Estudo da reprodução do comportamento hidráulico de sistemas de abastecimento de água via redes neurais artificiais (RNAs)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento hidráulico de sistemas de abastecimento de água (SDAA), via redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Tendo em vista que o uso de um modelo de simulação hidráulica é inviável para operações em tempo real em SDAA devido à carga computacional que impõe, a abordagem adotada visa capturar o seu conhecimento de uma forma mais eficiente por meio de uma RNA de camada oculta única. Desta forma os conjuntos de dados provenientes de simulações hidráulicas realizadas utilizando o conhecido e consagrado software EPANET combinando diferentes situações e avaliando as variáveis que compõem os dois sistemas distintos, foram tabuladas e inseridas em forma de rotinas de programação desenvolvidas na plataforma do software Scilab. Os conjuntos de dados (entradas e saídas) utilizados para treinar a RNA, foram divididos em conjuntos de treino, validação cruzada e testes, aplicada a dois SDAAs distintos. O primeiro denominado Anytown modificado tratou de um sistema hipotético, cuja finalidade foi avaliar a metodologia e fundamentar o conhecimento. Posteriormente aplicou-se a metodologia em outro SDAA, real e mais complexo, utilizado na conferência de calibração WDSA Water Distribution System Analysis, realizada na cidade de Tucson, Arizona (EUA) entre os dias 12 e 15 de setembro de 2010. Desta maneira foram obtidos valores simulados de potência energética consumida no bombeamento, níveis de reservação e pressões, muito próximos dos valores reais para os dois SDAAs estudados, comprovando que as RNAs identificadas podem ser consideradas ferramentas eficientes na substituição dos modelos de simulação hidráulica convencionais.
The objective of this study was to analyze the hydraulic systems of water supply (WSS), using artificial neural networks (ANN). Since the use of a hydraulic simulation model is impractical for real-time operations due to the computational load WSS imposing, the approach aims to capture their knowledge more efficiently through a single hidden layer of RNA. Thus the data sets from hydraulic simulations conducted using the known and established software EPANET combining different situations and evaluating the variables that make up the two different systems were tabulated and entered in the form of programming routines developed in Scilab software platform. The data sets (inputs and outputs) used to train the ANN, were divided into training sets, cross validation and testing, applied to two distinct WSS. The first called Anytown modified dealt with a hypothetical system, whose purpose was to evaluate the methodology and knowledge base. Later the methodology was applied in another WSS, real and complex, used in the calibration WDSA conference Water Distribution System Analysis, held in Tucson, Arizona (USA) between 12 and 15 September 2010. Thus were obtained simulated values of the power energy consumed in pumping, pressures and reservation levels very close to actual values for the two WSS studied, proving that the identified ANN can be considered effective tools to replace in the conventional hydraulic simulation models.
The objective of this study was to analyze the hydraulic systems of water supply (WSS), using artificial neural networks (ANN). Since the use of a hydraulic simulation model is impractical for real-time operations due to the computational load WSS imposing, the approach aims to capture their knowledge more efficiently through a single hidden layer of RNA. Thus the data sets from hydraulic simulations conducted using the known and established software EPANET combining different situations and evaluating the variables that make up the two different systems were tabulated and entered in the form of programming routines developed in Scilab software platform. The data sets (inputs and outputs) used to train the ANN, were divided into training sets, cross validation and testing, applied to two distinct WSS. The first called Anytown modified dealt with a hypothetical system, whose purpose was to evaluate the methodology and knowledge base. Later the methodology was applied in another WSS, real and complex, used in the calibration WDSA conference Water Distribution System Analysis, held in Tucson, Arizona (USA) between 12 and 15 September 2010. Thus were obtained simulated values of the power energy consumed in pumping, pressures and reservation levels very close to actual values for the two WSS studied, proving that the identified ANN can be considered effective tools to replace in the conventional hydraulic simulation models.
Abastecimento de água, Engenharia hidráulica, Redes neurais, Hydraulic engineering, Neural network, Water supply