Arquitetura escolar inclusiva: construindo espaço para educação infantil
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho trata da adequação do espaço para a escola infantil como um dos requisitos básicos para a inclusão da criança com necessidade especial. A pesquisa foi direcionada para as necessidades especiais físicas e visuais pois são as que demandam maiores adequações no espaço físico. O objetivo é o de lançar diretrizes de projeto arquitetônico para escolas de educação infantil, tornando esses espaços adequados às crianças com necessidades físicas e visuais. Desta forma, as crianças terão mais autonomia para vivenciar o espaço escolar e terão melhores condições de aprendizagem. O ambiente escolar deve oferecer espaços seguros, acessíveis e compatíveis com a metodologia pedagógica. Foi realizada uma pesquisa junto às escolas de educação infantil na cidade de São Carlos que atendiam em 2006, crianças com necessidades especiais, para detectar os problemas espaciais nos ambientes escolares infantis. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados vários procedimentos: entrevistas com diretores, aplicação de questionários aos pais e professores, realização de desenhos temáticos pelos alunos, fotografias e vistorias técnicas. Com base nos resultados da coleta de dados e levantamento bibliográfico, no final são apresentadas diretrizes de projeto arquitetônico. Tais diretrizes têm como objetivo tornar adequados os edifícios escolares destinados à educação infantil, otimizando o desempenho das crianças, principalmente das que apresentam necessidades especiais.
This work deals with adapting pre-school environments as one of the basic requirements to include children with special needs. The research was conducted for special physical and visual needs as they require more adaptations in a physical environment. The aim is to set guidelines of the architectural project for pre-schools making these environments suitable for children with physical and visual needs. Taking this into account, children will be more autonomous to experience the school environment, as well as have better learning conditions. The school environment should offer safe and accessible spaces which are compatible with the educational methodology. Research was carried out in pre-schools in the city of São Carlos attending children with special needs in 2006 to detect spatial problems in pre-school environments. In order to collect the data, various procedures were used: interviews with directors, asking parents and teachers to fill in questionnaires, asking the pupils to draw pictures of various themes, photographs and technical inspections. Based on the results from the data collection and literature review, at the end of the work guidelines of the architectural project are presented. The aim of these guidelines is to adapt pre-school buildings optimizing the performance of the children, mainly of those who have special needs.
This work deals with adapting pre-school environments as one of the basic requirements to include children with special needs. The research was conducted for special physical and visual needs as they require more adaptations in a physical environment. The aim is to set guidelines of the architectural project for pre-schools making these environments suitable for children with physical and visual needs. Taking this into account, children will be more autonomous to experience the school environment, as well as have better learning conditions. The school environment should offer safe and accessible spaces which are compatible with the educational methodology. Research was carried out in pre-schools in the city of São Carlos attending children with special needs in 2006 to detect spatial problems in pre-school environments. In order to collect the data, various procedures were used: interviews with directors, asking parents and teachers to fill in questionnaires, asking the pupils to draw pictures of various themes, photographs and technical inspections. Based on the results from the data collection and literature review, at the end of the work guidelines of the architectural project are presented. The aim of these guidelines is to adapt pre-school buildings optimizing the performance of the children, mainly of those who have special needs.
Ergonomia, Acessibilidade, Arquitetura escolar, Diretrizes de projeto, Educação infantil, Inclusão infantil, Pre-school and child inclusion, Guidelines of the project, Ergonomy, Accessibility, School architecture