Mapeamento geotécnico como base para o planejamento urbano e ambiental: município de Jaú/SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho discute os resultados de pesquisa direcionada à elaboração de mapa geotécnico do perímetro urbano e de sua área de expansão no município de Jaú (SP). O método de mapeamento aplicado baseia-se na utilização de geofatores para a classificação das áreas quanto ao grau de restrição à ocupação urbana, conforme proposto originalmente por Matula (1976). Os mapas produzidos foram classificados em 1ª, 2ª, 3ª e 4ª ordens conforme sugerido por Mathewson & Font (1974). Em todo o trabalho fez-se uso de sistema de informações geográficas - SIG como ferramenta básica para o armazenamento e análise dos dados de interesse, e a produção dos mapas. A pesquisa insere-se no aprimoramento das técnicas e métodos para fornecer os subsídios do meio físico para os instrumentos de planejamento urbano e municipal, e em particular, os planos diretores. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos na escala principal de trabalho de 1:10.000.
The paper discusses the results of a research focusing on the elaboration of engineering geological map comprising the urban perimeter and its expansion area in the Jaú city, located at São Paulo state, Brazil. The mapping method is based on the utilization of the geofactors to classify the restriction degree for urban occupation, such as originally proposed by Matula (1976). The produced maps had been classified in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th orders suggested by Mathewson & Font (1974). Geographic information system GIS was employed to store to analyze the concerned data and to produce the maps in all the stages of the work. The research aims to improve the techniques and the methods to supply inputs related to physical environment to the urban and municipal planning instruments detaching the managing plans. The studies are being carried out at the main scale of 1:10.000.
The paper discusses the results of a research focusing on the elaboration of engineering geological map comprising the urban perimeter and its expansion area in the Jaú city, located at São Paulo state, Brazil. The mapping method is based on the utilization of the geofactors to classify the restriction degree for urban occupation, such as originally proposed by Matula (1976). The produced maps had been classified in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th orders suggested by Mathewson & Font (1974). Geographic information system GIS was employed to store to analyze the concerned data and to produce the maps in all the stages of the work. The research aims to improve the techniques and the methods to supply inputs related to physical environment to the urban and municipal planning instruments detaching the managing plans. The studies are being carried out at the main scale of 1:10.000.
Jaú (SP), Mapeamento geotécnico, Planejamento urbano, SIG, Engineering geological mapping, GIS, Jaú (SP), Urban planning