Critérios para projeto de edifícios com paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A demanda por construções habitacionais vem crescendo de forma considerável nos últimos anos, devido à boa fase da economia brasileira. A busca por processos construtivos que contribuam para melhor qualidade e eficiência no processo de produção é uma meta que tem sido perseguida por aqueles que militam na construção civil. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em apresentar critérios para projeto de paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado, como alternativa de sistema construtivo para edifícios. São apresentados conceitos teóricos para distribuição de esforços horizontais e verticais entre as paredes e para dimensionamento dos elementos estruturais desse sistema construtivo (paredes e juntas). O trabalho também considera a análise de um edifício, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência das juntas verticais nos deslocamentos horizontais dos pavimentos, causados pelo vento. É apresentada, ainda, uma comparação entre os resultados de três modelos numéricos, em que cada um considera a junta vertical de forma diferente. Os modelos numéricos foram elaborados no programa SAP2000, admitindo-se uma análise elástica linear, sem considerar a interação solo-estrutura. Por fim são mostrados exemplos para dimensionamento de paredes portantes e de juntas verticais e horizontais. Portanto este trabalho apresenta conceitos teóricos e aplicações de critérios para projeto de estruturas de paredes portantes pré-moldadas, ressaltando a importância de juntas verticais resistentes ao cisalhamento, por conta da contribuição significativa dessas juntas na redução dos deslocamentos horizontais do edifício.
The demand for housing has been growing considerably in recent years due to the good moment of the Brazilian economy. The search for constructive processes that contribute towards better quality and efficiency in a production process is a target that has been pursued by those who militate in civil construction. The purpose of this work is to provide design criteria for loadbearing walls of precast concrete as a construction system alternative for buildings. Theoretical concepts are presented for horizontal and vertical load distribution among the walls and for the structural members design of this construction system (walls and joints). The work also considers the analysis of a building with the aim of evaluating the influence of vertical joints in horizontal displacements of the floors caused by wind. The work also presents a comparison among the results of three numerical models, wherein each one considers the vertical joint differently. The numerical models were developed in SAP2000 software, assuming a linear elastic analysis without considering the soil-structure interaction. Finally examples are shown for design of loadbearing walls and vertical and horizontal joints. Therefore this paper presents theoretical concepts and applications of criteria for the design of loadbearing precast walls structures, emphasizing the importance of vertical joints resistant to shear, due to the significant contribution of these joints in reducing the horizontal displacements of the building.
The demand for housing has been growing considerably in recent years due to the good moment of the Brazilian economy. The search for constructive processes that contribute towards better quality and efficiency in a production process is a target that has been pursued by those who militate in civil construction. The purpose of this work is to provide design criteria for loadbearing walls of precast concrete as a construction system alternative for buildings. Theoretical concepts are presented for horizontal and vertical load distribution among the walls and for the structural members design of this construction system (walls and joints). The work also considers the analysis of a building with the aim of evaluating the influence of vertical joints in horizontal displacements of the floors caused by wind. The work also presents a comparison among the results of three numerical models, wherein each one considers the vertical joint differently. The numerical models were developed in SAP2000 software, assuming a linear elastic analysis without considering the soil-structure interaction. Finally examples are shown for design of loadbearing walls and vertical and horizontal joints. Therefore this paper presents theoretical concepts and applications of criteria for the design of loadbearing precast walls structures, emphasizing the importance of vertical joints resistant to shear, due to the significant contribution of these joints in reducing the horizontal displacements of the building.
Concreto pré-moldado, Paredes portantes, Critérios para projeto, Edifícios, Juntas, Buildings, Loadbearing wall, Joints, Criteria for project, Precast concrete