Orientação estratégica e desempenho organizacional na pequena empresa: uma análise do setor metal-mecânico
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a relação entre as orientações estratégicas de Miles e Snow (1978) com o desempenho organizacional nas pequenas empresas à luz de suas especificidades. O atual contexto econômico é marcado essencialmente pelo acirramento da competição entre as empresas. Neste ambiente dinâmico é fundamental que as empresas consigam formular e implementar estratégias que lhes confiram uma vantagem competitiva sobre seus concorrentes e, assim, maximizar seu desempenho. Apesar dessa importância, poucos estudos têm se dedicado a discutir os antecedentes da estratégica, especialmente a orientação estratégica seguida por uma firma e sua ligação com o desempenho da firma, sobretudo quando considerado o universo específico das pequenas empresas, o qual se mostra distinto do das grandes organizações. Através de um questionário aplicado em 35 empresas do setor metal mecânico dados foram coletados e analisados empiricamente utilizando técnicas estatísticas de análise de variância e teste de Fischer. A principal contribuição do trabalho é mostrar que em pequenas empresas a orientação estratégica seguida por uma firma, isoladamente, não tem relação direta com o desempenho organizacional, evidenciando que nestas empresas outros fatores além da orientação estratégica devem ser considerados ao analisar o desempenho organizacional.
The current economic context is marked primarily by stronger competition among enterprises. In this dynamic environment is vital for the companies be able to formulate and implement strategies that give them a competitive advantage over their competitors and, therefore, maximize their performance. Despite this importance, few studies have been devoted to discuss the background of the strategy and its connection with the firm\'s performance, particularly the strategic orientation followed by a firm and its connection with firm\'s performance, especially when considering the specific universe of small businesses. Thus, this study aims to analyze how the relationship between the strategic orientation and organizational performance occurs in small businesses. Throughout a questionnaire applied in 35 companies in the metal mechanic sector, data were collected and later analyzed empirically utilizing ANOVA and Fischer test. The main contribution of this work is to show that for small businesses the strategic orientation followed by a firm is not directly related to organizational performance, showing that for those kinds of companies other factors besides the strategic orientation should be considered when analyzing organizational performance.
The current economic context is marked primarily by stronger competition among enterprises. In this dynamic environment is vital for the companies be able to formulate and implement strategies that give them a competitive advantage over their competitors and, therefore, maximize their performance. Despite this importance, few studies have been devoted to discuss the background of the strategy and its connection with the firm\'s performance, particularly the strategic orientation followed by a firm and its connection with firm\'s performance, especially when considering the specific universe of small businesses. Thus, this study aims to analyze how the relationship between the strategic orientation and organizational performance occurs in small businesses. Throughout a questionnaire applied in 35 companies in the metal mechanic sector, data were collected and later analyzed empirically utilizing ANOVA and Fischer test. The main contribution of this work is to show that for small businesses the strategic orientation followed by a firm is not directly related to organizational performance, showing that for those kinds of companies other factors besides the strategic orientation should be considered when analyzing organizational performance.
Desempenho da pequena empresa, Orientação estratégica, Pequena empresa, Small business, Small business performance, Strategic orientation