Calibração indireta de máquina de medir por coordenadas utilizando esquadro mecânico de esferas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Com o crescimento industrial e tecnológico nas últimas décadas, as indústrias passaram a oferecer produtos customizados, ou seja, desenvolvidos com tolerâncias geométricas cada vez mais apertadas e geometrias cada vez mais complexas. Com isso, as máquinas de medir por coordenadas (MMC) vêm tornando-se instrumentos essenciais no ambiente industrial. A MMC é extremamente versátil o que possibilita a medição das mais diversas características geométricas e dimensionais. Padrões para calibração de MMC foram sugeridos e colocados em uso através dos anos, com a finalidade de utilizá-los em testes de aceitação e verificação periódica dos erros e da incerteza de medição de MMC. Novos artefatos para a calibração indireta de MMC visam melhorar os procedimentos de calibração para uso em sistemas de compensação de erros. Diante do exposto acima, este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um procedimento de calibração indireta de MMC com o esquadro de esferas aliado a um modelo reduzido de sintetização de erros (MRSE) para uso em um Sistema de Compensação de Erros. O procedimento possibilita maior rapidez na obtenção dos valores e comportamentos dos erros quando comparado com outros procedimentos de calibração indireta. O procedimento proposto tem como vantagem o uso de um esquadro de esferas para medir todos os termos das equações das componentes do erro volumétrico, nas direções X, Y e Z de uma MMC.
With the technological and industrial growth in recent decades, the industries began to offer customized products, that is, products that fit individual specifications and often present increasingly tight tolerances and increasingly complex geometries. Therefore, the coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) have become an essential tool in the industrial environment. The CMM is very versatile since it allows the measurement of several geometric and dimensional features at once. Different standards for the calibration of CMMs were suggested and put into use through the years. This type of standard is traditionally used in acceptance tests and periodic verifications of the CMMs and in the evaluation of measurement uncertainties. New artifacts for indirect calibration of CMMs are proposed to allow the development of better procedures of error evaluation and compensation. Considering the above, this work aims to develop a procedure for indirect calibration of CMMs using a mechanical ball square combined with a reduced model of synthesis of Errors (MRSE). As a result, a compensation system for CMM errors is obtained. The procedure allows a faster evaluation of the values and behaviors of errors when compared with other indirect calibration procedures. Additionally, the proposed procedure has the advantage of using a single artifact to measure all the components of the volumetric error in the directions X, Y and Z of a CMM.
With the technological and industrial growth in recent decades, the industries began to offer customized products, that is, products that fit individual specifications and often present increasingly tight tolerances and increasingly complex geometries. Therefore, the coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) have become an essential tool in the industrial environment. The CMM is very versatile since it allows the measurement of several geometric and dimensional features at once. Different standards for the calibration of CMMs were suggested and put into use through the years. This type of standard is traditionally used in acceptance tests and periodic verifications of the CMMs and in the evaluation of measurement uncertainties. New artifacts for indirect calibration of CMMs are proposed to allow the development of better procedures of error evaluation and compensation. Considering the above, this work aims to develop a procedure for indirect calibration of CMMs using a mechanical ball square combined with a reduced model of synthesis of Errors (MRSE). As a result, a compensation system for CMM errors is obtained. The procedure allows a faster evaluation of the values and behaviors of errors when compared with other indirect calibration procedures. Additionally, the proposed procedure has the advantage of using a single artifact to measure all the components of the volumetric error in the directions X, Y and Z of a CMM.
Calibração indireta de erros, Esquadro mecânico de esferas, Máquina de medir por coordenadas, Coordinate measuring machine, Indirect error calibration, Mechanical ball square