Influência da estratégia de alimentação no desempenho do reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial contendo biomassa imobilizada
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Submeteu-se um reator anaeróbio operado em batelada seqüencial a diferentes tempos de enchimento, com o objetivo de verificar-se o desempenho do sistema. O reator, construído em acrílico e com capacidade de 6,3 L, tratou por ciclo um volume de 2,5 L de esgoto sintético com concentração de aproximadamente 500 mgDQO/L. O sistema foi operado à temperatura de 30 graus mais ou menos 1, com duração de 8 h para cada ciclo (tC) e agitação de 500 rpm implementada mecanicamente. Cubos de espuma de poliuretano foram usados como suporte para imobilização da biomassa. No início de cada ciclo, o reator foi carregado com 60 % do volume do esgoto; o restante foi preenchido durante tempos de enchimento (tF) que caracterizaram as diferentes estratégias de alimentação. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que para razões tF/tC <= 0,5 o sistema alcança médias de remoção de matéria orgânica acima de 75 % e 70% para amostras filtradas e não filtradas, respectivamente. Nos ensaios em que tF/tC > 0,5, registrou-se perda na eficiência e formação de polímeros extracelulares, apesar da estabilidade observada. O estudo contribuiu para o melhor entendimento do sistema e definição de técnicas de operação em futuras aplicações.
An anaerobic sequencing batch reactor was operated at different fill times with the objective to asses system performance. The reactor, made of plexiglas and with a capacity of 6.3 L, treated per cycle 2.5 L of synthetic wastewater with a concentration of nearly 500 mgCOD/L. The system was operated at a temperature of 30oC, with 8-h cycles (tC) and mechanical agitation rate of 500 rpm. Cubic particles of polyurethane foam were used as support material for anaerobic biomass immobilization. At the start of each cycle, the reactor was fed with 60 % of the wastewater volume, the remainder was filled at different feeding times (tF) that characterized the different feeding strategies. The results obtained showed that for a ratio of tF/tC <= 0.5 the system attained average filtered and non-filtered substrate removal efficiency of 75 % and 70 %, respectively. Ratios of tF/tC > 0.5, resulted in loss in efficiency and formation of extra cellular polymers, in spite of system stability. The study contributed to a better understanding of the system and definition of operational techniques for future applications.
An anaerobic sequencing batch reactor was operated at different fill times with the objective to asses system performance. The reactor, made of plexiglas and with a capacity of 6.3 L, treated per cycle 2.5 L of synthetic wastewater with a concentration of nearly 500 mgCOD/L. The system was operated at a temperature of 30oC, with 8-h cycles (tC) and mechanical agitation rate of 500 rpm. Cubic particles of polyurethane foam were used as support material for anaerobic biomass immobilization. At the start of each cycle, the reactor was fed with 60 % of the wastewater volume, the remainder was filled at different feeding times (tF) that characterized the different feeding strategies. The results obtained showed that for a ratio of tF/tC <= 0.5 the system attained average filtered and non-filtered substrate removal efficiency of 75 % and 70 %, respectively. Ratios of tF/tC > 0.5, resulted in loss in efficiency and formation of extra cellular polymers, in spite of system stability. The study contributed to a better understanding of the system and definition of operational techniques for future applications.
tratamento anaeróbio, ASBR, biomassa imobilizada, estratégia de alimentação, reator operado em batelada seqüencial, sequencing batch reactor, immobilized biomass, feeding strategy, ASBR, anaerobic treatment