formation and operation of self-organized networks. It is hoped in this way to extend the application of self-organization, while theoretical construct of complex systems, to the innovation networks area.
Auto-organização, Redes de inovação, Redes de inovação auto-organizadas, Sistemas complexos, Complex systems, Innovation networks, Self-organization, Self-organizing innovation network