Estudo do impacto de veículos pesados sobre a infra-estrutura rodoviária através de simulação microscópica de tráfego
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver um método para estabelecer o efeito das características e da operação dos veículos pesados sobre a infra-estrutura rodoviária através do uso de resultados de simulação microscópica de tráfego. Para tanto, foram definidos dois objetivos secundários. O primeiro deles envolveu a obtenção de um banco de dados detalhado sobre as características de 6.253 veículos pesados. Esses dados foram coletados em sete balanças localizadas em rodovias de pista dupla do estado de São Paulo. O segundo objetivo secundário consistiu na calibração e validação do simulador de tráfego CORSIM com o auxílio de um algoritmo genético, que adaptou simultaneamente 19 parâmetros do simulador para que ele reproduzisse adequadamente as características e o comportamento do tráfego observado em um trecho de rodovia de pista dupla paulista. A metodologia desenvolvida é demonstrada através da realização de um estudo de caso em que foram simulados dois cenários de tráfego e em que foi considerada uma ponte hipotética com 100 m de extensão. Nele, foram determinadas as probabilidades de ocorrências simultâneas dos veículos pesados sobre a ponte. As conclusões da pesquisa indicam que o método de calibração de simuladores de tráfego com uso de um algoritmo genético mostrou-se eficaz, reduzindo o erro médio de 9,11% para 6,32%. Além disso, as conclusões revelam que a obtenção de um carregamento móvel a partir de dados extraídos de um simulador de tráfego é possível e que a associação dos dados simulados a um banco de dados detalhado permite o cálculo do efeito do tráfego dos veículos pesados sobre a infra-estrutura rodoviária. Do estudo de caso, pode-se concluir que: (1) a probabilidade de ocorrência simultânea de veículos pesados sobre a ponte é muito freqüente e está diretamente relacionada às características do fluxo de tráfego e; (2) a distribuição das cargas e seus respectivos valores são fatores determinantes para o cálculo dos esforços. Os resultados do estudo de caso demonstram a viabilidade do procedimento proposto.
The objective of this research was to develop a method for establishing the effect of heavy vehicles characteristics and operation on highway infra-structure by using the results of a microscopic traffic simulation model. Therefore, two secondary objectives were defined. The first of them involved the attainment of a detailed database containing the characteristics of 6,253 heavy vehicles. This data was collected at seven weight stations located on the state of São Paulo multilane highways. The other secondary objective was to calibrate and validate CORSIM by using a genetic algorithm, which simultaneously adapted 19 model parameters in order to appropriately reproduce the characteristics and the behavior of the observed traffic flow. The developed methodology is demonstrated through a case study in which two traffic scenarios were simulated and in which a hypothetic 100 m bridge was considered. In the case study, the probabilities of simultaneous presence of heavy vehicles on the bridge were determined. The conclusions of this research indicate that the method of calibrating a traffic simulation model utilizing a genetic algorithm was efficient, reducing the mean error from 9.11% to 6.32%. Additionally, the conclusions reveal that the attainment of a live load from extracted data through a traffic simulation model is possible and that the association of simulated data with a detailed database allows the estimation of heavy vehicle traffic effect on highway infra-structure. From the case study, it can be concluded that: (1) the probability of simultaneous presence of heavy vehicles on the bridge is very frequent and; (2) the loads distribution and its respective values are determinant in calculating efforts. The case study results demonstrate the proposed procedure viability.
The objective of this research was to develop a method for establishing the effect of heavy vehicles characteristics and operation on highway infra-structure by using the results of a microscopic traffic simulation model. Therefore, two secondary objectives were defined. The first of them involved the attainment of a detailed database containing the characteristics of 6,253 heavy vehicles. This data was collected at seven weight stations located on the state of São Paulo multilane highways. The other secondary objective was to calibrate and validate CORSIM by using a genetic algorithm, which simultaneously adapted 19 model parameters in order to appropriately reproduce the characteristics and the behavior of the observed traffic flow. The developed methodology is demonstrated through a case study in which two traffic scenarios were simulated and in which a hypothetic 100 m bridge was considered. In the case study, the probabilities of simultaneous presence of heavy vehicles on the bridge were determined. The conclusions of this research indicate that the method of calibrating a traffic simulation model utilizing a genetic algorithm was efficient, reducing the mean error from 9.11% to 6.32%. Additionally, the conclusions reveal that the attainment of a live load from extracted data through a traffic simulation model is possible and that the association of simulated data with a detailed database allows the estimation of heavy vehicle traffic effect on highway infra-structure. From the case study, it can be concluded that: (1) the probability of simultaneous presence of heavy vehicles on the bridge is very frequent and; (2) the loads distribution and its respective values are determinant in calculating efforts. The case study results demonstrate the proposed procedure viability.
Algoritmo genético, Simulação de tráfego, Veículos pesados, Cargas móveis em pontes, Calibração, Genetic algorithm, Calibration, Live load on bridges, Traffic simulation, Heavy vehicles