Obtenção e caracterização filogenética de consórcio de bactérias púrpuras não-sulforosas consumidoras de ácidos orgânicos visando a produção de hidrogênio em reator anaeróbio de batelada
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo deste trabalho foi enriquecer consórcio microbiano a partir de mistura de lodo granular de digestor anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente sob condições fototróficas anoxigênicas. Por meio de técnica de biologia molecular foi possível identificar 17 unidades taxonômicas operacionais (UTO) no consórcio microbiano, dentre as quais seqüências similares a Rhodobacter, gênero amplamente citado nos estudos de produção de gás hidrogênio por bactérias fototróficas. Exames microscópicos do consórcio fototrófico indicaram predomínio de bacilos Gram-negativos. Ensaios sob condições fototróficas foram realizados com dois meios de cultivo (RCVB e FANG) e os seguintes substratos orgânicos: ácido acético, butírico, cítrico, lático e málico, empregados como fonte de carbono, tanto para o crescimento celular, como para a produção do gás hidrogênio. A relação C/N inicial foi 30/4 e posteriormente 15/2, com o objetivo de favorecer o crescimento celular e a produção do \'H IND.2\'. A concentração dos substratos foi determinada de forma com que essa relação se mantivesse a mesma. O crescimento celular e consumo dos ácidos orgânicos foram similares para os dois meios de cultivo empregados. Entretanto, a produção do gás hidrogênio foi maior nos ensaios com o meio FANG. Dentre os substratos utilizados o consumo dos ácidos cítrico e málico foram os maiores (~100%), para concentrações iniciais de 3,3 g/L e 2,6 g/L, respectivamente. O menor consumo 25% foi observado em meio RCVB e ácido acético (2,5 g/L). O crescimento da biomassa variou de 0,06 g/L a 1,1 g/L, enquanto que a velocidade máxima específica de crescimento variou de 0,4 a 0,2 g SSV/L.d entre os substratos utilizados. A menor e maior concentração de hidrogênio foram de 8,5 e 22 mmol \'H IND.2\'/L, para os reatores alimentados com ácido lático e málico em meio FANG, respectivamente. Pôde-se concluir que o consórcio fototrófico enriquecido foi capaz de utilizar os ácidos orgânicos para produção do gás hidrogênio.
The aim of this work was enrich a mixture of granular sludge of an up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) under anoxygenic phototrophic conditions. The techniques of molecular biology identified 17 operational taxonomic units (UTO) in the microbial consortium among the sequences analised, which were similar to Rhodobacter, genus widely cited in studies of hydrogen gas production by phototrophic bacteria. Microscopic examinations of the phototrophic consortium showed predominance of Gram-negative bacilli. Tests were conducted under phototrophic conditions with two culture media (RCVB and FANG) and the following organic substrates: acetic, butyric, citric, lactic and malic acids that were used as carbon source for both cell growth and for the hydrogen gas production. The carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) in the preliminaries tests was 30/4 and then it was changed to15/2 in order to improve the cell growth and hydrogen production. The concentration of substrates was determined for remain the same carbon/nitrogen ratio among the substrates. The cell growth and consumption of organic acids were similar for the two culture media used. However, the production of hydrogen gas was higher in trials with the medium FANG. Among the substrates used, the consumption of malic and citric acids were the highest (~100%) for initial concentrations of 3.3 g/L and 2.6 g/L, respectively. The shortest consumption (25%) was observed for the cells that grew on acetic acid, 2.5 g/L in RCVB culture medium. The growth of the biomass varied from 0.06 g/L to 1.1 g/L, whereas the maximum specific growth rate ranged from 0.4 to 0.2 g VSS/L.d between the substrates used. The lowest and highest concentrations of hydrogen were 8.5 and 22 mmol \'H IND.2\'/L for the reactor fed with lactic acid and malic acid in FANG\'s medium, respectively. It was concluded that the phototrophic consortium was able to use those organic acids for the production of hydrogen gas.
The aim of this work was enrich a mixture of granular sludge of an up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) under anoxygenic phototrophic conditions. The techniques of molecular biology identified 17 operational taxonomic units (UTO) in the microbial consortium among the sequences analised, which were similar to Rhodobacter, genus widely cited in studies of hydrogen gas production by phototrophic bacteria. Microscopic examinations of the phototrophic consortium showed predominance of Gram-negative bacilli. Tests were conducted under phototrophic conditions with two culture media (RCVB and FANG) and the following organic substrates: acetic, butyric, citric, lactic and malic acids that were used as carbon source for both cell growth and for the hydrogen gas production. The carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) in the preliminaries tests was 30/4 and then it was changed to15/2 in order to improve the cell growth and hydrogen production. The concentration of substrates was determined for remain the same carbon/nitrogen ratio among the substrates. The cell growth and consumption of organic acids were similar for the two culture media used. However, the production of hydrogen gas was higher in trials with the medium FANG. Among the substrates used, the consumption of malic and citric acids were the highest (~100%) for initial concentrations of 3.3 g/L and 2.6 g/L, respectively. The shortest consumption (25%) was observed for the cells that grew on acetic acid, 2.5 g/L in RCVB culture medium. The growth of the biomass varied from 0.06 g/L to 1.1 g/L, whereas the maximum specific growth rate ranged from 0.4 to 0.2 g VSS/L.d between the substrates used. The lowest and highest concentrations of hydrogen were 8.5 and 22 mmol \'H IND.2\'/L for the reactor fed with lactic acid and malic acid in FANG\'s medium, respectively. It was concluded that the phototrophic consortium was able to use those organic acids for the production of hydrogen gas.
Sequenciamento do gene RNAr 16S, Ácidos orgânicos, Bactérias fototróficas púrpuras não-sulfurosas, Filogenia, Gás hidrogênio, Phylogeny, Phototrophic purple non-sulfur bacteria, Organic acids, Hydrogen gas, 16S rRNA gene sequencing