Contribuição ao estudo da estabilidade de edifícios de andares múltiplos em aço
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise comparativa de diferentes sistemas estruturais para um edifício de 20 pavimentos. Cada um dos modelos foi dimensionado através dos princípios do método da análise direta, presente na ABNT NBR 8800:2008. O método da amplificação dos esforços solicitantes (MAES) foi usado para se obter de forma simplificada os esforços atuantes nos elementos do edifício considerando os efeitos locais e globais de segunda ordem. A incidência do vento foi simulada de duas formas diferentes. Na primeira, chamada de uniforme, o vento foi aplicado sem excentricidade, gerando apenas o efeito de tombamento nas estruturas. Na segunda hipótese, considerou-se uma excentricidade devida aos efeitos de vizinhança, prescrita pela ABNT NBR 6123:1988, responsável por ocasionar o tombamento e a torção dos edifícios. Todas as análises numéricas foram repetidas fazendo o uso de outro método simplificado de segunda ordem, conhecido como P-Delta. Por meio dos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que a possibilidade de se reduzir a sobrecarga para o dimensionamento de pilares proporciona uma economia de material, mas, por outro lado, tem como consequência o aumento do tempo de análise, pois exige a utilização de diferentes combinações de cálculo para o dimensionamento de vigas e pilares. A estratégia utilizada para simular os efeitos de vizinhança mostrou-se satisfatória, pois permitiu introduzir de maneira fácil e prática a torção ocasionada pela incidência excêntrica do vento. Observou-se também que esses efeitos ocasionaram o aumento dos momentos fletores e dos deslocamentos das estruturas analisadas. Em relação à avaliação dos efeitos de segunda ordem, comprovou-se que, para a classificação da deslocabilidade, a combinação de cálculo crítica é aquela que possui o maior carregamento gravitacional. Entretanto, para o dimensionamento dos elementos, foi constatado que outras hipóteses de cálculo, principalmente aquelas em que o vento é a ação variável principal, podem ser determinantes. Por fim, foi observado que os resultados obtidos pelo método P-Delta ficaram bastante semelhantes àqueles calculados pelo MAES, com desvios desprezíveis. O MAES, por sua vez, mostrou-se bastante trabalhoso, pois exige a modelagem de diferentes tipos de estruturas para a determinação dos esforços.
This work presents a comparative analysis of different structural systems for a 20-storey building. Each model has been designed using the principles of the direct analysis method (DAM), present in the ABNT NBR 8800:2008. The first-order amplification method (FOAM) was used to obtain, in a simplified manner, the forces acting on the building elements, including local and global second-order effects. The incidence of the wind was simulated in two different ways. In the first case, named uniform, the wind was applied without eccentricity, generating only structure overturning. In the second case, it was considered an eccentricity due to vicinity effects, prescribed by the ABNT NBR 6123:1988, responsible for causing twisting and building overturning. All numerical analysis were carried out a simplified second-order method known as P-Delta. From the results obtained it was found that the reduction of live loads in the design of columns provides material economy, but on the other hand, increases analysis time, since it requires different combinations for beams and columns. The strategy used to simulate the vicinity effects was satisfactory, because it allowed, in an easy and practical way, the consideration of the torsion produced by the wind eccentric impact. It was also observed that these effects increased the bending moments and the displacements of the structures. About the second-order effects, it was shown that, for sway or non-sway classification, the critical combination is one with greatest gravitational loading. However, for the design of the elements, it was observed that other loading conditions can be critical, especially those in which the wind is the main live load. Finally, the results obtained by the P-Delta method were very similar to those calculated by the first-order amplification method. The FOAM was, in turn, very laborious, because it requires the modeling of different types of structures for the determination of the forces.
This work presents a comparative analysis of different structural systems for a 20-storey building. Each model has been designed using the principles of the direct analysis method (DAM), present in the ABNT NBR 8800:2008. The first-order amplification method (FOAM) was used to obtain, in a simplified manner, the forces acting on the building elements, including local and global second-order effects. The incidence of the wind was simulated in two different ways. In the first case, named uniform, the wind was applied without eccentricity, generating only structure overturning. In the second case, it was considered an eccentricity due to vicinity effects, prescribed by the ABNT NBR 6123:1988, responsible for causing twisting and building overturning. All numerical analysis were carried out a simplified second-order method known as P-Delta. From the results obtained it was found that the reduction of live loads in the design of columns provides material economy, but on the other hand, increases analysis time, since it requires different combinations for beams and columns. The strategy used to simulate the vicinity effects was satisfactory, because it allowed, in an easy and practical way, the consideration of the torsion produced by the wind eccentric impact. It was also observed that these effects increased the bending moments and the displacements of the structures. About the second-order effects, it was shown that, for sway or non-sway classification, the critical combination is one with greatest gravitational loading. However, for the design of the elements, it was observed that other loading conditions can be critical, especially those in which the wind is the main live load. Finally, the results obtained by the P-Delta method were very similar to those calculated by the first-order amplification method. The FOAM was, in turn, very laborious, because it requires the modeling of different types of structures for the determination of the forces.
Análise de segunda ordem, Sistemas estruturais, Vigas mistas, Método P-Delta, Método da análise direta, Estabilidade estrutural, Efeitos de vizinhança, Edifícios em aço, Vicinity effects, Structural systems, Structural stability, Steel buildings, Composite beams, Second-order analysis, Direct analysis method, P-Delta method